certainly did not expect a thank you for it by the majority and the Mayor of here but to be accused of inciting citizens to pay taxes, represents a real distortion of the truth on which we can not remain silent.
Non abbiamo mai detto, né tanto meno ci saremmo mai sognati di invitare i cittadini a non pagare le tasse a prescindere, ma abbiamo invece ritenuto e ritengo che la sentenza della Corte Costituzionale poteva e doveva far riflettere la maggioranza circa una eventuale opposizione al pignoramento da parte di Acqua Campania, relativo alle acque di depurazione, pari a 2 milioni e 657mila euro, per il periodo dal 1992 al 2005, a seguito di verifica, finalizzata all’accertamento del collegamento della rete fognaria al depuratore e soprattutto al corretto funzionamento negli anni dello stesso. Tutto ciò, per addivenire ad un eventuale scorporo totale o parziale del debito e magari far risparmiare soldi al Comune e nello stesso tempo allontanare l’ipotesi to sell the family jewels "(the territory). The intervention of the mayor, focused instead solely on the fact that "... the sewerage Gricignano regularly download the wastewater treatment plant through the Villa Literno .." but it helps to unravel the reasonable doubts about whether or not the activity the purifier and its proper function.
In this regard, can not be considered the statements of Vice President of the Campania Regional Council reported that on 4/11/2008, among others, to the Regional Walter Ganapini environment, the consequences of almost nothing of the treatment plant operation Villa Literno which is causing a real environmental disaster of the entire coast Domitiana (see http://www.acquaeterritorio.it/doc/guerradelps3/la_gestione_impianti/documenti/11.04.08.pdf).
In turn, the Regional Minister in a note dated April 30 of us spoke on the concessionaire operator revenge sewage treatment plants incorrectly or not working (vedahttp: / / www.acquaeterritorio.it/doc/guerradelps3/la_gestione_impianti/documenti / 30.04.08.pdf)
reiterate Then again, everything in the light of the facts is or is not worthy of investigation to ascertain at least the functionality of the purifier in the previous period, ie, from 1992 to 2005?
Then, noting the appeal the Mayor, I want to emphasize, if any were need, that dall'alveo behavior outside the rules, I have never belonged to the undersigned that has made and is the flagship of the rules of their existence.
Gricignano di Aversa, 27.10.2008 F.to Sebastiano Della Gatta