Friday, December 25, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
How Much Weight Can A 4x4 Support
La storia degli ultimi anni dell’esecutivo LETTIERI è costellata da eventi inquietanti al punto che risulta difficile inanellare tutti i tasselli e consentire l’esatta percezione della gravità dei fatti. Alcuni esempi:
· la GMC, società mista che ha trovato i suoi natali a Gricignano e che verrà ricordata per essere balzata agli onori della cronaca nera per fatti di camorra;
· la questione zona peep che ha visto i nostri amministratori, verosimilmente sulla spinta dei soliti noti costruttori, mettere a punto una delibera per la vendita di un pezzo di Gricignano, i cui risvolti tanto per cambiare, risultano ancora ignoti;
· non va dimenticata l’annosa questione piscina comunale, per non parlare dello stato di abbandono generale del paese,
fino ad arrivare ai giorni nostri, ovvero:
· alla nomina a sorpresa, quale dirigente dell’area lavori pubblici, di una vecchia conoscenza l’ing. PITOCCHI (lo “yes man” dei piani regolatori) in luogo del suo collega ing. RAIMO, quest’ultimo estromesso malamente per ragioni che ancora oggi risultano oscure anche allo stesso tecnico. E pensare che era stato insignito di lodi fino a qualche giorno prima;
· agli ormai famigerati 400 mila euro per la progettazione entered a university campus in the availability of the City in June 2008 and for which it is not clear how they were spent;
· the withdrawal of powers to the directors Barbato, and D'Angelo Directed, condemned to the same "punishment of Tantalus" ( then moved into the ranks of the minority) whose motives, give space to a number of considerations which suggest, once again, personal issues rather than arguments based on policy. As if to say, the usual "Puppet Theatre" ... ....
Meanwhile, the management of the sports complex that was awarded to the "Global Sport", then defeatist because of deficiencies in the documentation provided by the body, as highlighted by 'ex-councilor sport they reveal a kind of boycott by the Consortium for Gricignano Mirabella Spa or if you prefer, as in default, in spite of requests to produce documents relating to the testing of the structure , has been entrusted to another company, solving all problems as if by magic (maybe). Precisely in this regard is questionable as they have done to date, the associations of football, volleyball and basketball to try his hand in the structure if the same was without testing?
short, the list gets longer mysteries and shadows on this center-left majority, underpinned by advisers recycled by the minority, are now part of everyday life.
to The People of Freedom '
· la GMC, società mista che ha trovato i suoi natali a Gricignano e che verrà ricordata per essere balzata agli onori della cronaca nera per fatti di camorra;
· la questione zona peep che ha visto i nostri amministratori, verosimilmente sulla spinta dei soliti noti costruttori, mettere a punto una delibera per la vendita di un pezzo di Gricignano, i cui risvolti tanto per cambiare, risultano ancora ignoti;
· non va dimenticata l’annosa questione piscina comunale, per non parlare dello stato di abbandono generale del paese,
fino ad arrivare ai giorni nostri, ovvero:
· alla nomina a sorpresa, quale dirigente dell’area lavori pubblici, di una vecchia conoscenza l’ing. PITOCCHI (lo “yes man” dei piani regolatori) in luogo del suo collega ing. RAIMO, quest’ultimo estromesso malamente per ragioni che ancora oggi risultano oscure anche allo stesso tecnico. E pensare che era stato insignito di lodi fino a qualche giorno prima;
· agli ormai famigerati 400 mila euro per la progettazione entered a university campus in the availability of the City in June 2008 and for which it is not clear how they were spent;
· the withdrawal of powers to the directors Barbato, and D'Angelo Directed, condemned to the same "punishment of Tantalus" ( then moved into the ranks of the minority) whose motives, give space to a number of considerations which suggest, once again, personal issues rather than arguments based on policy. As if to say, the usual "Puppet Theatre" ... ....
