Saturday, March 12, 2011

Tattoos And Joint Pain

Benevento: husband killed with cleaver partial infirmity, sentenced to six years

Benevento killed husband with ax
partial infirmity, sentenced to six years

The Gup Roberto Melone hearing yesterday morning imposed a sentence of six years and eight months in Paolina Bellucci, 75, the woman who in October 2009 with a knife killed eight shots at the Colonial Bridge, her husband Benito Victor Lombardi of 72 years. Yesterday morning the use of expedited with the indictment of the prosecutor Maria Aversano, who asked for a sentence of eight years with decreasing if Gup had recognized the partial infirmity.

Then the defender Vincent Regard harangue that has focused on the precarious mental condition of the woman, and the existence of provocation. The woman is currently held in a health facility and his lawyer has demanded an end to the forced hospitalization. The judge has taken the instance is about the reduced mental capacity and those of provocation, reserving the right to decide on the actual detention. In previous hearings had been listened to the experts, one appointed by the Gup Teofilo Goliath, one designated by the prosecutor, and defense Feltz Melchiorre. All psychiatric performed on women reach the conclusion with regard to his current dangerousness.

The woman was charged with murder and had confessed from the first moment of having committed the crime. The defendant, during his interrogation which had been submitted by the magistrates, (the prosecutor and the magistrate Aversano Cusani) had rebuilt his married life in detail, confirming that the spouse were always fights, due to the fact that the man had friendships with other women, mostly foreign, for which he spent money too. A marital relationship is therefore highly flawed, then suddenly resulted in the woman's decision to kill the spouse. I had a working knife. A family drama, suddenly, between elderly spouses.

A crime occurred in their home, a detached two-story Colonial Bridge to the district on the outskirts of the city along the old road that leads from the city precisely in the Bridge. To discover the man's lifeless body on a sofa near the fireplace, was a neighbor. Pauline Bellucci fact, after having killed her husband had called by telephone a neighbor saying, "Come now happened a mess."
The man had reached the home of the Lombardi family, and before his eyes had made a terrible scene: Benito Vittorio Lombardi on the couch, his head smashed and blood all over his body. He had immediately understood the plight and rushed to give the alarm and had arrived on site agents and employees of the Flying Squad and forensic science.

link to the news

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Avellino: stalking the women love the same man pursued her friend

Avellino: stalking the women love the same man
pursued her friend

VALLEY Hermes - Stalking female. Unusual story of harassment between two women, forty-first and the second forty, both residents of a town in the Valley dell'Ufita, who until a few years ago they were friends who shared everything. From school. Their every move was agreed and shared by way of dressing up the organization of holidays, from frequenting the local companies to choose from. When, however, is the successor to the interest for the same man (married) quel rapporto di amicizia si è interrotto nel modo peggiore. Una delle due, la quarantaduenne, ha cominciato ripetutamente a infastidire telefonicamente, dileggiare e minacciare l'altra, anche per strada o in occasione di incontri occasionali presso un supermercato o addirittura in chiesa.

Quella situazione non poteva essere sopportata dalla donna perseguitata, che spesso era costretta a fornire spiegazioni imbarazzanti sia ai familiari che alle altre persone che si trovavano ad assistere ai loro litigi. E' partita da qui, dopo non pochi indugi e perplessità, la decisione di denunciare la vicenda al commissariato di polizia di Ariano Irpino. Inevitabile, l'ammonimento del Questore di Avellino alla quarantaduenne perchè si astenesse dal mettere in pratica comportamenti persecutori nei confronti della sua ex amica. Ma il provvedimento del Questore non è servito praticamente a nulla. La donna ha ripreso più di prima a infastidire l'ex amica, arrivando perfino a sputarle addosso e a minacciare i suoi familiari. A questo punto, anche per evitare che la situazione potesse precipitare e avere risvolti imprevedibili, la quarantenne si è presentata nuovamente al commissariato di polizia di Ariano per denunciare quanto le stava capitando, riferendo di essere subentrata in una condizione psicologica delicata e preoccupante.

