Monday, November 3, 2008

What Stores Sell Snore Guards

The First World War: from Kubrick to "our" November 4

When I hear about World War I can think of two things generally. The first are the stories of some veterans who as a child told me their experiences in the trench and the second is Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece movie of " Paths of Glory."
Kubrick's film is probably the best attempt to describe the First World War. The American position at the center of his "work" the relationship between the general and soldiers and analyzes the war as such, without mincing words or conspiracy. Kubrick's historical realism is and describes in gruesome dark and cruel thing was that war. Without so much attention to scenes of war and without recourse to banal happy ending describes the war in a realistic and exemplary, I would say unique. The life stories of the soldiers living in trenches, the fear of death, the honor of belonging to the homeland to fight for, awareness of approaching death and the hope of returning home. Anything Kubrick describes it in an exemplary manner. There the vision board.

Having said this should be a must first of all say that the First World War was the last ancient war and the first modern war. In fact, we are faced with the first modern weapons on the one hand, on the other strategies of the generals of the various armies, the terrible battles and melee famous trenches where cadeveri mingled with the soldiers and mice and hunger ate soldiers who were preparing to bloody battles. It 'just in the dark trenches that human relationships are born and die, from life and hope that it goes immediately to the death and pain. And 'here among the soldiers left the memory of a love and a desire to find him fight their battles.
E 'in this tragic context that we must remember the famous battles of Verdun and the Marne (between German and French), the battle between the Carpathian (Austrians and Russians) and the same battle of Kobarid.

Yes, because even our country, lined up against the Austro-Hungarian army, took part in operations of war. Even our soldiers lived what he describes Kubrick's masterpiece. The testimony of Delfino Borroni (in the video) the last Great War veteran, died a few days ago, is one example. E 'testimony of how stray bullets could suddenly break the dreams of a young boy. Without
remember step by step the events of the war you just remember that our army was often humiliated by the Austrian. Noted was the defeat of Kobarid, so famous from entering the common language of our country every time you want to mention a serious defeat. But after so many humiliations
our army, under the leadership of General Armando Diaz , defeated the Austrians in the Battle of Vittorio Veneto . On 4 November 1918 produced the great national unity and was so painful that the sacrifice of so many heroes had happened. This was the last act of the Italian Risorgimento . This was the last act of the long-suffering unification of Italy.

But beyond the events closely historical military has an obligation to remember that November 4th is a national holiday. All, in my opinion, should be aware that Italy was born Nov. 4 on the sacrifice of our heroes. do not understand why this holiday should not be a national day like April 25 and June 2 . Because over the years the meaning of a party and became increasingly faded? The thousands of soldiers who gave their lives for the 'Unit and freedom of our country have died from the series "b". Nor should you be afraid to talk about home and say that those heroes who fought hand to hand against the Austrian enemy then they did just for the homeland.

Il ricordo di questi eventi storici è un "nostro" dovere morale, sta nella nostra identità e non dobbiamo rinnegare le cose più belle che restano di quest'Italia.

Il mio maestro delle scuole elementari, che ricordo sempre con grande affetto come un maestro di vita, ci ha sempre fatto rispettare e ricordare questo evento. Ricordo che venivano invitati alcuni reduci in classe a narrare la propria esperienza o si andava ai monumenti per ricordare i caduti.
Spero che anche oggi nelle scuole questa festa sia ricordata in maniera seria. Eventi del genere non si possono nè dimenticare nè metter in secondo piano se vogliamo che il 4 novembre nel nostro paese non si riduca only the day of the American elections.

In the video above the direct testimony of the last veteran of World War Delfino Borroni died at 110 years October 26, 2008. In the middle of the cover to the left of the success of Stanley Kubrick's "Paths of Glory." In the lower right images of a trench at the time.


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