Meanwhile, the management of the sports complex that was awarded to the "Global Sport", then defeatist because of deficiencies in the documentation provided by the body, as highlighted by 'ex-councilor sport they reveal a kind of boycott by the Consortium for Gricignano Mirabella Spa or if you prefer, as in default, in spite of requests to produce documents relating to the testing of the structure , has been entrusted to another company, solving all problems as if by magic (maybe). Precisely in this regard is questionable as they have done to date, the associations of football, volleyball and basketball to try his hand in the structure if the same was without testing?
short, the list gets longer mysteries and shadows on this center-left majority, underpinned by advisers recycled by the minority, are now part of everyday life.
to The People of Freedom '
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Iphone 3gs Camera Adapters
Friday, June 19, 2009
How Long Does Brazilian Wax Last
IL CASO PISCINA: Cambio di guardia dell’area tecnica
Gricignano. Change of guard at the top of the Environment and Public Works of the City of Gricignano Pitocchi takes over where the engineer to engineer Domenico Gennaro Raimo. Already a leader Gricignano in the 90s at the time of administration Moretti, then passed to Aversa, Carinaro, Teversham and in several municipalities of Caserta and Naples, Pitocchi took office on Thursday morning after having been appointed by the mayor Acting Francescantonio Russo.
"We have avoided the suspension of the public works sector and the environment. After you dismiss the above technique, we have now charged the new engineer, "says Russo, whom the mayor Andrea Lettieri, for personal reasons, in this period has given the reins of the City.
But what happened with Raimi? To explain, albeit tersely, Russian is the same: "He had failed the trust between the coach and the municipal authority, therefore, after a long discussion we decided to withdraw the appointment and make a new appointment. We opted for a professional of recognized ability and experience, what is the engineer Pitocchi.
The first task for the new manager, almost certainly, will be to settle the question pool. For property located in the new sports complex street Falciano, near the citadel U.S. Navy, has already made two rounds: the first was annulled on procedural issues, the second saw assign management to a firm, the "Global Sport" , but in recent days has rejected the contract because there was no testing. The technical department at that point, he sought legal advice to determine whether to assign the contract to the company ranked second or repeat the entire procedure.
(Editing by TVNZ TV 19:06:09)
Gricignano. Change of guard at the top of the Environment and Public Works of the City of Gricignano Pitocchi takes over where the engineer to engineer Domenico Gennaro Raimo. Already a leader Gricignano in the 90s at the time of administration Moretti, then passed to Aversa, Carinaro, Teversham and in several municipalities of Caserta and Naples, Pitocchi took office on Thursday morning after having been appointed by the mayor Acting Francescantonio Russo.
"We have avoided the suspension of the public works sector and the environment. After you dismiss the above technique, we have now charged the new engineer, "says Russo, whom the mayor Andrea Lettieri, for personal reasons, in this period has given the reins of the City.
But what happened with Raimi? To explain, albeit tersely, Russian is the same: "He had failed the trust between the coach and the municipal authority, therefore, after a long discussion we decided to withdraw the appointment and make a new appointment. We opted for a professional of recognized ability and experience, what is the engineer Pitocchi.
The first task for the new manager, almost certainly, will be to settle the question pool. For property located in the new sports complex street Falciano, near the citadel U.S. Navy, has already made two rounds: the first was annulled on procedural issues, the second saw assign management to a firm, the "Global Sport" , but in recent days has rejected the contract because there was no testing. The technical department at that point, he sought legal advice to determine whether to assign the contract to the company ranked second or repeat the entire procedure.
(Editing by TVNZ TV 19:06:09)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
1.6x Sensor Cleaning Kit W/sensorwand
internal disputes within the local section of the party. DEPORTATION REFERENCES ON THE HORIZON.
