Thursday, September 25, 2008

British Men American Men Relationships


ball in the center and co n autumn ready, steady way, he started a TV.
Fourteen September 2008: start "Those that football" . I must say that I do not mind the drive. Sometimes funny sometimes banal, but all in all acceptable. While I am going to follow the second day of the football league I notice something disconcerting. "Those that football becomes a real promotion of the other broadcast live from Ventura" The Island of the Famous, "a hodgepodge of characters that failed and recycled superficiality of appearance and make it an art. And they are two. Ventura to both broadcasts. To her, that for all its faults has the ability to appear more capable than anyone else or other.

All full-scale, looking forward to "Men and Women," "Friends" and "Big Brother".
The extreme ignorance, perversion sentimental, but the ssacro the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof society. Stages in which the more one is more ignorant we become famous. The massacre of the total culture. Wailing easy and false sentimentality. In summary, the collapse of a system of values \u200b\u200bthat everyone credevam or indestructible. Courses are harmful to all children and adolescents. Lessons in mediocrity and decadence that attach themselves to the consciences and minds of young people as a serious disease and do not leave them more. The total destruction of the conscience. Models who teach young people the result without sacrifice.
So call these programs and their pseudo-wire.

I would not appear no matter what I would like to jump from one topic to another.
In recent days I follow with great attention and no wonder italiote the controversy about the school. Master single , pedagogical models, teachers angry with the government. I dare not make judgments here, but only express my doubts. How important is composed as if the school then the children are back home intoxicated from a tv increasingly focused on models Beautiful? Again: that the future will have a child if, once home to confrontorsi and follow the "Friends" De Filippi or "You've Got Mail"?
These programs tend to break down the good things in our society has been spreading like the plague, abstract and superficial values \u200b\u200band raping the normal daily and social welfare.
L'Italia è, in teoria, un paese libero e la censura non è possibile, almeno per questo tipo di trasmissioni. Visto che purtroppo questo tipo di tv non è censurabile allora vietatela ai bambini.!!!
Non abbiate paura di vietare loro qualcosa. Vietate loro questa pornografia lecita che produce ad essi danni irreparabili.
Investire s ul futuro dei giovani non significa solo regalare e permettere. Significa anche negare, vietare, dialogare e insegnare. Un genitore può fare più di qualsiasi bravo maestro e a mio parere ha l'obbligo di insegnare ai figli che queste trasmissioni sono dannose e non hanno senso di esistere proprio perchè sono un insulto alla cultura.
us be alert and prepared to boycott this type of television if we want our society is a bit better and have no basis to their appearance and superficiality. A healthy society is built starting from these little things and as a small gesture to change the channel in the presence of these destructions public would be a great lesson for young people.


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