Gli uomini della squadra di polizia giudiziaria, coordinati dal vicequestore Cuccovillo, sono riusciti ad acquisire nuovi elementi di indagine che hanno she nailed to his responsibilities. Hence the new precautionary measures issued by the Court of Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, at the request of the Prosecutor Warren. At forty-two is forced not only to stop with the threats, but also not to get close to places frequented by the victim and his family. In case of re-offending risk remains that of the arrest.

link to the news

Why Did Accountants Wear Visors

Verona - falsely accuses her husband and mother-in-law of abuse of daughters ordered

LIBEL. Also put in doubt by perizie.È was sentenced to three years and shall indemnify thirty thousand euro
lied claiming that the daughters had been seduced by her husband and mother-in-law: pay.
The charge was one of the worst: a father accused of having sex with her two daughters. A complaint that Mrs. Elisa, the former wife appeared in a constant separation. Not limited to this because after that the daughters were subjected to a series of tests by psychologists and it was found that no one, let alone the father had abused them, not satisfied, at the hearing before the court of separation Civil Court, filed pornography attribute the former spouse to erotic games and added that his mother also attended, or the grandmother of the children.
it was to denounce the former daughter in law that with that terrible lie wanted to cut any kind of bond between daughters and father's family. Slander the elements of an offense to Mrs. Elisa, but the prosecution did not consider that the complaint had somehow damaged her ex-husband (for seven months in fact he could not see her daughters, then the same fate of his mother), ordered not to pursue the prosecution and the case was destined to end in the archives. The defender of the offended parties, the lawyer David Adams objected and the judge was Laura Donati forced to have the charge for the woman defended by Gianluca Vassanelli. These
the premises, the preliminary hearing yesterday before the preliminary hearing judge Isabella Caesars: the defendant has asked to be judged expedited and at the end of the process was sentenced to three years imprisonment. Very serious accusation false and had damaged and undermined the peace of the family of her former husband and the preliminary hearing judge has recognized the legitimacy of compensation. Three years of imprisonment to which you add the payment to him of 20 000 € 10 000 € and the former suocera.FM
link to the news:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Remove Sharpie From Volleyball

Catania was prostituting daughter . Arrested 40-year

Catania, was prostituting her daughter. A 40-year old arrested

Catania, the police have arrested a Brazilian 40 years for prostitution. The woman ran into an apartment a 'home tolerance 'within which the prostitute was the daughter of 24 years and other compatriots. The woman 'was locked up in prison Piazza Lanza

link to the news

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Gorizia - wanted to give a lecture and he did kill her husband, wife sentenced

His wife hired a pair Italo-Albanian, but the dispute degenerated
Inpdap and the director was killed with six stab wounds

October 18, 2008

GORIZIA March 11, 2011 - The Court of Cassation upheld the sentences handed down today in the second degree with two of the protagonists of the murder of Eriberto Lorenzetti, Director of INPDAP Gorizia, 63 years at the time, killed on October 15, 2008 with six strokes of the knife at her home in Turriff (Gorizia). Giuliana De Nigris, 63, wife of Lorenzetti, and Rosa Rambetti, Fati Rexepi Albanian partner, author of the crime, were arrested by the mobile teams of Gorizia and Trieste for the crime of murder in the competition for which must now serve in prison the sentences provided in, respectively, to four years, 11 months and 9 days in jail and five years, four months and nine days in jail.
Lorenzetti was found dead in his home in Turriff by his wife on his return home. After the first indagini, il quadro nel quale era maturato l'omicidio divenne chiaro e le due donne e l'albanese Rexepi (da allora in carcere) vennero arrestati. La donna - pittrice e insegnante alle scuole medie di Pieris (Gorizia) - esasperata dai comportamenti burberi del marito aveva ingaggiato la coppia Rexepi-Rambetti «per dare una lezione al coniuge». L'irruzione nell'abitazione si trasformò subito in dramma per la reazione violenta e decisa di Lorenzetti. La zuffa degenerò e il direttore dell'Inpdap cadde colpito da sei coltellate.
link alla notizia:

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Papigno (TR) - threatened his former mistress to tell the report to his wife, arrested for extortion

L’uomo pur di non rendere nota la sua relazione extraconiugale with the Tunisian woman of 40 years, obeyed his repeated requests for money, started after discontinuation of the relationship between the two. E 'come to ask for even a "golden handshake" of 100 thousand euro. The man, a wealthy merchant of downtown Papigno, all'ennessima request addressed to the police for help.

