Urge immediate action to protect the safety of motorists and put an end to what looks more like a "Russian roulette" that an intersection.
We are talking about the intersection that leads up to Piazza Municipio Corso Umberto I.
Well, it will be for the lack of visibility or perhaps because of the stop sign placed evil rather than for any other reason but the fact is that not a day goes by without having to register, purtroppo, un sinistro o per i più fortunati una scampata collisione.
Riteniamo che un numero così alto di incidenti, fanno pensare ad una oggettiva pericolosità di quell’incrocio, dove parte delle responsabilità sono da ricondurre, evidentemente, alla segnaletica stradale e/o ai sensi di marcia.
Difatti, nel caso di specie, l’automobilista proveniente da via Aversa che transita da piazza Municipio, per immettersi in c.so Umberto I°, a causa della poca visibilità, dovuta alla presenza della casa comunale, deve sporgersi quel tanto in più, quanto basta, per trovarsi di colpo, al centro dell’incrocio ed essere attinto, inevitabilmente, da chi proviene da via S. Antonio Abate.
It happened really anyone to be in that situation, including any administrator, and then expects you to act?
You could, for example, make a one-way stretch that goes from the church towards Via S. Antonio Abate and the same force coming down in that way, to make sense of rotation of the square. This may be a solution, but the fact remains that any device and / or modification should be made as soon as possible because at stake is the safety of road users, ie, of all citizens.
Therefore, we believe that further delay would pose a particularly serious breach and therefore, invite the Town Council to address and solve the problem as fast as it deserves.
to The People of Freedom '
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