Once again we were right though, to be frank, we would rather be wrong in this case. The Comprehensive School celebrated both by this majority has proved a failure. We reported several times that the Institute Including about to be born in Gricignano not even remotely resembled that extended reality that includes more than 40% of Italian schools. This majority, as it turned, it acted like the worst sort of bureaucrats, just adding numbers to other numbers, forgetting that behind the figures were and are our children.
The result of this "brilliant" marketing operation was the humiliation of both the pupils of the teaching staff, doing LESSON IN DINING ROOM, in the classroom teachers and even in the wings for the lack of classrooms.
Yet seems like yesterday when the managing director of education set up a "symposium" to illustrate the adjustments that would be of interest to the former middle school, presenting the beginning of the school as an epochal event. Indeed, something extraordinary has happened and is not a deja vu, but the stark reality that is one of the worst pages in the history of our community and starring the school, as no one wanted and could imagine, catapulted to 'suddenly back in time, where they arrange to study in makeshift classrooms and premises. Luckily, from the point we find a teaching faculty at the role and moral leadership from the undisputed quality, professional and managerial, not otherwise ci restava altro da fare che chiudere la scuola per fallimento.
A questo punto, essendo esaurito ormai il tempo delle chiacchiere, invitiamo i genitori a far valere i propri diritti, costituzionalmente sanciti, con ogni mezzo consentito dalla legge e, richiamiamo L’ESECUTIVO LETTIERI ai propri doveri, per rimediare a questo triste, impresentabile monumento all’incapacità. Per esempio: mettendo a disposizione un padiglione delle ex scuole elementari (già pronto per l’uso). Per quanto ci riguarda continueremo ad essere una spina nel fianco, incalzando e sollecitando questa maggioranza, affinché tutto ciò si realizzi nel minor tempo possibile.
The People of Freedom '
Gricignano di Aversa
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