The operation to trap the woman is taken on the afternoon of yesterday, Thursday, March 10, personnel from the Police Station of Papigno has apprehended for extortion continued, the forty Tunisia, LW, and nubile-nothing found. The operation started when the investigations have established that the report dated Three years earlier, and must act to stop the continuous pressing needs of women of large sums of money. The incessant demands

The woman in fact, once you stop the relationship, had begun to ask the operator money by threatening that if he had not done the usual monthly payment of money, would have revealed the extramarital relationship with his wife, and in doing so had increased gradually until the amount required to claim several thousand Euros, and even to ask, what sort of severance pay, a sum of 100,000 €.

History The trader therefore, after satisfying the demands of women in past years, coming to donate € 50,000 circa in totale, esasperato ed esausto, ormai pienamente assoggettato nella sua volontà, ha trovato la forza di denunciare l’accaduto ai carabinieri di Papigno, nella speranza di trovare un aiuto. Infatti, nel primo pomeriggio di ieri, all’ennesimo appuntamento con la donna, nel corso del quale avrebbe dovuto consegnarle 3000 euro, all’incontro in un capannone industriale abbandonato, erano presenti anche i carabinieri, che appostatisi nelle vicinanze per poter osservare quanto accadesse, hanno atteso che l’uomo consegnasse alla donna la busta contenente il denaro per poi fermarla e dichiararla in stato d’arresto. Il denaro sarà presto restituito alla vittima di questo reato mentre la donna è stata condotta presso the home district of words Sabbione.
link to the news:

How Much Does Nickelodeon

I, too, on "faccialibro"!

's right, now on the "Faccialibro" I'm here too!
too, I had always said - No, not me, I just need my blogghino .-
- Why should I, I just for chatting on the phone. -
- E dove lo trovo il tempo? -
Bhè, ho capitolato e presa per sfinimento e non lo nego, anche dal desiderio di allargare gli orizzonti e farmi conoscere ( leggi aumentare le possibilità di vendita!!!), mi sono decisa e mi sono iscritta.
Ed in poco più di due giorni ho già un sacco di adesioni.
Perciò volevo ringraziare pubblicamente tutte le amiche che solitamente vengono a trovarmi nel mio giardino per avere risposto alle mie richieste di amicizia:   Grazie grazie grazie a tutte.
Perciò, se passando di qua non troverete nessuno, cliccate sul bagde di Facebook e scambieremo due chiacchiere from there.

; ;

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Players Using Jockstraps

Power: The heavy stalking the nurse St. Charles Medical

4 March 2011
arrested 50 years old "had come to graduate just to keep it under control" Powers - has tried everything for ten years, just to "conquer" the man she loves, going so far to get a diploma, a 50 years to get a job in an office not far from that of the person you want: a case of stalking that led to the arrest of a woman of 54 years of power, accused of stalking against a professional Potenza his age.
The two have known each other for over ten years, started a relationship at work and immediately resulted, at least for women, in passion, but even placable not reciprocated. He is a renowned practitioner of Potenza, married and with children, who in March 2010 no longer bear the harassment of the woman went to police headquarters and asked the police to stop the 'stalker', getting a first "oral warning '.
Obviously this is not enough to stop the woman who was able to enjoy a month of calm, perhaps for fear of that warning by the police. And then he resumed his stalking, with "expected" before the casa e alla sede dell’ufficio dell’amato, fino al punto di seguirlo anche in una trasferta lavorativa. Un amore che l’ha anche riportata sui banchi di scuola, per ottenere quel diploma che le ha permesso di lavorare a pochi metri di distanza da lui. La donna ora si trova ai domiciliari.

