TAXATION: THE "IAP" continues to amaze
After the heavy tax of 5.88 € imposed on remittance advice (Tarsu and Aqueduct), in the form of notification of rights, for which, in recent days, we delivered alderman to the branch, legal advice and extensive case law regarding its illegality, the concessionaire "IPA Srl" was responsible for tax collection in the town of Gricignano di Aversa, continues to amaze us.
In these days, in fact, a large number of our fellow citizens, have seen a notification letter when it alleged, the complaint regarding the failure the fee for municipal solid waste, with an attached model for the detection of buildings in the form of certified report.
While understanding the subject of the request, however just and legitimate, with the institution failed to comply with the public, it is not clear, however, the function of the attached document that instead of representing a form questionnaire (in which the city provides the required data unilaterally endorsing it) is a true statement, complete with a "signature of the investigation," the "date of assessment" and signed by the city "for acceptance."
We believe that the institution is well aware della procedura relativa all’istituto giuridico dell’ accertamento, così come non disconosce il fatto che per la redazione del “verbale” è prevista la figura del Pubblico Ufficiale che presso l’abitazione del cittadino, in contraddittorio tra le parti, effettua la rilevazione. Sembrerebbe che non ci troviamo di fronte a quest’ultima fattispecie e quindi, riteniamo che trattasi di un vero e proprio errore formale che non solleva però, la “I.A.P.” e quindi l’amministrazione comunale, dagli obblighi circa la chiarezza e la trasparenza degli atti prodotti dalla pubblica amministrazione, così come peraltro, contemplato nello statuto dei diritti del contribuente.
Pertanto, invitiamo the Tax Office and for it the "IPA" to correct the request, even if legitimate, and clarify the position of concerned citizens who are confused about to what happened.
to The People of Freedom '
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Jelly Bracelets Love Meanings
Still disruptions related to the work being performed in a methane in Gricignano. This time the protest is to raise residents via Casolla, echoing to residents in areas previously affected by the works of methane.
On this occasion, to convey the discontent of citizens is Joseph Colella, resident via Casolla, now retired but for years, used in its construction industry, said: honestly not even in the 60's I attended a performance of works, most outrageous of this, pursue the goals of the guidelines are not followed by both the point of view of safety of its citizens than that of proper performance by art. The company carrying out, has every incentive to speed up the work, but this is no license regardless of the rules, however strict in terms of security and not legitimate to treat nationals of Gricignano as inhabitants of the Third World.
Is it possible - adds COLELLA - we are forced to tighten the tax to avoid di essere invasi letteralmente dalla polvere, senza calcolare l’insopportabile rumore presente in tutte le ore. Uscire di casa poi, è diventata un’impresa ardua, se ti va bene e non caschi o inciampi nello scavo ricavato per l’innesto della tubazione, aperto o coperto di solo terreno, (ovviamente non isolato da transenne) non riesci di certo a scampare al pietrisco lasciato sul fondo stradale piuttosto che all’impervia coltre di polvere che in particolar modo nelle persone anziane, determina un ulteriore problema per la respirazione che si associa al già insopportabile caldo torrido di questi giorni.
C’è da dire che il sottoscritto ha interessato immediatamente l’amministrazione comunale, ricevendo rassicurazioni circa un intervento immediato che ponesse rimedio alla problematica. Ma come al solito si sono rivelate “promesse da marinaio”. D’altra parte la questione - chiosa COLELLA - è stata reiteratamente evidenziata anche dal Circolo della Libertà e dalle altre forze politiche del PDL, ma purtroppo per noi, l’amministrazione comunale e l’assessore ai lavori pubblici hanno fatto “orecchie da mercanti”, disinteressandosi completamente delle istanze dei cittadini e soprassedendo colpevolmente ad uno squallore che non fa onore a nessuno, iniziando proprio dal primo cittadino.
Giuseppe COLELLA
Via casolla - Gricignano di Aversa (CE)
Still disruptions related to the work being performed in a methane in Gricignano. This time the protest is to raise residents via Casolla, echoing to residents in areas previously affected by the works of methane.
On this occasion, to convey the discontent of citizens is Joseph Colella, resident via Casolla, now retired but for years, used in its construction industry, said: honestly not even in the 60's I attended a performance of works, most outrageous of this, pursue the goals of the guidelines are not followed by both the point of view of safety of its citizens than that of proper performance by art. The company carrying out, has every incentive to speed up the work, but this is no license regardless of the rules, however strict in terms of security and not legitimate to treat nationals of Gricignano as inhabitants of the Third World.
