When tackling issues of ethical and moral one has the feeling that every word too is wrong and that any trial is unnecessary. But if these issues triggered political battles and even clashes between organs of St ato we realize that the issue is a great delicacy.
made clear a must, I want to start this post against euthanasia from a natural and logical thinking.
When in late 2007 's UN approved the mo tory on the death penalty many were those who felt they champions of human rights. The defense of life was at times exaggerated. It was the triumph of man as respected as a living being. Some of these gentlemen believed that the moratorium was the starting point for the total abolition of capital punishment. You could see the horizon the complete success of the famous book Cesare Beccaria, " On Crimes and Punishments."
And to be honest that was a success, if only because this put an intellectuals of different cultures, religion and political affiliation.
And to be honest that was a success, if only because this put an intellectuals of different cultures, religion and political affiliation.

A few years later, many of those same people, who professed the right to life and that led to the streets to defend their life, they become defenders of the death, the death that takes precedence over life. Suddenly you become defenders of the good death (euthanasia ).
Now the question arises: why, if a sentence in Texas death sentence a person does not hesitate to define as it is criminal that the state if an appeal has to abandon the nourishment to the diseased state is the bearer and defender of rights? Is not it even murder? What will change?

We go into the merits of the case that is filling the pages of our newspapers in recent days, the case of Eluana , the girl remained in a coma seventeen years ago after a car accident. Unfortunately
Eluana died a few hours ago following the recent ruling that ordered its suspension power.
Let me say that that ruling has established full-scale implementation and explain why, in my opinion, indisputable. Nobody is able to remove la vita ad un altro essere vivente e nessuno può togliere la vita a se stesso. E' su questo principio che si basa la mia critica assoluta ed inequivocabile all'eutanasia. Inoltre, nel caso in questione, non esistono volontà espresse da parte di Eluana ma solo presunte. Forse noi tutti, non ci scandalizziamo quando viene condannato a morte un presunto colpevole?
Eluana died a few hours ago following the recent ruling that ordered its suspension power.
Let me say that that ruling has established full-scale implementation and explain why, in my opinion, indisputable. Nobody is able to remove la vita ad un altro essere vivente e nessuno può togliere la vita a se stesso. E' su questo principio che si basa la mia critica assoluta ed inequivocabile all'eutanasia. Inoltre, nel caso in questione, non esistono volontà espresse da parte di Eluana ma solo presunte. Forse noi tutti, non ci scandalizziamo quando viene condannato a morte un presunto colpevole?
Ma ammesso e non concesso esisteva una volonta espressa di morire non si entrerebbe forse nella sfera del suicidio?
Come dire sono malato di cancro e mi tolgo la vita, identica cosa. La speranza viene decapitata e la sofferenza raggirata con la fine della vita.
Gli Stati Uniti da tempo hanno adottato il testamento biologico e addirittura nello stato the Oregon assisted suicide there. Recalling the tragic case of Terri Schiavo I just want to reiterate not to imitate the U.S. in these monstrous laws that have nothing to do with the dignity of man as a living being.
Why the American judges trample human rights when a person condemned to death and defend them when they die of hunger and thirst for a patient?
I join in the grief of the family of Eluana that I have great respect. But I do not share the absolute choice.
Do not be afraid to define the death of Eluana full-scale implementation. Again the judges were replaced with the supreme God just like in executions.
In the end I want to dedicate a small space to the many miraculous awakening from a coma from all the dramatic revival of the Sicilian Salvatore Crisafulli.
And if we had pulled the plug to persons who then woke up from a coma? We will not have possibly committed a murder just as wrong when an innocent man is condemned to death?
I do not recommend laws to the legislature but only to reiterate that any law that goes in the direction of euthanasia, it should be toward the triumph of death over life, not healthy secularism of the state. These laws have nothing to do with a secular state.
Come dire sono malato di cancro e mi tolgo la vita, identica cosa. La speranza viene decapitata e la sofferenza raggirata con la fine della vita.
Gli Stati Uniti da tempo hanno adottato il testamento biologico e addirittura nello stato the Oregon assisted suicide there. Recalling the tragic case of Terri Schiavo I just want to reiterate not to imitate the U.S. in these monstrous laws that have nothing to do with the dignity of man as a living being.
Why the American judges trample human rights when a person condemned to death and defend them when they die of hunger and thirst for a patient?

Do not be afraid to define the death of Eluana full-scale implementation. Again the judges were replaced with the supreme God just like in executions.
In the end I want to dedicate a small space to the many miraculous awakening from a coma from all the dramatic revival of the Sicilian Salvatore Crisafulli.
And if we had pulled the plug to persons who then woke up from a coma? We will not have possibly committed a murder just as wrong when an innocent man is condemned to death?
I do not recommend laws to the legislature but only to reiterate that any law that goes in the direction of euthanasia, it should be toward the triumph of death over life, not healthy secularism of the state. These laws have nothing to do with a secular state.
Eluana has come to suffer but it had to decide the human beast, but simply the God who created us.
"Euthanasia is a false solution to the drama of suffering, not a solution worthy of the human drama."
"Euthanasia is a false solution to the drama of suffering, not a solution worthy of the human drama."
Top a title of the tragic story of Ambrose Fogar
Amidst a bed in which executions are performed in Texas
Bottom Salvatore Crisafulli, miraculously woke up from coma