link alla notizia

10 marzo 2011
Il pesante stalking dell'infermiera al medico del San Carlo 10/03/2011 «NON voglio fornire nessuna notizia per quanto riguarda la presentazione o meno, al tribunale del Riesame, della richiesta di revoca degli arrest of my client. " So Raffaela Forliano, legal 54 year old woman, arrested on March 4 than with a charge of stalking. The
cinquantaquattrenne is a nurse, married with four children, who, before the precautionary measure and has served at St. Charles Hospital ¹. He, the practitioner of the capital, a victim of obsessive and morbid attention of women, is a well-known doctor of the hospital Potenza, in the past, it was also the primary acting in a sensitive department - for diseases which we deal with - 's Hospital of Potenza.
One love, one woman for the "white coat", which had not gone unnoticed even in the eyes of many colleagues. In many, in fact, had noticed how the
cinquataquattrenne, often find themselves before the door of the ward where the doctor serving with the hope of seeing him.
Because even the workplace had become a place where the woman was 50 years old "session between the benches" to obtain a degree as a nurse did anything to cross, at least for a while, the eyes of that doctor for which he had lost his mind for the last decade.
doctor who was not only followed and stalked the house but often also had to change route to enter the hospital because she had learned where he parked his car and followed the path.
If the story ended with the home for women - to demand the arrest, Larocca upheld by the investigating magistrate, the deputy public prosecutor, Piccininni - it was certainly easy task falls to the men of the third section of the squad, led by Barbara Torn, who had to work not just to pick up the pieces of this story of stalking.
all started, remember, in early March when the well-known practitioner presented himself to the police station because he was tired of being subjected to the "attention", become increasingly morbid and obsessive by the woman.
The man talks with the officials of the third section - just
specializes in stalking cases - the squad for several hours. The story is very long because it has deep roots in the time necessary to summarize 10 years from the day when a woman sees for the first time man. Meetings related to the occupation of that maybe he is treating a family member or acquaintance of her.
That meeting took place in the medical department where he served - the medical jargon that does not make those visits are defined intra moenia
- the woman is a real sight. Lightning that slowly turns into a morbid love. " If the first meeting between the two appeared to be random, slowly, things have taken a different one aspect. The doctor even came across the woman in his home. And there were times when the whole family is aware of him being "dogged". The whole story is recorded by staff of Mobile.
The woman is called in after a few days Viale Marconi, where he received "an oral warning - as explained on the day of the arrest, Barbara Ripped, Head of Mobile - by the Police, Romulus Panic."
A warning, though, that it did not do much because, after a first time when it seemed that the waters had subsided, the doctor has begun to be re-Tampin and made the subject of "attention" and explicit declarations of love. In sight of the woman ends the son of the professional who is approached in the hope that winning his friendship could have smoothed the way with his father. Of course none of this happened. After 10 years love della donna è "finito ai domiciliari" e per il medico la vita è tornata alla normalità.

link alla notizia

El Paso Brazilian Wax

Reggio Emilia - Army, a heist seller

Rapinato nel tardo pomeriggio di mercoledì il negozio Bimbo Market di via Pariati a pochi passi dal centro di Reggio. Autrice del colpo una donna di mezza età bionda e con i capelli a caschetto che ha fatto irruzione nell’esercizio e, minacciando la titolare con un’arma, si è fatta consegnare il contenuto del registratore di cassa, poco più di 100 euro.
Ottenuto il denaro, la malvivente è fuggita a piedi. Sulle sue tracce si sono subito messi i carabinieri di Reggio che hanno scatenato una vera e propria caccia alla ladra.

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Necklace bride Katie

Yesterday afternoon I met Katie, a lovely girl to be married, who contacted me to order a necklace to wear for her big day.
Katia lives for some time but is originally from Puglia Rimini and moved to work in Romagna. A
work totally different from what he imagined after graduating in law and have obtained a license to pursue a less prestigious job, maybe the unrewarding, however, permits to be independent and to plan its future life awaiting prospects best.
I came naturally to rethink the speech made recently by the Minister Brunetta about the big babies, indefinitamente sospesi tra un'adolescenza prolungata ed una maturità rinviata a data da definire.
Katia sicuramente non è così e per fortuna ci sono ancora tantissimi ragazzi come Lei, disposti a lasciare la famiglia, trasferirsi da soli a centinaia di chilometri di distanza per essere protagonisti della propria vita!
Un grande in bocca al lupo per il Vostro futuro ragazzi!

Ed ecco la collana consegnata ieri a Katia:
Una nuova versione della Dolcezza cristal, senza perle e pietre ma solo con bicono e sfaccettate swarovski.
Perchè per la serie: - Non ci credo ma perchè rischiare ! - Remembering the old saying that pearls bring tears, wanted to avoid any risk.
... and the end result was equally good.
Greetings Katie, good life.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Edinburgh: Woman kills her three children by stabbing

Donna uccide i suoi tre figli a coltellate

Roma - Un’altra vicenda legata a motivi di separazione. Una donna nata in California Theresa Riggi, 47 anni, ha ucciso i suoi tre figli, due gemellini di otto anni e la sorellina più piccola di cinque. E’ successo ad Edimburgo. Dopo un’esplosione di gas in un appartamento found the bodies of children with several stab wounds in various parts of the body. What seemed an accident caused by gas leak, it reveals a gruesome murder. The origin of what is the history of separation of spouses. The woman was terrified that the children were removed because, in a last phone call with her husband, who had revealed its intention to take the children, the woman's reply was cold and stark: "In their farewell ". One warning, the woman then put in place with the deaths of three children. The woman will be processed in the next 26 April.

