Rather than speak of crisis destructive obstinacy at all costs to find a painless way to swallow the bullet and make all the citizens the right to build in ownership in the PEEP, suggesting the alienation of the territory as the only therapy to deal with them now clear, bankruptcy and, hence, the budget deficit. Now do not think of anything else to the point of not noticing what was happening around. The Constitutional Court ruling No. 335, Oct. 10, said unlawful rules regarding charges for water purification when there is no sewage treatment plants or drinking water. The rule applies even when plants are dormant. And they do that? Nothing, you just need to sell!
has been declared, in fact, declares that Article. 14, paragraph 1, Law of 5 January 1994, n. 36 (provisions relating to water resources) and art. 155, first paragraph, first sentence, of Legislative Decree 3 April 2006, n.152 (Environmental Regulations), the extent to which they expect the share price related to the service of sewage is caused by users' even if lacking sewage treatment plants or they are dormant. " La Corte Costituzionale parte da un presupposto semplice: poiché il canone di depurazione è un corrispettivo ad un servizio reso (e non un tributo), se non vi è il servizio, non può essere chiesto il corrispettivo.
Le conseguenze di questa sentenza sono di enorme importanza: innanzitutto, tutti quei cittadini che non abbiano fognature allacciate a impianti di depurazione (ovvero questi impianti siano temporaneamente inattivi) non devono più pagare il canone di depurazione. Ma, ancor più importante, anche le somme versate negli anni passati dovrebbero essere restituite a chi le ha ingiustamente pagate e per chi a tratti non le ha pagate, come nel caso di Gricignano, non dovrebbe a questo punto più pagarle. Partendo dal presupposto that the City of Gricignano for many years was not related to any wastewater treatment plant and that when it was, the same cleaners were inactive, as now, for example, where to warn is the same as councilor to the branch, which holds that Ganapini purifiers dirty, then why do not you ask the cancellation of the order for recovery drawn up by the Water Campania? Who should protect the citizens? But this obviously does not affect the majority or perhaps never concerned, this is unfortunately the only thing that is clear.
Gricignano di Aversa, 26.10.2008
F.to Sebastiano Della Gatta
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