internal disputes within the local section of the party. DEPORTATION REFERENCES ON THE HORIZON.
Gricignano. Storm in the Democratic Party of Gricignano. The issue that has divided the section is that relating to the municipal swimming pool. The intervention of the People of Freedom on the non-opening of the structure has created no small embarrassment among the party leaders, led by Secretary Attilio guide and his deputy Vincent Viglione. Many have rspresso considerations similar to those of the party "rival" and have expressed their impatience on the attitude of the municipal administration on the issue, considered the lax attitude and not very attentive to the needs and demands of citizens. The situation has become so hot that day are a succession of meetings, mostly informal, to decide the action to take against "dissidents". It is rumored in the village of measures to be taken seriously than someone who has exceeded the limits too explicitly criticizing the administration. An administration that is governed by a mayor, Andrea Lettieri, which is characteristic of PD. Rumors even speak of expulsions. Meanwhile, the tension is palpable in the country and the absence of the mayor (litter for health reasons has delegated his duties to the vice mayor) does nothing but exacerbate the problem. There is in fact who has taken advantage of his absence to raise the bar and allow behavior not in line with the local party.
(Stella Bruni, Corriere di Caserta of 17/06/2009)
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