link to the news stabbing

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Turin quarrels with her husband and gives

quarrels with her husband and set fire to the camper

arrested a 20-year-old Roma.
The immediate intervention of the police

allowed to save a baby who was sleeping next to the vehicle in flames


He set fire to the caravan where he lived in Brusasco, in Turin, during a quarrel with her husband and only ' intervention of the police officers saved a baby a few months sleeping in a car nearby. Protagonist is a woman of 20 years of Macedonian origin who yesterday around 19 has had an argument with her husband for the maintenance of three children. The

the first woman has launched an electric motor against the RV and then set fire to the cabin. The police, rushed to the scene, have been used fire extinguishers to put out the fire that threatened to blow up the nearby gas cylinders and threatened the car where, nearby, slept a few of the children of a couple months. The woman, already affected, was arrested for aggravated damage.

link to the news

Kates Playground Eyebrows

camper fire at Florence - "Carabinieri-rapists" (?): new case, perhaps a false

Carabinieri rapers: Maybe A New Case False

Days dark for the weapon Carabinieri savior of his country that seems to take in these last hours, criminal connotations because of reports of rape of poor women who are victims of abuse of power by men in uniform.
the violence of a sexual nature took place in the barracks Quadraro of Rome during the night between 23 and 24 February, in which three policemen were abusing a woman arrested for theft, then defending the statements by the defense that the victim wants act as a promoter, following a new episode, this time in that of Florence, where a lady complaint three soldiers who took advantage of her home during a search of the companion.
already arrested anni addietro con l’accusa di spaccio, la donna fiorentina asserisce di essere stata vittima di abusi sessuali sia nell’abitazione, mentre il fidanzato si trovava in altre stanze, che nell’auto dei Carabinieri, durante il tragitto verso la caserma. I primi esami sugli indumenti dei militari e su quelli della presunta vittima intanto non presentano alcuna traccia che possa lasciare ipotesi di stupro.
Se l’accusa dovesse rivelarsi infondata, il cui unico fine quello di difendere i colpevoli dagli arresti, la donna e il compagno rischiano delle aggravanti sul reato per i quali sono attualmente in fermo.

link alla notizia

Rainfall Showers For Ceiling

Sasso Marconi (BO) - Kicks and punches to the police who arrested the drug dealer boyfriend

Bologna, March 8 - (Adnkronos) - There 'hurled at the police who were arresting her boyfriend caught passing off inside a nightclub in the province of Bologna. And so 'the handcuffs are taken well to her. Ended up in prison Onza Dario, 24-year old resident of Naples and Parma with some previous police and Julia Intini, 23 years old Parma, who was also known to law enforcement. Last night the military's company Ducati surprised the man while inside the House of Rock''club''of Sasso Marconi yielded a pill of ecstasy to a 40-year old from Bologna. Him he had two more in cellophane wrappers containing 3 grams of methamphetamine and 2 grams of marijuana. Until then she had remained aloof. But when he saw that the police carried out a local man and 'hurled at them by hitting them with kicks and punches. Onza must meet detention for the purpose of drug dealing, while the Intini and 'accused of violence and resistance to the officer. The 40-year old from Bologna 'was reported administratively to the prefect as a drug taker.
link to the news: 08/3930236

To Land A Double Pirouette

Gioia del Colle (BA) - Botte mother : likely to remain blind and deaf, is likely irreversible brain damage