Gricignano. Storm in the Democratic Party of Gricignano. The issue that has divided the section is that relating to the municipal swimming pool. The intervention of the People of Freedom on the non-opening of the structure has created no small embarrassment among the party leaders, led by Secretary Attilio guide and his deputy Vincent Viglione. Many have rspresso considerations similar to those of the party "rival" and have expressed their impatience on the attitude of the municipal administration on the issue, considered the lax attitude and not very attentive to the needs and demands of citizens. The situation has become so hot that day are a succession of meetings, mostly informal, to decide the action to take against "dissidents". It is rumored in the village of measures to be taken seriously than someone who has exceeded the limits too explicitly criticizing the administration. An administration that is governed by a mayor, Andrea Lettieri, which is characteristic of PD. Rumors even speak of expulsions. Meanwhile, the tension is palpable in the country and the absence of the mayor (litter for health reasons has delegated his duties to the vice mayor) does nothing but exacerbate the problem. There is in fact who has taken advantage of his absence to raise the bar and allow behavior not in line with the local party.
(Stella Bruni, Corriere di Caserta of 17/06/2009)
internal disputes within the local section of the party. DEPORTATION REFERENCES ON THE HORIZON.
Gricignano. Storm in the Democratic Party of Gricignano. The issue that has divided the section is that relating to the municipal swimming pool. The intervention of the People of Freedom on the non-opening of the structure has created no small embarrassment among the party leaders, led by Secretary Attilio guide and his deputy Vincent Viglione. Many have rspresso considerations similar to those of the party "rival" and have expressed their impatience on the attitude of the municipal administration on the issue, considered the lax attitude and not very attentive to the needs and demands of citizens. The situation has become so hot that day are a succession of meetings, mostly informal, to decide the action to take against "dissidents". It is rumored in the village of measures to be taken seriously than someone who has exceeded the limits too explicitly criticizing the administration. An administration that is governed by a mayor, Andrea Lettieri, which is characteristic of PD. Rumors even speak of expulsions. Meanwhile, the tension is palpable in the country and the absence of the mayor (litter for health reasons has delegated his duties to the vice mayor) does nothing but exacerbate the problem. There is in fact who has taken advantage of his absence to raise the bar and allow behavior not in line with the local party.
(Stella Bruni, Corriere di Caserta of 17/06/2009)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Katesplay Ground Streaming
After years of delays and promises never kept, we are once again to record the 'yet another failure of this council majority center-left.
Last year the council decided that the City was not able to manage the property and has been issued a notice to transfer the management to individuals. Well, that game was canceled for reasons still not very clear.
But let's move on. They remade the game and this time he also won. Everything you say fixed? Macchèè ....!
few days ago, have expired i tempi tecnici per la presa di possesso della struttura da parte della società privata che si è aggiudicata l’appalto. In sintesi, la società, pensate un po’, avrebbe rinunciato alla gestione del complesso sportivo. Strano, sembra tutto troppo strano, per essere credibile.
Nel frattempo, l’unica certezza che si è venuta a creare in questa assurda vicenda, è la consapevolezza nei cittadini, di essere trattati da “sudditi”, ignari delle oscure manovre che si fanno nella “stanza dei bottoni”. Ma la pazienza ha un limite e quello dei nostri concittadini è stato superato da un pezzo.
A questo punto, è auspicabile un intervento delle Autorità competenti a rimarcare the boundaries of legality and shed light on what has happened and is happening around this dark affair that sees an important work, now completed for years, and that because of the carelessness of 'property of those who administer and "who knows what else yet, "is not given to the legitimate users, that is, the citizens of Gricignano.
After years of delays and promises never kept, we are once again to record the 'yet another failure of this council majority center-left.
Last year the council decided that the City was not able to manage the property and has been issued a notice to transfer the management to individuals. Well, that game was canceled for reasons still not very clear.
But let's move on. They remade the game and this time he also won. Everything you say fixed? Macchèè ....!
few days ago, have expired i tempi tecnici per la presa di possesso della struttura da parte della società privata che si è aggiudicata l’appalto. In sintesi, la società, pensate un po’, avrebbe rinunciato alla gestione del complesso sportivo. Strano, sembra tutto troppo strano, per essere credibile.
