I think a careful look is given to the form of federal state that, after the Nazi dictatorship , these people have found a remedy to the old centralized state.
A true federalism, which in my view could work well in our country that has often fought the centrality of the state only with slogans and proclamations, but in reality still maintains generating cronyism and corruption.
In Italy we discuss so much about federalism and last election, which saw a great success of the Lega Nord brought the issue to the fore.
What is urgent is to say that a system similar to Germany could also be applied in our country.
It 'just that each region has more autonomy.
analyzing the situation well, with the birth of the regions, our country had already embarked on the federal road but too soon the local governments were such only on paper.
I believe that a federal system in Italy is mainly not to disperse RESPONSIBILITY and that, as often happens, not comprende bene se siano di Comuni, Province, Regione o Stato.
Un primo passo deve essere l'abolizione delle province a favore di comuni più forti e regioni più autonome.
Federalismo non significa secessione , come troppo spesso i mezzi di comunicazione vogliono fare apparire chissà per quale motivo. Federalismo significa che ogni regione abbia le proprie responsabilità politiche e fiscali nella salvaguardia dell'unità nazionale.
Non condivido la paura di alcuni che pensano alla catastrofe meridionale nel caso di federalismo.
Sono convinto anzi che ciò potrebbe rappresentare una grossa oppurtinità per the extraordinary land of South Italy.
Because of greater autonomy it would only benefit the North? I do not see a single reason to justify such a thesis.
conclude with an episode that made me think so.
Some time ago at the referendum on devolution, I witnessed a rather curious fact.
In Calabria, politicians from all sides, which until recently were first challenged in every way just to take power, suddenly found themselves with a common view of support: the anti-federalism.
I wonder why corrupt politicians and collusion, some of which are now in prison, supported the common slogan dell'antifederalismo?
Certainly not to defend the ideal of national unity.
A true federalism, which in my view could work well in our country that has often fought the centrality of the state only with slogans and proclamations, but in reality still maintains generating cronyism and corruption.
I Lander Germans have their own autonomy and enhance its full local traditions. They daily living in a fair and positive competition resulting in a federal system that fully respects national unity.
A bit like individual streams that make their own path but eventually flow into the sea every unit. All self-employed but when he plays the German national anthem all attention, North and South Lander
A bit like individual streams that make their own path but eventually flow into the sea every unit. All self-employed but when he plays the German national anthem all attention, North and South Lander
I have a real local parliaments, a chairman of the board and real ministers.
Nationally, the states are represented in the Bundesrat , a House of German Parliament consists of 69 members directly elected by the people. They are the representatives of the Lander.
The Constitution regional and regional laws can not be absolutely contrary to the Constitution center.
The central state remains firmly Foreign Affairs, part of the tax law, currency and monetary sector, air traffic, customs and the military.
While the regions have full autonomy to universities, culture and schools, police, municipal law, the tax law, almost all internal administration.
Nationally, the states are represented in the Bundesrat , a House of German Parliament consists of 69 members directly elected by the people. They are the representatives of the Lander.
The Constitution regional and regional laws can not be absolutely contrary to the Constitution center.
The central state remains firmly Foreign Affairs, part of the tax law, currency and monetary sector, air traffic, customs and the military.
While the regions have full autonomy to universities, culture and schools, police, municipal law, the tax law, almost all internal administration.
The German constitution gives wide-ranging in all traditions and all regions.
also expressly provides that the rich regions should help those poorest.
This is based on the periodic systems of redistribution of resources and control procedures "serious" to regions that have received aid.
fact, the end of the German Constitution is to make a consistent living conditions of individual territories.
Even from the standpoint of tax in Germany is full autonomy as the most taxes end up in the coffers of the Lander. Each region pays taxes for himself and especially keep yourself up everything that belongs to it. also expressly provides that the rich regions should help those poorest.
This is based on the periodic systems of redistribution of resources and control procedures "serious" to regions that have received aid.
fact, the end of the German Constitution is to make a consistent living conditions of individual territories.

In Italy we discuss so much about federalism and last election, which saw a great success of the Lega Nord brought the issue to the fore.
What is urgent is to say that a system similar to Germany could also be applied in our country.
It 'just that each region has more autonomy.
analyzing the situation well, with the birth of the regions, our country had already embarked on the federal road but too soon the local governments were such only on paper.
I believe that a federal system in Italy is mainly not to disperse RESPONSIBILITY and that, as often happens, not comprende bene se siano di Comuni, Province, Regione o Stato.
Un primo passo deve essere l'abolizione delle province a favore di comuni più forti e regioni più autonome.
Federalismo non significa secessione , come troppo spesso i mezzi di comunicazione vogliono fare apparire chissà per quale motivo. Federalismo significa che ogni regione abbia le proprie responsabilità politiche e fiscali nella salvaguardia dell'unità nazionale.
Non condivido la paura di alcuni che pensano alla catastrofe meridionale nel caso di federalismo.
Sono convinto anzi che ciò potrebbe rappresentare una grossa oppurtinità per the extraordinary land of South Italy.
Because of greater autonomy it would only benefit the North? I do not see a single reason to justify such a thesis.
conclude with an episode that made me think so.
Some time ago at the referendum on devolution, I witnessed a rather curious fact.
In Calabria, politicians from all sides, which until recently were first challenged in every way just to take power, suddenly found themselves with a common view of support: the anti-federalism.
I wonder why corrupt politicians and collusion, some of which are now in prison, supported the common slogan dell'antifederalismo?
Certainly not to defend the ideal of national unity.
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