August 13, 2010

tragic story of family decline in Gioia del Colle, vicino Bari. Un bimbo di 7 mesi è ricoverato da mercoledì all'ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII del capoluogo in condizioni gravissime, a causa delle violenze e dei maltrattamenti causati dalla madre. Lei, casalinga di 28 anni, brasiliana, ma in Italia fin da piccola, è in carcere con l'accusa di maltrattamenti aggravati da lesioni gravissime: avrebbe morso, menato, sbattuto sul fasciatoio e scosso con violenza diverse volte il figlio, causandogli ecchimosi su tutto il corpo, escoriazioni e decine di fratture tra cranio, omero, femore, costole e dita rotte. Il bimbo è stato portato mercoledì sera in ospedale dai genitori (il padre, 35 anni, è un piccolo artigiano di marmi del posto). Ai medici hanno raccontato che era caduto ma the health care services given the critical condition of the child, alerted the police. Some appeared healed fractures, indicating that the abuse went on for some time. Parents were thus subjected to several interrogations by the flying squad and by the magistrate on duty. While they were in office agents have also noticed that his father had bite marks on his arms. It was evident then that the alleged violence was responsible for the woman, who admitted it all, telling you download to your son's anger at the continued bickering with her boyfriend. The child is now recovering in a desperate situation and these days has also suffered two cardiac arrests. The Prosecutor of the Child has taken away the rights of custody to family members, relying on health hospital. The police investigation continues to clarify any responsibility of his father (who is now under investigation), who said he had never noticed the violence, because the whole day out for work and why she dressed the little we saw that without the wounds on the body. To verify the role of the paternal grandparents.

BARI March 8, 2011 - The Prosecutor of Bari has asked the court immediately to the parents of Grace, the baby of Gioia del Colle (Bari) reduced dying mother and hospitalized in a coma last August when he was only seven months. The mother of a 28 year old Brazilian-born and her husband are charged with aggravated harassment and grievous bodily harm.
pm The owner of the file, Angela Maria Morea, denies the same for both offenses, despite beating the child was merely a woman. The father is liable under Article 40 of the Criminal Code, which states "not to prevent an event, which has a legal duty to prevent, is tantamount to cause." The small
Graziano, who will probably remain blind and deaf and that risks irreversible brain damage, was admitted to the 'August 11, 2010 with fractures to his ribs, fingers, femur and humerus, abrasions to various parts of the body, head trauma, nail pull , injury from bites and burns. His young mother is in jail since that day, while her husband is suspect on the loose. According to the prosecutor's investigation and the evidence gathered, the woman struck the child to punish the father. Small rash on the anger and desire for revenge for the constant quarrels with her boyfriend. She was the one to confess to the terrible torture that time covered by the child.
link to the news:

Driving Cruising Games

March 8

One woman wrote:

- Women must do everything twice as good as men to be judged good half.
Fortunately it is not so difficult .-

Happy March 8 to all women who do not need a date on the calendar to reinforce their being special and unique because each of us is every day of the year!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Is It Common To Get Herpes On The Stomach

Bari: STALKING: ARRESTED 58, Castellana Grotte America

STALKING: ARRESTED 58, Castellana Grotte Bari

, 5 March .- He had accepted the end of their relationship and for about three years has plagued a 45 year old stationed nei pressi della sua abitazione, suonando al campanello, inviando centinaia di biglietti di minacce e ingiurie. L'epilogo della vicenda e' avvenuto ieri, a Castellana Grotte, quando i carabinieri della locale Stazione hanno arrestato una 58enne del luogo, con l'accusa di "atti persecutori". Ad allertare i carabinieri e' stato l'uomo dopo aver trascorso l'ennesima notte nella propria auto per sottrarsi ai continui insulti. Qualche giorno prima l'uomo aveva presentato denuncia nei confronti della donna che ormai da diverso tempo lo infastidiva quotidianamente. I militari hanno sorpreso la 58enne mentre infilava sotto il portone della casa dell'uomo l'ennesimo bigliettino di ingiurie. La donna ha tentato la fuga, barricandosi poi nella propria abitazione, dove and 'was blocked and, therefore, carried out in the barracks. After the arrest, on the disposal of the 'court, and the 58,' was subjected to house arrest.

link to the news

Philadelphia Male Brazilians

progress woman - Brawl between teacher and pupil with beating, slapping and punching

America progress woman - Brawl between pupils and with Professor Botte, slaps and punches

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Sanremo - arrested two prostitutes for: robbery, beatings, injuries and threats

In late yesterday evening, the police apprehended two prostitutes who have robbed them of a 'colleague' GP of 24 years Romania, stealing the proceeds of the evening kept nella borsa. Le due ladre/prostitute M.K. di 34 anni slovacca e M.T. 33enne serba, oltre a rubare i soldi della romena, l'hanno malmenata per via di una disputa territoriale sul marciapiede dove praticare il mestiere più antico del mondo. Le due donne sono state arrestate per rapina, percosse, lesioni e minacce e trasdotte al carcere femminile di Genova Pontedecimo a disposizione dell'autorità giudiziaria.
link alla notizia:[year]=2011&tx_ttnews[month]=03&tx_ttnews[day]=05&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=418826&tx_ttnews[cat]=271&cHash=478668319d079d00c8b30ab65865cf69