Nel frattempo, l’unica certezza che si è venuta a creare in questa assurda vicenda, è la consapevolezza nei cittadini, di essere trattati da “sudditi”, ignari delle oscure manovre che si fanno nella “stanza dei bottoni”. Ma la pazienza ha un limite e quello dei nostri concittadini è stato superato da un pezzo.
A questo punto, è auspicabile un intervento delle Autorità competenti a rimarcare the boundaries of legality and shed light on what has happened and is happening around this dark affair that sees an important work, now completed for years, and that because of the carelessness of 'property of those who administer and "who knows what else yet, "is not given to the legitimate users, that is, the citizens of Gricignano.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Outboards For Sale Used 25 Hp
Wings and Roots
top left cover of the new album of Eros Ramazzotti, Wings and Roots. In the bottom singer Roman committed to the electric guitar during the triumphant concert in Rome (2004)

Ramazzotti makes eleven. Roots and Wings, released May 22 in fifty countries, it is the eleventh studio album of the singer in Rome. Two years E2, a collection that was attended by distinguished guests from all Santana and Steve Vai and four from the last studio album apparent calm, the former suburban boy returns with eleven new songs and only one sold on i-tunes.
But we are not here to point out that neither the first single from the album Talk To Me the song is no longer transmitted by radio to reiterate that neither the Roman artist in twenty-five year career has sold fifty million records worldwide. This is what we already think, abundantly, the same radio and the press.
What we want in this post is to remember that even a pop record can have great content. This is not to fall into the error surface to think that everything that is banal pop song is obvious. But we are not here to point out that neither the first single from the album Talk To Me the song is no longer transmitted by radio to reiterate that neither the Roman artist in twenty-five year career has sold fifty million records worldwide. This is what we already think, abundantly, the same radio and the press.
That said, you must remember that Roots and Wings is not the album that brings the music of those who are not accustomed to Ramazzotti sentry. Despite the many new music this album is typically Ramazzotti. The timbre of the classic Roman singer / songwriter is present in all the album tracks. In addition, there are no duets thing that Ramazzotti we had used since its inception.
Claudio Guidetti and Michele Canova Iorfida are co-producers with the same Ramazzotti. In the texts Ramazzotti relies on the usually excellent, Adelio Cogliati become a sort of alter ego Ramazzotti.
The new disc is mostly in the texts, where for the first time in twenty-five years, the contents of the sweet feeling gave way to social issues closely. Not that Minogue had never spoken of Temet social, always present. But here there is a clear prevalence of social and intentional. Will that difficult time and especially cross all that?
The disc opens with the curious and overwhelming and notes, describing the craft as a singer and happiness to be such, the desire to continually improve their musical journey and the solemn promise to engage in lifelong give my best as an artist.
In Talk To Me single complaint is through a complex and sophisticated video , shot in Los Angeles, the lack of communication of people. L technology that destroys, if misused, the dialogue between people creating barriers between them insormantabili.
In Nobody is excluded described the disaster created by all human beings, in fact, without exception. In the song, probably the most successful of the disk, the words are sentences that fall heavy as boulders "This is not the paradise that we all imagine, there is no more divided world, this is sad because we have left. The you know who is real right? And 'the man who knows how to take some blame for if ". Even
We can not close the occh addresses the social issue of violence on humans and the environment. Musically, the song, enriched by the electronic Canova, reminds us of the 80s music. A 10-year-old Nino howls adults not to remain indifferent to such tragedies. In the song there is even the hope of an imminent awakening of conscience.
But if the disc appears to be crossed by a sharp pessimism, there are two pieces that bring the hope of rebirth. The first, The Way, a beautiful ballad '60s, is inspired by the poetry of Pablo Neruda "can cut all the flowers but can not stop the spring". Ramazzotti reuse harmony vocals giving the song. The text to never give up even in the toughest of life's adversities.