Is it possible - adds COLELLA - we are forced to tighten the tax to avoid di essere invasi letteralmente dalla polvere, senza calcolare l’insopportabile rumore presente in tutte le ore. Uscire di casa poi, è diventata un’impresa ardua, se ti va bene e non caschi o inciampi nello scavo ricavato per l’innesto della tubazione, aperto o coperto di solo terreno, (ovviamente non isolato da transenne) non riesci di certo a scampare al pietrisco lasciato sul fondo stradale piuttosto che all’impervia coltre di polvere che in particolar modo nelle persone anziane, determina un ulteriore problema per la respirazione che si associa al già insopportabile caldo torrido di questi giorni.
C’è da dire che il sottoscritto ha interessato immediatamente l’amministrazione comunale, ricevendo rassicurazioni circa un intervento immediato che ponesse rimedio alla problematica. Ma come al solito si sono rivelate “promesse da marinaio”. D’altra parte la questione - chiosa COLELLA - è stata reiteratamente evidenziata anche dal Circolo della Libertà e dalle altre forze politiche del PDL, ma purtroppo per noi, l’amministrazione comunale e l’assessore ai lavori pubblici hanno fatto “orecchie da mercanti”, disinteressandosi completamente delle istanze dei cittadini e soprassedendo colpevolmente ad uno squallore che non fa onore a nessuno, iniziando proprio dal primo cittadino.
Giuseppe COLELLA
Via casolla - Gricignano di Aversa (CE)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
What's New For The Alpha Black
The honesty of a sample called Marco Van Basten
few years ago, the great Marco Van Basten we had used a unique feats. One of the most powerful strikers of all time, three times Golden Ball, with a career cut short by an ankle injury, had always gladdened our hearts with the football prowess in leading the class.
Ma stasera il grande Marco e la sua Olanda hanno dato una lezione di onestà all'Europa intera. Battendo per dua a zero la Roman ia hanno permesso alla nostra nazionale di passare ai quarti di finali degli europei. Infatti, mentre l'Olanda di Van Basten, già qualificata, si imponeva sulla Romania , la nazionale di Mr Donadoni batteva la Francia con lo stesso risultato.
Complimenti Olanda, complimenti Italia ma soprattutto complimenti a te, grande Marco Van Basten. La tua eleganza e la tua serietà hanno fatto ancora una volta la differenza.

Comunque vada, grazie.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I Want To Play Some Gay Games
Gricignano: THE ZONE
They have grown in recent years the phenomena associated with crime, particularly theft and robbery.
There is a shortage in the control of the territory of non-EU and the activities they manage.
There is a process of normalization of the crime phenomenon that has produced a dual effect: less reliance on such information and resignation.
E 'now known that the upsurge in petty crime phenomenon is also due in part to the growing number of non-irregular in Gricignano in recent times, they seem to have found a real "free zone", like a small republic banana "where you can make each other's cabbage own.
If the mayor feels he can not do anything to stem the problem, proving tacit consent, but we think it is its duty, within its competence, to take on the demands of the citizens in terms of safety, for example:
-implementing the database broken down by ethnic groups, as promised during the election campaign;
-requiring an 'intensification of territorial control, with the strengthening of staff of the new police station;
-establishing, in consultation with his colleagues, shifts between the various commands associated with supervision of the municipal police of the Union of Municipalities "ATELLA", as provided, inter alia, Regulation of the local police;
-checking the businesses operated by immigrants, starting with the verification of the premises and the intended commercial use.
-raising public awareness as to the Bossi-Fini law and the changes that have introduced the confiscation of property for those who favor the persistence of non-illegal in the State, for example, by making the houses for rent;
With these tools, if implemented You can start creating the conditions for reaching a security pact in which everyone: institutions, law enforcement, local authorities, economic groups and citizens, can find an atmosphere of cooperation and trust.
(F.I. – A.N. – CDL)

They have grown in recent years the phenomena associated with crime, particularly theft and robbery.
There is a shortage in the control of the territory of non-EU and the activities they manage.
There is a process of normalization of the crime phenomenon that has produced a dual effect: less reliance on such information and resignation.
E 'now known that the upsurge in petty crime phenomenon is also due in part to the growing number of non-irregular in Gricignano in recent times, they seem to have found a real "free zone", like a small republic banana "where you can make each other's cabbage own.
