Tuesday, December 11, 2007

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Santa Severina: a pearl of hope

Il mio paese natale si chiama Santa Severina . E'un piccolo borgo situato tra le montagne della Sila e il Mar Ionio , in Calabria . E' ritenuto one of the hundred most beautiful villages in Italy. It is a mixture of cultures and Monum nts.

stand out in particular the splendid monuments Normans and Byzantines . I invite you
Blog Dia fragments microtones to read the post I wrote about this pearl of Southern Italy. I hope you will take a thought to visit and spend some happy days between nature and culture.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Position Of Whipple's Procedure

Working Die

"Today a very serious incident. One of my co-worker died while working, six others are serious. What a life of shit. "

It 's the text of a text message sent to me by an employee, my dear friend, the Thyssenkrupp.
In these words is contained the state of mind than just a sad and helpless worker, head of the family, who sees a colleague die innocent.

While Berlusconi fights with Casini, Fini becomes dad, Veltroni and his Democratic Party plot inciucci, Bertinotti fa la marionetta e i sindacati preparano scioperi inutili, la gente muore.
E muore addirittura un operaio della Thyssenkrupp che non solo licenzia, chiudendo lo stabilimento di Torino, ma semina morte senza pudore.
Ma chissa perchè i tg la danno come terza notizia.
Stavolta è toccato ad Antonio Schiavone , un operaio di trentasei anni, morto carbonizzato nelle fiamme. Antonio lascia la moglie e tre figli.
Per lui e per loro ques t’anno no n s arà Natale.

Non ci are no words to describe this form of pain, try it you find them!
Yet this year more people die at work in the war in Iraq .
But in respect of pain for these martyrs I will not comment further but I want to make you think about this famous and poignant given.

Every year, on average, 1376 people die on the job !!!!! An average of 4 persons per day.
think, tomorrow night there will be four more innocent, for the only reason that he had woken up to work.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

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aggression: a psycho-social phenomenon

The yellow Perugia, murder di Garlasco , il delitto di Cogne , Erica e Omar , la violenza degli ultrà , il G8 di Genova .
Fatti diversi ma tutti con un unico filo conduttore: la manifestazione concreta e reale dell'aggressività che produce i suoi effetti devastanti, accanto ad un chiaro disagio sociale in cui versano i soggetti pr otagonis ti.
La spettacolarizzazione di questi gravi fatti e lo sciacallaggio mediatico che è ruotato intorno ad essi fa senso prima di tutto per la mancanza di rispetto verso le povere vittime di tanta crudeltà.
Leggendo i giornali ed ascoltando and the news broadcasts of various kinds, the striking thing is the negative in a small space given to such figures as social psychologists who, in my opinion, could help to better understand the facts and their causes.
fact, the task of social psychology and highlight the relationship between human mind and society.
Exactly, aggression is a psycho-social phenomenon and as such should be treated, despite Vespa and Mentana continue to invite criminologists, psychiatrists, journalists and lawyers, making the reality of their broadcasts in yellow.
know who committed these crimes is important, but it is the duty of the judiciary and investigators. I opinion, the key point is to understand why in an affluent society such terrible events happen analyzing the causes and trying to prevent them.

The phenomenon of aggression has a long source of study and it would be simplistic to make it appear only an issue on which the false spin of our television shows.
Freud explained the aggressiveness with the libido theory and brought all the instincts of life and death.
Lorenz with his ethological approach stated that aggression is simply the means by which society tends self-preservation of species.
Berkowitz aggression led back to external factors such as anger. In addition, this author pointed out that the temperatures had their climatic implications in the hot season by showing that violence and aggression are increasing considerably.
The group of Yale and Dollard led back to the frustration aggression by showing that the person frustrated, in most cases, it develops its aggression against a target other than the one that caused the frustration.
in this area is spectacular and baffling the famous experiment Eichman n of Stanley Milgram in which subjects normal and without problems scaricavano la loro violenza in maniera del tutto inusuale sotto la pressione di un'autorità.

Il giallo di Perugia è la spiegazione di come l'aggressività sia dovuta a cause molteplici e spesso incomprensibili. L'uccisione di Meredit a Perugia è un caso in cui si intrecciano aggressività individuale ed aggressività di gruppo.
Quando si parla di aggressività di gruppo non si può che accennare alla più diffusa forma di aggressività intergruppo:la violenza tra tifosi.
L'uccisione dell' ispettore Raciti e la recente morte di Gabriele Sandri hanno riportato alla ribalta questa particolare form of aggression. Again the media has thought more about how to treat symptoms that to understand the real causes.

First of all, the violence is between ultras highlighted the ritual aspect of the phenomenon.
addition to rituals must also consider the so-called effect modeling, through which actors make their new and complex learned behavior by others.

So, fan violence is part ritual and part is due to the effect modeling.
This results in a real battle between groups that become inexplicably fierce and cruel. E 'in this case we speak of "wild bunch" destroying and killing without knowledge of reality.
These groups are organized with its own hierarchy and maintain a well-established. Roles of them are very clear and well defined.