The second How Jewels, is the deepest part of the album. "The smile of a child, a mother's kiss, a gesture of brotherhood, the clear water and spring, are values \u200b\u200bto be jealously guarded as jewelry. These are the pillars from which to start to rebuild a new society. Bello
the piece pop-rock Personal Affections, a real hymn to friendship. What would we do without friends? Useless, or at least empty.
And love? Of course it also speaks of love that Minogue would be otherwise! Horizon , Snowdrop and Controvento are the three songs that deal. The first is a sweet melody sung by note London Session Orchestra . Bello also pop Snowdrop and the REB of the wind. Finally the song
Wings and Roots. The author's desire to share their own roots and soul of the new flights that await a person. The artistic desire to remain anchored to their roots, but the desire to pursue new musical routes, as some piece work last show. This is
Roots. A record simple and complex. Mature, deep and sometimes utopian texts, clean, elegant and clear sounds, broad international. All in all a
Ramazzotti grew up, always down to earth, positively infected by the international guests of the previous collection E2.
final consideration of a technical nature. Musicians on the disc are very thick. Vinnie Colaiuta on drums , electric guitar Mike Landau well as the exceptional London Session Orchestra. Ramazzotti as well as being co-producer of the album is also involved in some instrumental parts. In Talk To Me plays mandolin and electric guitar solos of Nobody Excluded and how are his jewels. It would be the case that the experts in their analysis also highlighted these issues so we did note that Ramazzotti well as an excellent interpreter of pop Ours is also a good musician as twenty-five years shows in his live performances around the world.

In Nobody is excluded described the disaster created by all human beings, in fact, without exception. In the song, probably the most successful of the disk, the words are sentences that fall heavy as boulders "This is not the paradise that we all imagine, there is no more divided world, this is sad because we have left. The you know who is real right? And 'the man who knows how to take some blame for if ". Even
We can not close the occh addresses the social issue of violence on humans and the environment. Musically, the song, enriched by the electronic Canova, reminds us of the 80s music. A 10-year-old Nino howls adults not to remain indifferent to such tragedies. In the song there is even the hope of an imminent awakening of conscience.
But if the disc appears to be crossed by a sharp pessimism, there are two pieces that bring the hope of rebirth. The first, The Way, a beautiful ballad '60s, is inspired by the poetry of Pablo Neruda "can cut all the flowers but can not stop the spring". Ramazzotti reuse harmony vocals giving the song. The text to never give up even in the toughest of life's adversities.
The second How Jewels, is the deepest part of the album. "The smile of a child, a mother's kiss, a gesture of brotherhood, the clear water and spring, are values \u200b\u200bto be jealously guarded as jewelry. These are the pillars from which to start to rebuild a new society. Bello
the piece pop-rock Personal Affections, a real hymn to friendship. What would we do without friends? Useless, or at least empty.
And love? Of course it also speaks of love that Minogue would be otherwise! Horizon , Snowdrop and Controvento are the three songs that deal. The first is a sweet melody sung by note London Session Orchestra . Bello also pop Snowdrop and the REB of the wind. Finally the song
Wings and Roots. The author's desire to share their own roots and soul of the new flights that await a person. The artistic desire to remain anchored to their roots, but the desire to pursue new musical routes, as some piece work last show. This is
Roots. A record simple and complex. Mature, deep and sometimes utopian texts, clean, elegant and clear sounds, broad international. All in all a
Ramazzotti grew up, always down to earth, positively infected by the international guests of the previous collection E2.
final consideration of a technical nature. Musicians on the disc are very thick. Vinnie Colaiuta on drums , electric guitar Mike Landau well as the exceptional London Session Orchestra. Ramazzotti as well as being co-producer of the album is also involved in some instrumental parts. In Talk To Me plays mandolin and electric guitar solos of Nobody Excluded and how are his jewels. It would be the case that the experts in their analysis also highlighted these issues so we did note that Ramazzotti well as an excellent interpreter of pop Ours is also a good musician as twenty-five years shows in his live performances around the world.
top left cover of the new album of Eros Ramazzotti, Wings and Roots. In the bottom singer Roman committed to the electric guitar during the triumphant concert in Rome (2004)
Monday, April 6, 2009
A Dancer On Soultrain Cheryl Song
Monday, February 9, 2009
Science Fair Project For Volleyball
euthanasia and the death penalty: two sides of same coin
made clear a must, I want to start this post against euthanasia from a natural and logical thinking.
