Saturday, June 28, 2008

Imagenes Lorena Herrera

TAXATION: THE "IAP" continues to amaze

After the heavy tax of 5.88 € imposed on remittance advice (Tarsu and Aqueduct), in the form of notification of rights, for which, in recent days, we delivered alderman to the branch, legal advice and extensive case law regarding its illegality, the concessionaire "IPA Srl" was responsible for tax collection in the town of Gricignano di Aversa, continues to amaze us.
In these days, in fact, a large number of our fellow citizens, have seen a notification letter when it alleged, the complaint regarding the failure the fee for municipal solid waste, with an attached model for the detection of buildings in the form of certified report.
While understanding the subject of the request, however just and legitimate, with the institution failed to comply with the public, it is not clear, however, the function of the attached document that instead of representing a form questionnaire (in which the city provides the required data unilaterally endorsing it) is a true statement, complete with a "signature of the investigation," the "date of assessment" and signed by the city "for acceptance."
We believe that the institution is well aware della procedura relativa all’istituto giuridico dell’ accertamento, così come non disconosce il fatto che per la redazione del “verbale” è prevista la figura del Pubblico Ufficiale che presso l’abitazione del cittadino, in contraddittorio tra le parti, effettua la rilevazione. Sembrerebbe che non ci troviamo di fronte a quest’ultima fattispecie e quindi, riteniamo che trattasi di un vero e proprio errore formale che non solleva però, la “I.A.P.” e quindi l’amministrazione comunale, dagli obblighi circa la chiarezza e la trasparenza degli atti prodotti dalla pubblica amministrazione, così come peraltro, contemplato nello statuto dei diritti del contribuente.
Pertanto, invitiamo the Tax Office and for it the "IPA" to correct the request, even if legitimate, and clarify the position of concerned citizens who are confused about to what happened.


to The People of Freedom '


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