and asked them what the executive is headed by Andrea Lettieri Giuseppe Iuliano, councilor of the opposition and a founding member of the Circle of Freedom, which states: I believe that the transformation of school G. Pasture in Comprehensive School, by combining the first two classes of primary school (elementary) and two sections of kindergarten (nursery), it was a choice out of place and totally without foundation.
It is true that the DPR 233/98 (Rules for the design of educational institutions) allows school autonomy, at the time in which it has, among other things, a school population of 500 students but, instead, the problem of school underused, involves several municipalities in the province, such as the Middle School Cesa consisting of about 320 students, many clearly less than 380 kids who attend our school, well away from the 500 students required by law, and yet the common Cesa has deliberately complicated matters, as was done for example in Gricignano, where the junta has asked Lettieri, inter alia, the Comprehensive School with the characteristics above (with resolution splicing nr. 148, 10 October 2007) as they say putting "the cart before the horse".
The result of this brilliant operation - adds IULIANO - in terms of numbers was that the school population of the school already has increased from 380 to about 440, (which I still remember the number of sub-standard imposed by law), while under the human aspect, which is what interests us most is that there are about 60 families forced to enroll their children three to five years in middle school, and among these, there are mothers who have to share, for example between a child at school F. Santagata and one at school G. Pastures while attending, badate bene, entrambi la scuola primaria. Inoltre, non vanno sottovalutati gli evidenti problemi di socializzazione a cui sarebbero esposti i bambini.
Tirando le somme - conclude il consigliere IULIANO - da questa strana vicenda a farne le spese sono sempre i cittadini che ormai, in tanti, hanno giĆ annunciato di ritirare i propri figli dalla scuola pubblica per ovviare al disservizio subito. Altro che successo, preferirei parlare di fallimento che chiama in causa ancora una volta l’amministrazione Lettieri ed in particolare il delegato all’Istruzione al quale chiedo di prendere provvedimenti per salvare il salvabile e riqualificare la questione alla luce dei disservizi arrecati.
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