Top a title of the tragic story of Ambrose Fogar
Amidst a bed in which executions are performed in Texas
Bottom Salvatore Crisafulli, miraculously woke up from coma
When tackling issues of ethical and moral one has the feeling that every word too is wrong and that any trial is unnecessary. But if these issues triggered political battles and even clashes between organs of St ato we realize that the issue is a great delicacy.
made clear a must, I want to start this post against euthanasia from a natural and logical thinking.
When in late 2007 's UN approved the mo tory on the death penalty many were those who felt they champions of human rights. The defense of life was at times exaggerated. It was the triumph of man as respected as a living being. Some of these gentlemen believed that the moratorium was the starting point for the total abolition of capital punishment. You could see the horizon the complete success of the famous book Cesare Beccaria, " On Crimes and Punishments."
And to be honest that was a success, if only because this put an intellectuals of different cultures, religion and political affiliation.
And to be honest that was a success, if only because this put an intellectuals of different cultures, religion and political affiliation.

A few years later, many of those same people, who professed the right to life and that led to the streets to defend their life, they become defenders of the death, the death that takes precedence over life. Suddenly you become defenders of the good death (euthanasia ).
Now the question arises: why, if a sentence in Texas death sentence a person does not hesitate to define as it is criminal that the state if an appeal has to abandon the nourishment to the diseased state is the bearer and defender of rights? Is not it even murder? What will change?

We go into the merits of the case that is filling the pages of our newspapers in recent days, the case of Eluana , the girl remained in a coma seventeen years ago after a car accident. Unfortunately
Eluana died a few hours ago following the recent ruling that ordered its suspension power.
Let me say that that ruling has established full-scale implementation and explain why, in my opinion, indisputable. Nobody is able to remove la vita ad un altro essere vivente e nessuno può togliere la vita a se stesso. E' su questo principio che si basa la mia critica assoluta ed inequivocabile all'eutanasia. Inoltre, nel caso in questione, non esistono volontà espresse da parte di Eluana ma solo presunte. Forse noi tutti, non ci scandalizziamo quando viene condannato a morte un presunto colpevole?
Eluana died a few hours ago following the recent ruling that ordered its suspension power.
Let me say that that ruling has established full-scale implementation and explain why, in my opinion, indisputable. Nobody is able to remove la vita ad un altro essere vivente e nessuno può togliere la vita a se stesso. E' su questo principio che si basa la mia critica assoluta ed inequivocabile all'eutanasia. Inoltre, nel caso in questione, non esistono volontà espresse da parte di Eluana ma solo presunte. Forse noi tutti, non ci scandalizziamo quando viene condannato a morte un presunto colpevole?
Ma ammesso e non concesso esisteva una volonta espressa di morire non si entrerebbe forse nella sfera del suicidio?
Come dire sono malato di cancro e mi tolgo la vita, identica cosa. La speranza viene decapitata e la sofferenza raggirata con la fine della vita.
Gli Stati Uniti da tempo hanno adottato il testamento biologico e addirittura nello stato the Oregon assisted suicide there. Recalling the tragic case of Terri Schiavo I just want to reiterate not to imitate the U.S. in these monstrous laws that have nothing to do with the dignity of man as a living being.
Why the American judges trample human rights when a person condemned to death and defend them when they die of hunger and thirst for a patient?
I join in the grief of the family of Eluana that I have great respect. But I do not share the absolute choice.
Do not be afraid to define the death of Eluana full-scale implementation. Again the judges were replaced with the supreme God just like in executions.
In the end I want to dedicate a small space to the many miraculous awakening from a coma from all the dramatic revival of the Sicilian Salvatore Crisafulli.
