Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Get A Shiny In Soulsilver

scratch away!

missing very little, that the minute you hear them run faster?

You are ready to welcome the new year with hope and trust that eventually things will change, and for the better?
I decided that I want to believe the old year and greet without rancor, giving it as luggage on his journey of no return, the bitterness, sadness and disappointments experienced during his long months.
not greet him with nostalgia that's for sure, but with relief and gratitude: after all he could do more damage!
I am so ready smile and the new year, because a smile is the best help to address everything that is good or bad or so-so, the new year will bring.

New Year
of Mother Teresa of Calcutta

What can I tell you to help you live better in this year?
one another;
smile at your wife, your husband
to your children,
the people with whom you work,
who commands you;
sorridetevi each other;
this will help you grow in 'love,
why the smile is the fruit of love. "

Happy New Year to all with affection and a great ..... smile!


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