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Sixth St. Giovanni (MI) - The manager loses his job: he seven robberies

Una donna di 40 anni, licenziata from his post as manager, began to rob stores, hitting seven years in the Milan hinterland.
As reconstructed, the targets of the 40-year old, newly unemployed, with two sons and a lease that could no longer pay periods were typically female, such as perfumery and haberdashery.
Once broke into shops and obtaining money by pulling out a knife, spear fishing, then gave the woman to flee aboard a bicycle.
The 40-year old was taken to prison in Monza on charges of aggravated robbery.

link to the news:

Depression Push Loved Ones Away

Rome: Sexual violence in Trinità dei Monti The Spanish portrait: I invented everything

Stupro,mi sono inventata tutto

Violenza sessuale a Trinità dei Monti
La spagnola ritratta: ho inventato tutto

La 23enne denunciò lo stupro per farsi visitare dopo rapporto
sessuale non protetto.

ROMA - Aveva inventato tutto la ragazza spagnola di 23 anni che il 19 febbraio scorso denunciò di aver subito una violenza sessuale da parte di due sconosciuti in via San Sebastianello, a Roma, nei pressi di Trinità dei Monti. Dopo l'esito delle indagini, condotte dalla Procura della Repubblica di Roma e dalla Squadra mobile della questura di Roma, che avevano accertato numerose incongruenze nel racconto della giovane spagnola, the woman was again heard yesterday afternoon by the prosecutor and owner of investigations by officers of the squad Pg. In view of the objections that were raised the girl said not to have suffered any sexual assault and that he had submitted a false complaint with the sole purpose of being able to undergo prophylactic health following a casual unprotected sex. The girl was investigated for simulation of crime.

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Friday, March 4, 2011

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Padova - Her, to spite her ex's torture dogs

The mistreatment of animals is always a bad argument da trattare. Specialmente se a eseguirlo è una donna. Una moglie di Boeno, nel padovano, è stata denunciata per aver maltrattato i cani dell’ex marito. Azione fatta per una stupida ripicca. La donna nel corso del 2010 ha stipato due cagnoline all’interno di un piccolo recinto, senza dar loro ne’ acqua ne’ cibo e lasciandole nei loro stessi escrementi. Proprio una brutta vicenda che naturalmente la donna ha pagato caro: è stata infatti denunciata e le è stata inflitta una pena veramente esemplare.
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Alba (CN) - 6 years for blackmailing former lover arrested

Cuneo: Ricatta per 6 anni ex amante, Arrestata
Turin, March 4 - (Adnkronos) - For six years, each month has paid 300 € ex-lover who threatened to terminate their relationship until the wife ', retired and no longer able to' support the blackmail, which in six years had cost him 20 thousand €, decided to call the police. The protagonist is a 60 year old craftsman of Alba in 2005 for a few months had had an affair with a housewife 50 years old. After the story she had begun to blackmail the man also threatened to call the police to complain about an alleged sexual violence. The man and therefore is' directed to the military that Hanoi acquired a dozen text messages and voice messages left on the phone with the threats of man, both from woman, both from the 20 year old daughter.
the day agreed for payment of another, instead of the craftsman has however been 'visited the police who arrested the woman on charges of extortion and aggravated continued and reported her daughter. The investigating judge has validated the arrest and has released 'a housewife who now will wait' process. Link to the news

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Milan - mother in prison for kidnapping, child abduction and psychological abuse

Milan, Marinella Colombo in jail the woman who concealed their children to the father .
E 'ended up in jail on charges of child abduction, kidnapping and abuse Marinella Colombo, a Milanese woman that time is conducting a long personal battle to stay in Italy with her children, entrusted by the Court of Monaco to the former German husband. In February of last year the woman who will be questioned tomorrow by the investigating magistrate in Milan Luigi Varanelli in San Vittore prison, had gone to pick up his two sons, 8 and 12 years in Germany and then keeps them hidden in a secret location , abroad. From here the allegations of kidnapping and child abduction, to which was added to psychological abuse, in relation to the fact that for over a year, his children are not attending school and living away from father and mother.