And if we had pulled the plug to persons who then woke up from a coma? We will not have possibly committed a murder just as wrong when an innocent man is condemned to death?
I do not recommend laws to the legislature but only to reiterate that any law that goes in the direction of euthanasia, it should be toward the triumph of death over life, not healthy secularism of the state. These laws have nothing to do with a secular state.
Come dire sono malato di cancro e mi tolgo la vita, identica cosa. La speranza viene decapitata e la sofferenza raggirata con la fine della vita.
Gli Stati Uniti da tempo hanno adottato il testamento biologico e addirittura nello stato the Oregon assisted suicide there. Recalling the tragic case of Terri Schiavo I just want to reiterate not to imitate the U.S. in these monstrous laws that have nothing to do with the dignity of man as a living being.
Why the American judges trample human rights when a person condemned to death and defend them when they die of hunger and thirst for a patient?

Do not be afraid to define the death of Eluana full-scale implementation. Again the judges were replaced with the supreme God just like in executions.
In the end I want to dedicate a small space to the many miraculous awakening from a coma from all the dramatic revival of the Sicilian Salvatore Crisafulli.
And if we had pulled the plug to persons who then woke up from a coma? We will not have possibly committed a murder just as wrong when an innocent man is condemned to death?
I do not recommend laws to the legislature but only to reiterate that any law that goes in the direction of euthanasia, it should be toward the triumph of death over life, not healthy secularism of the state. These laws have nothing to do with a secular state.
Eluana has come to suffer but it had to decide the human beast, but simply the God who created us.
"Euthanasia is a false solution to the drama of suffering, not a solution worthy of the human drama."
"Euthanasia is a false solution to the drama of suffering, not a solution worthy of the human drama."
Top a title of the tragic story of Ambrose Fogar
Amidst a bed in which executions are performed in Texas
Bottom Salvatore Crisafulli, miraculously woke up from coma
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Mid Priced Av Receivers
hoped that the arrival of a majority in the opposition, even if not shared, could be the beginning of a virtuous policy cycle as the declared good intentions.
But the streets of hell is paved with good intentions because good intentions were such.
We do not want to judge anyone, nor we are interested to know the real reasons that led to the rescue of this majority, but it is time to get serious, to abandon the scripted, at least to save face.
must therefore be put in place immediately:
- a real test administration;
- a new program to be agreed;
- a right visibility to prove with facts change.
There are many wrong choices that have determined the failure of this administration as:
- failure to respect the stability pact that has blocked programs;
- the financial difficulties prevented the sale of "family assets"
- management "happy" communal services (IAP);
- the administrative machinery that does not work;
- junta disbanded with advisors who are there only to warm the chair or worse for the salary.
therefore expect a burst of pride by the new entry that leads to breakthrough promised. Unlike the return of the vote will be the only chance of salvation for all.
For now, the Befana will punish you with "ash and coal in the hope that 2009 is truly realized the turnaround promised.
hoped that the arrival of a majority in the opposition, even if not shared, could be the beginning of a virtuous policy cycle as the declared good intentions.
But the streets of hell is paved with good intentions because good intentions were such.
We do not want to judge anyone, nor we are interested to know the real reasons that led to the rescue of this majority, but it is time to get serious, to abandon the scripted, at least to save face.
must therefore be put in place immediately:
- a real test administration;
- a new program to be agreed;
- a right visibility to prove with facts change.
There are many wrong choices that have determined the failure of this administration as:
- failure to respect the stability pact that has blocked programs;
- the financial difficulties prevented the sale of "family assets"
- management "happy" communal services (IAP);
- the administrative machinery that does not work;
- junta disbanded with advisors who are there only to warm the chair or worse for the salary.
therefore expect a burst of pride by the new entry that leads to breakthrough promised. Unlike the return of the vote will be the only chance of salvation for all.
For now, the Befana will punish you with "ash and coal in the hope that 2009 is truly realized the turnaround promised.
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