If the mayor feels he can not do anything to stem the problem, proving tacit consent, but we think it is its duty, within its competence, to take on the demands of the citizens in terms of safety, for example:
-implementing the database broken down by ethnic groups, as promised during the election campaign;
-requiring an 'intensification of territorial control, with the strengthening of staff of the new police station;
-establishing, in consultation with his colleagues, shifts between the various commands associated with supervision of the municipal police of the Union of Municipalities "ATELLA", as provided, inter alia, Regulation of the local police;
-checking the businesses operated by immigrants, starting with the verification of the premises and the intended commercial use.
-raising public awareness as to the Bossi-Fini law and the changes that have introduced the confiscation of property for those who favor the persistence of non-illegal in the State, for example, by making the houses for rent;
With these tools, if implemented You can start creating the conditions for reaching a security pact in which everyone: institutions, law enforcement, local authorities, economic groups and citizens, can find an atmosphere of cooperation and trust.
(F.I. – A.N. – CDL)
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Pinewood Block Dimensions
L’arroganza sciorinata dal consigliere comunale Luigi Diretto, delegato alla pubblica istruzione, durante l’ultima seduta consiliare, in ordine alla questione Istituto Comprensivo, gli ha prodotto un unico risultato: una laurea in fiction, per aver saputo stravolgere la realtà e non solo………………….
We believe that certain positions, such as public education, should be filled by politicians who have an adequate cultural background and are able to reconcile at the same time, efficiency and effectiveness to achieve the objectives in this case, correspond to regional planning in virtues of educational needs. Those same requirements, neglected by direct delegation, which was seen as "visionary" to literally not care of the obvious problems of socialization in which they were exposed to 60 children, on secondment to what might be called, pseudo Comprehensive School.
In other words, our school can not afford representation policy, which shall presume to be able to do "school and after school to other government" (The words spoken by direct delegation, during the City Council of 16.04.2008) and at the same time, in a burst of affected solemnity, associate Supreme Poet (Dante Alighieri) the phrase "to posterity will judge," by turning in their graves, and horrified by Alessandro Manzoni present.
therefore humbly suggest, the education director Louis Directed by profession who sells books, since he Gricignano monopolist in the provision of text to the user of the primary and secondary schools, (this issue that will deepen in the future to better characterize its position dominant in the field) to browse someone from time to time.
Regarding the other hand, the Comprehensive School, we are of one mind and that is that about a third of secondary schools in the province, have undersized and situations none, warned the "catastrophe" as the forward-looking, smart, Board of Directors who has set up, with 60 sacrificial lambs, a medley that has the courage to define Comprehensive School.
For these reasons, from now on, we will have education as the only reference to the mayor, pending withdrawals that the delegation, unwisely, to Luigi Direct Adviser to assign it to an assessor that is equal to del ruolo.
L’arroganza sciorinata dal consigliere comunale Luigi Diretto, delegato alla pubblica istruzione, durante l’ultima seduta consiliare, in ordine alla questione Istituto Comprensivo, gli ha prodotto un unico risultato: una laurea in fiction, per aver saputo stravolgere la realtà e non solo………………….
We believe that certain positions, such as public education, should be filled by politicians who have an adequate cultural background and are able to reconcile at the same time, efficiency and effectiveness to achieve the objectives in this case, correspond to regional planning in virtues of educational needs. Those same requirements, neglected by direct delegation, which was seen as "visionary" to literally not care of the obvious problems of socialization in which they were exposed to 60 children, on secondment to what might be called, pseudo Comprehensive School.
In other words, our school can not afford representation policy, which shall presume to be able to do "school and after school to other government" (The words spoken by direct delegation, during the City Council of 16.04.2008) and at the same time, in a burst of affected solemnity, associate Supreme Poet (Dante Alighieri) the phrase "to posterity will judge," by turning in their graves, and horrified by Alessandro Manzoni present.
therefore humbly suggest, the education director Louis Directed by profession who sells books, since he Gricignano monopolist in the provision of text to the user of the primary and secondary schools, (this issue that will deepen in the future to better characterize its position dominant in the field) to browse someone from time to time.
Regarding the other hand, the Comprehensive School, we are of one mind and that is that about a third of secondary schools in the province, have undersized and situations none, warned the "catastrophe" as the forward-looking, smart, Board of Directors who has set up, with 60 sacrificial lambs, a medley that has the courage to define Comprehensive School.
For these reasons, from now on, we will have education as the only reference to the mayor, pending withdrawals that the delegation, unwisely, to Luigi Direct Adviser to assign it to an assessor that is equal to del ruolo.
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