The firm, which was signed by deputy prosecutor Pietro Forno and Luke pm Gaglio, it was necessary because the investigators, after having placed bugs in the house, they discovered that the woman was about to flee to Lebanon with her children. "A few days ago - said his lawyer, the lawyer Laura Cossar - his house was searched in Milan and on this occasion probably have placed the bug. The Columbus would probably go to Lebanon because it is one of the few countries have not signed the Hague Convention and therefore could not be extradited from there. " The problem now, added the lawyer, "is for children, because only you know where I am."

Last week, added the lawyer, had already received a notification for questioning before the gip Varanelli, fissato per domani, per una misura di divieto d'espatrio a carico della donna. I pm non hanno ancora mandato al gip la richiesta di convalida del fermo e l'interrogatorio di domani probabilmente sarà relativo anche alla convalida del fermo. Inoltre l'8 marzo prossimo per la donna proseguirà il processo in cui è accusata di sottrazione di minori e inottemperanza di un provvedimento del tribunale dei minorenni. Quel giorno dovrebbe testimoniare anche il padre dei piccoli.
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Pescara - fraud against elderly: two women arrested

Hanno suonato al bell housing on a Cross in Pescara posing as city employees. They tried to get inside the house under the false pretext of discussing the problem of health, presenting a false document with the seal of the City of Pescara.
suspicious insistence of the unknown, which gradually trying to gain entry, the victim, 80 year old, has managed to firmly close the door, forcing ill-intentioned to escape during which they succeeded, however, to steal a umbrella placed outside near the apartment. The two fled on board their cars and now have started the search for two patrols Abruzzo Crime Prevention Unit and Flying Squad of the Police Headquarters. Thanks also to reports of a witness, were shortly afterwards traced and detained by the patrol route in Scanno. ES AS 40 and 22 years were accompanied to the police station and arrested. The first will respond to the offense of driving without a license, revoked in 1988.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Genoa - insults and beat the police: alleged

Genoa. A 26 year old Tuscan was denounced yesterday by the police station in Genoa Maddalena for strength and insulting a public official. The girl was on the way of the Well and was found in possession of a small quantity of heroin.

Accompagnata presso gli uffici del comdando, improvvisamente e senza alcun motivo, ha incominciato a insultare i militari e a colpirli con calci. Per questo motivo, quella che per lei sarebbe stata una semplice segnalazione come assuntrice di sostanze stepefacenti, si è trasformata in una denuncia a tutti gli effetti.
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Monza (MI) - It is prostituting children arrested with fellow Rumanian

Fa prostituire i figli,arrestata a Monza romena col compagno

I ragazzi di 16 e 20 anni erano anche costretti a rubare
(ANSA) - MILANO, 1 MAR - Una coppia di romeni e' stata arrestata dai carabinieri di Monza per aver costretto due ragazzi 16 e 20 anni a prostituirsi.
I giovani, figli della donna, erano obbligati a rubare nei supermercati di giorno e ad avere incontri di notte con clienti abituali o individuati con il passaparola che fissavano gli appuntamenti telefonicamente.
I due romeni sono stati accusati di sfruttamento e favoreggiamento della prostituzione.(ANSA).

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Capelle (PE) - Cocaine to the youngest daughter of the partner, who was arrested

Capelle: cocaina alla figlia minore del convivente, arrestata

Una donna di 40 anni è stata arrestata dai Carabinieri con l'accusa di detenzione di stupefacenti e cessione di stupefacenti a minore di 18 anni. Gave cocaine to her daughter's partner

U na 40 year old woman, Sara Giancaterino , was arrested by the Carabinieri Spoltore together with the miltiari Norm Pescara, on charges of possession of drugs, sale a minor, domestic and relationship abuse report.
The woman, a resident of Cappelle Sul Tavo for some time was observed and followed by the military, who had noticed that they associated with the arrested persons known by the police for crimes related to narcotics. The woman, among other things, he lives with his 10 year old daughter and second daughter of the unmarried, aged 17.
This morning, the military has decided di fare irruzione nell'abitazione, proprio nel momento in cui la donna stava preparando due strisce di cocaina, una delle quali destinata alla diciassettenne.
A seguito della perquisizione, i Carabinieri hanno rinvenuto materiale per il confezionamento e l'assunzione delle dosi.

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