Monday, January 31, 2011

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Free Stream

Brides of Spring (Part Two): Antonella.

This time I'm back soon!
I am here to show you photos of the work as promised by Antonella ordinatomi, the second bride of spring, the chest-rings

the chest open: -
hooks to hang faiths -

This accessory has become a classic and I'm playing in many different colors.
Antonella wanted him with dark blue Swarovski rhinestones to resume the embroidery of the same color that enhances her dress.
Unfortunately the picture loses some of its beauty (I'm not a photographer tube) and although I built a lightbox the result is not what I want.
not give up however and in the next post I'll see another treasure chest that will propose as soon as possible future brides.
Cos'avrà different? But the roses, of course!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Books On Atm Business Ownership

Spring Brides: Gessica

finally back!
With the new year it seems I have shortened the days, I no longer get to the bottom!
commitments are increasing, the forces are cut in half and I can not do it to divide.
I have a lot of work pending .... will be because the math was never my strong point?
Bho! Who knows.
Despite all this, however I have finished two orders for as many sweet girls with the arrival of spring will be beautiful brides.

The first, to whom I dedicate this post, is already arrived at its destination, and that is that Gessica for the day of his "We" chose a model that I had already made ..... and that after the first series produced had vowed not want to repeat!
Not because I did not like but because of the complexity and time needed to achieve it.
But how do you say no when asked for is a girl about to get married?
So what had already been Watermark, and then the series of Julia and Rosa, now called Gessica .
The necklace was also matched the bracelet that will hide a tattoo on wrist sinistro.
Quello che vedete nella foto è il braccetto della mia "bimba" gentilmente prestato a scopo dimostrativo.
Non potevano mancare dei semplicissimi orecchini

e per finire le forcine per i capelli.

E' stato un bel lavoro e ancor più bello è stato lo scambio di mail con i vari commenti alle foto degli step che inviavo ogni volta.
Non c'è che dire, è davvero gratificante leggere tra le righe la soddisfazione e l'apprezzamento per il lavoro svolto e sapere di essere riuscita a soddisfare le aspettative di chi ha riposto fiducia nelle tue capacità.
...e tutto questo grazie al mio blogghino troppo spesso trascurato.!, lasciamo perdere meglio non promettere niente, tanto lo so che non sarà facile essere presente tanto quanto vorrei, però farò del mio meglio per esserci questo è certo.
Quasi dimenticavo: Gessica mi ha promesso che non appena pronte mi invierà le foto del matrimonio e mi ha dato il permesso di pubblicarle sul blog.
Non vedo l'ora!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Religious Tattoo Quotes

Advertising is the soul of the business! Good

Perciò se mi faccio pubblicità qui non me ne vorrete vero?
In questi giorni altalenanti fra lavoro precario e ore passate a progettare e realizzare i bijoux sposa per la nuova collezione, ho dato corpo ad un'idea che mi frullava in testa da un pò: aprire un sito di E-commerce.
Ma piccolo, una cosetta da nulla solo per provare a vedere come va!
Ed allora dopo essermi studiata regole, portali ed accantonato i dubbi, eccolo qui il mio negozio on-line con tanto di presentazione, catalogo e carrello:       I bijoux sposa di Sognidiperle by danielaB. style  .
Per ora è in versione free e obbligatoriamente gli articoli These are only 5, but if he were going well .... I could be a great entrepreneur!
Please do not laugh and do not take me for a megalomaniac: an alternative to the possibility of unemployment I had to try and fortunately does not cost anything to dream ... again!
What do you say, you like to make you a ride on Jimdo and tell me what you think? Then I wait here in
GARDENS and maybe a little shuffle in the meantime, thank you.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How To Know When Stone Is Stuck


Heiii girls are you ready?
have set into motion the broom is time to leave us waiting a long night!

I am ready with socks and sweets and I'm in a hurry, but before I go I want to tell the legend of Befana:

- The story of the birth of the Epiphany has its roots in a tradition of cultural matrix pagan superstitions and magical stories.
The Christmas period is set in a time of year that historically was full of rituals and customs related to land, the beginning of the new harvest and to propitiate the idea of \u200b\u200bluck and prosperity in the new year.
The ancient Romans celebrated the beginning of the year with festivities in honor of the god and goddess Strenia Janus (hence Christmas gift). These parties were called Sigillaria, we exchanged greetings and gifts in the form of figurines of clay or bronze and even gold and silver. These statues were called "sealed" from the Latin "Sigillum", short for "signum" statue. The Sigillaria was expected, especially with children who received the gift of their seals (usually sweet pastry) in the form of dolls and animals.
La Befana is a character who has taken ideas from diverse cultural legends and transpositions. Initially, and still speaks of the polytheistic Roman period, people worshiped Diana, the goddess of hunting and fertility in the nights preceding the start of the new seed is said to pass, with a large group of women, over the fields, just to make them fertile and fruitful, the next harvest.
Treccani encyclopedia gives the following definition: is for the people of a mythical character in the form of horrible old woman who goes through life from 1 to 6 January. At the last night of his home world is full of wonders: the trees are covered with fruits, animals talk, the rivers and the sources are transformed into gold. Children expect gifts, the girls draw the fire of the horoscopes on the future wedding, with olive leaves on hot ashes, teenagers and adults, in a group, go to the village singing ... in some places is made with rags and tow a puppet and is exposed at the windows ... The peasants instead of the Tuscan Romagna wont carry it around on a cart, with shouts and whistles, to the square of the village, where light bonfires for burning la Befana...Gli studiosi vedono nel bruciamento del fantoccio (la Vecchia, la Befana, la Strega), che persiste un po’ dappertutto in Europa, la sopravvivenza periodica degli spiriti malefici, facendo risalire il mito della befana a tradizioni magiche precristiane...
Col passare dei secoli la deriva pagana diede spazio alle interpretazioni cristiane; siamo ovviamente in un medioevo fatto di persecuzioni alle streghe e di forte fervore religioso. Ed è qui che avviene un primo incontro di culture, la bella Diana diviene una brutta donna e i riti dei falò (si bruciava il vecchio per dare spazio al nuovo) divengono dei veri e propri roghi della vecchia, dove una simbolica attempata strega viene posta al di sopra di questi roghi. Le contaminazioni pagan and Christian and then generate a profile of women that is a mixture of both cultures, one part Diana and the other lives the good the bad witch to be burned.
This rite, to which we can witness today, was then embraced by the church and that is where the legend was born beautiful Epiphany. It is said that the Three Kings en route to Bethlehem had asked about the road to an old woman, who had insisted that she go with them to bring gifts to the Savior. The old woman refused, but later, repenting, he prepared a basket of sweets and went in search of the Magi and the Child Jesus
not finding them knocked on the door and gave sweets to the children they hope to so do forgive the absence. With the mediation of the Epiphany Christianity thus becomes a kind of witch, dressed in rags, ugly and flying over the rooftops with a broom, and therefore has a wicked side that makes it a very fascinating character. If there were many other benefactors such as Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas bring gifts to all, the Befana brings gifts to those modest and much coal was not good.
The etymology of the name Befana is closely linked to the name of the party, is in fact a derivation of the forms by which the people expressed in dialect the word "Epiphany." The dualism that underlies the fascinating figure of this old is probably why it never became a true and its commercial property, with certain exceptions for the past year.
If St. Nicholas is a patron saint, Santa Claus and a ruddy rotund little man that pleases all the children, the Epiphany is the substance instead of a long tradition of female pagan peasant ritual.
no money, and has failed to craft a group of elves to make gifts, the Befana brings traditional oranges, nuts, small cakes and coal, but coal ultimately sweet, and reminds us that after the holidays to return to work "toil" for the fruits of the land.
It is no coincidence the custom of saying "the epiphany takes away all the parties." For it is after January 6 that the farmer began again with the new planting, which will recover the fervor to create a home again, and it was hoped, prosperous harvest.
La Befana is a very quote in Italian culture, but this legend is reflected in the pre-Christian traditions of Dutch or German.
And so the Germans at the north is that Frau Holle in southern Germany, became Frau Berchta. Both "Lord" embody good and evil are kind, benevolent, they are the goddesses of vegetation and fertility, the patron of spinners, but at the same time show evil and ruthless against those who hurt or bully and violent. Moving or flying on a broom or a chariot, followed by "sir della notte", le maghe e le streghe e le anime dei non battezzati.-

Bella storia vero? Spero che Vi sia piaciuta.
Ora scappo, anzi volo
....che sappiate non ci vorrà mica una patente speciale vero?


Masterbate With Chapstick

The tree Amberle to IGiardinidimarzo

Brrrrr che freddo!
Siamo proprio in inverno non c'è che dire, il cielo stanotte e sereno e pieno di stelle ma l'aria è proprio fredda e pizzica il naso.

Eppure.... eppure a IGiardinidimarzo è spuntato un nuovo albero, un albero arrivato a sorpresa qualche giorno fa e che mi ha lasciata senza parole e con gli occhi lucidi: l'Albero di Amberle.
Ad inviarmelo è stata la dolce Cristina, padrona di casa dell'omonimo blog clicca qui , insieme ad un bellissimo biglietto d'auguri fatto da lei.

Cristina infatti e bravissima con lo scrapbooking e questo splendido biglietto che ho prima fotografato e poi aperto con la massima attenzione per non rovinarlo, ne è la prova.
Che dire: Grazie Cri, grazie infinite per il bellissimo pensiero e per le parole che mi hai inviato, terrò il tuo magico albero come portafortuna e sono certa che porterà senz'altro cose buone.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Male Brazilian Pittsburgh

riparteeee It!

Ciao, ci siamo tutte?
Oggi è  1-1-2011 inizia il nuovo anno e si riparte.
Passata bene l'ultima notte dell'anno vecchio?
Spero proprio di sì.
Devo dire che io ho trascorso una serata ( ed anche parte della notte) davvero divertente, in compagnia degli amici più cari, quelli che conosco da una vita e coi quali nel corso degli anni abbiamo condiviso tanti momenti belli, qualche volta un pò meno, ma che ci hanno uniti ancor di più.
Abbiamo mangiato, chiacchierato, ballato e brindato al nuovo anno ed alle speranze che ognuno di noi ha racchiuso nel cuore.....ed ho brindato anch'io: io che non bevo alcolici e le rare volte che allungo il vino con l'acqua frizzante e la birra with the sprite!
Damn I did not too old for certain things: I woke up this morning with a tremendous circle in the head and I spent the day toying here and there without the slightest desire to get anything done
good start!
From tomorrow, however, the great and got her going again and I will catch up with the backlog, because I have some things to make you see.
For now I go to sleep, sweet dreams.