Saturday as a tourist in Senigallia: Nonsolosposi arrivoooo! Necklaces Although not yet started the season outings and holidays themselves, yesterday I was given a day as a tourist.
Or rather, we allowed ourselves, because to accompany My husband was very happy to be back in a small town where he lived as a young man to work.
The goal?
Departure in the morning, less than an hour by car and visit the city.
Senigallia is a very nice town, all gathered around an old town full of monuments well preserved and full of people.
Lunch in a restaurant overlooking the promenade overlooking the blue sea, very calm and even a deserted beach, the famous "Velvet Beach", but thanks to the sunny day has been slowly filling up with people who walking on the shoreline, then in the afternoon departure to the Fair
Nonsolosposi, which is about 3km from the center.
Oh, I think it fair to call it by the organizers has been a bit exaggerated and have created expectations and then not paid, at least on my part. Sincerely
having visited other trade shows I was a little disappointed!
The location is in fact situated right in the drawing room of a restaurant on the outskirts of Senigallia, if nothing else den indicated by signs placed along the road and with ample parking.
Once inside, but ... there it was the stand of "Oliviero brides", immediately to the right of the corner and there they were my sbriluccichi, in a showcase of their own.
The shots with and without sflash to capture the event were a must and I know that exposed my pride to see my necklaces to be read as face.
Maybe I exaggerated, but the pictures I've done quite a bit!
Visit the rest of the exhibition was a moment, I have been offered parecchi deplians delle più svariate marche di abiti, brochure di ristoranti e persino un assaggio di deliziosi dolci.
In cambio ho avuto la faccia tosta di lasciare ad un paio di standisti i miei biglietti da visita.(!!)
Ho esagerato?
D'altra parte se non osi non ottieni nulla.
Oggi la manifestazione proseguirà per concludersi in serata.
Vedremo se il semino piantato con questa nuova esperienza porterà un buon raccolto, io ci spero ma nel caso così non fosse, potrò sempre dire: c'ero anch'io.