Next to this should not be overlooked is the need to show the subjects of the curves. Often
ultras are subject without well-defined social roles in society. Their lack of social identity leads to wanting to acquire new roles. The curve is the ideal scenario for this type of psychological project.

Without going into more technical details we can conclude that intergroup aggression el 'aggression individuale sono fenomeni con cause molteplici, diverse e spesso inspiegabili dal punto di vista psicologico.
Una cosa però è certa, la crescita esponenziale di questi fenomeni.
Ciò ci fa capire quanto sia delicata la situazione sociale che sta attraversando la nostra società sempre più in piena crisi di valori.
La mancanza di punti di riferimento precisi, l'uso spregiudicato di internet, la diffusione dilagante di alcool e droga, la superficialità dei media, l'inconsapevolezza della bassa cultura da parte dei giovanissimi potrebbero essere segni che portano la nostra società verso una strada senza ritorno.
In questa società where appearance is devouring being, and that normality is more utopian, I fear, will always be more passive spectators of horrible episodes where madness savagely massacred innocent.

On the death of his splendid performance Akseli Gallen-Kallela in mother Lemminkäinen
Amid scenes that we live every Sunday outside and inside Italian stadiums
Under the protagonists of the capolavolavoro Clockwork Orange Stanley Kubrick's

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Women Who Like To Be Strangled

Calabria: the hidden treasure

Today I will not speak nor Why not, nor the dramatic transfer of Bishop Bregantini or collusion of the 'Ndrangheta, politics, daily massacres that this beautiful land of no one, neither of the "lace" nor the thousands of young people forced to emigrate from the region for known reasons. Today I want to talk about beautiful Calabria, Calabria the little known and hidden but beautiful and rich in tradition and culture. The land of Pythagoras
of Campanella of Corrado Alvaro of Versace, of Rino Gaetano. The land of Byzantines, the Normans, the Aragonese , the Swabians . I want to talk about

Sila, 's Pollino and Aspromonte , the three spectacular mountains that surround it including the beautiful villages that seem to suddenly appear not to have access, so they are ambushed and lost.
Today I want to mention the splendid Ionian so dear to the Greek and the extraordinary parts of the Tyrrhenian . I want to talk about Scilla of Stilo . The beautiful promenade of Reggio Calabria so dear to D'Annunzio . Today I want to talk about Tropea and Soverato the two most important tourist destinations in the region, the Gulf of Squillace , a marvel that human nature still dominates. Today I want to talk about Enotria , land of wine, so the Greeks called it. Cirò , a vast expanse of vineyards ..... Perhaps this is related to our beloved Greek ancestors. These same Greeks who decorated the region with their original and beautiful sites, most notably the temple of Hera Lacinia , of \u200b\u200bwhich today remains the only suggestive and column Crotone. Of the Plain of Sybaris and its unique and vital citrus. I want to talk about
Bronze Statues and beautiful castles perched in stunning locations, where the melodies of peace fade into the blue sky, like the castle of Santa Severina and Le Castella in Crotone.
Today I want to mention the two beautiful rivers and Crati Neto , where the herdsmen traditionally the beast to drink and where anecdotes and legends are interwoven with the distant reality.
I want to talk about the festivities in which social life and religious life merge into one and happy dance. Today I want to talk about
Calabrian specialty, the chili , The 'nduia , the pilchard , the fixed-stocking , the tasty eggplant, prepared in many ways, the pecorino , strong and flavorful as the traditions of this land.
Today I want to mention all the smells of sage, oregano and rosemary are mixed in our countryside, sometimes dry sometimes green and all the wild animals that live there and crossing the streets.
I want to talk about the beautiful springs from Calabria in which time seems to stand on the variegated colors.
I want to mention the beautiful sunsets
that only we can know Calabria and give it a meaning.

Today I want to talk about all the wonderful people too good and too human to compete with the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress that dominates the world of appearances
I want to talk about all those values \u200b\u200b
, no longer in fashion, that there are still a real sense.
I want to talk about the peasants, still proud to let you taste the fruit produced by their tired and rough hands.
I want to talk about the people of the country, ordinary people, that you always be welcome. Looking at their humanity and their simplicity makes you think of how complicated the world elsewhere.
Today I want to talk to all of you who read me telling you that
Calabria is also and above all this.

In the photo above to Tropea and its beautiful blue sea
In the picture in the middle of the beautiful and fairytale castle of Santa Severina
In the photo below the Sila mountains snowy

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Pokemon Silver Rom For Vba

This was
Enzo Biagi .

Monday, November 5, 2007

Where Does Raquel Reed Shop

Farewell Tribute to Enzo Biagi "Baron" Liedholm

Goodbye "Baron" Liedholm master of life and football. Thinking of you there is a thing of the noble and clean football. Your Scandinavian style, full of Italian warmth, will remain forever in our hearts. Whether you are an example of fairness and wisdom for many young boys who are preparing to intrapendere sports career.

In the photo: "Baron" Nils Liedholm