Thursday, March 13, 2008

Transport To Anthem Outlet

If the trains were trains

Years ago, Andreotti said that "there are two categories of crazy: the first consists of those who feel Napoleon and the second for those who believe in order to put the Italian state railways."
A close look at the situation of our trains there is no more apt phrase. Coming from a man of state "as he does something and not room for misunderstandings.

Who of us have ever come across in the delay of a train? Who of us has never happened to find a train dirty? Who of us has never happened to be standing in a train?
Our trains are the symbol of Italy's wrong, always older, slower and more dirty. dirty Trains: A few months ago caused a sensation, the situation of ticks and fleas in the wagons. Today the situation has not improved. Often, especially in regional trains, we are facing seats smelly, dirty and grimy windows, which disturb the view of the beautiful landscapes of the places paths, and dirty toilets all'indecenza up. Often, the ventilation systems do not work and it happens quite often in summer and winter hot area emanate cold area.
Yet each year to the State Railways cleaning costs € 190 million .
Where all this money go? "To think evil is a sin, but often it takes."

slow train: The delays are a constant of our trains forever. There is no coincidence that the site Ritarditalia which could also be considered a service but it is the symbol of how the delays of our trains have become physiological.
The statistics speak for themselves and in the last survey done by Legambiente that four out of ten trains arriving late. But often the journeys of poor commuters are transformed into genuine odysseys.
Moreover, the last ten years have also increased travel times of the long lines. For example, the night Milan - Reggio Calabria in the 90s took 13 hours and 55 minutes, today it takes 15 hours and 05 minutes: 70 minutes plus .

trains there cchi : Il vero dramma dei nostri treni è rappresentato dalla loro ormai vecchia età. In giro per l’Europa si vedono, nella maggior parte dei paesi, treni nuovi.
Come scriveva La Repubblica tempo addietro “ spesso i treni sono più vecchi di chi li guida. Quasi la metà della rete ferroviaria è sprovvista di moderni sistemi automatizzati per le frenate d'emergenza. E a volte i meccanismi di blocco, nei tratti in cui sono installati, non possono entrare in funzione perché a bordo manca l'apparecchiatura in grado di captarne il segnale. Quando va male c'è l'incidente, quando va malissimo la tragedia”.
Quindi non solo treni vecchi ma ferrovie e
binari da medioevo a volte nemmeno in grado di supportare la velocità dei pochi treni nuovi ad alta velocità.

Accanto a tutto ciò dobbiamo aggiungere che i biglietti aumentano di prezzo sen za offrire un servizio e che spesso la scomodità regna sovrana visto che la gran parte dei viaggiatori fa interi viaggi in piedi, specie nei periodi festivi. Senza dimenticare che in alcune regione del Meridione alcune tratte sono da terzo mondo.
Rispetto ai paesi dell’Unione, è il caso di dire, che viaggiamo decisamente più lenti e se osserviamo gli investimenti fatti da paesi come Spagna e Francia the comparison is really embarrassing.

a shame to have wasted the good that was done in the past, I know p rattutto in the 30 and 40 when it was built and renovated most of the rail network Italian air. not forget that we are the country's famous an ETR 200 train more nova tiv for the period. And we are the country's Pendolino the first real attempt at high speed Eur or pa.

The train is one of the most important means of communication for our times. People and goods should travel for the most part on the railroad.
Today we can not afford to quarrel for the Table

If the trains were trains likely we'll move with more ease and we can probably reduce the number of road accident victims. We also avoid to be slaves to the truckers as a category, that when they want to block the country and decide to blackmail the government.
And probably we shall also better for the millions of tourists every year
invade our country and take our trains.

Top ETR 200 trains in the '30s that made the world record of 200 k / h in a low conductor of the 40


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