Papigno (TR) - threatened his former mistress to tell the report to his wife, arrested for extortion
L’uomo pur di non rendere nota la sua relazione extraconiugale with the Tunisian woman of 40 years, obeyed his repeated requests for money, started after discontinuation of the relationship between the two. E 'come to ask for even a "golden handshake" of 100 thousand euro. The man, a wealthy merchant of downtown Papigno, all'ennessima request addressed to the police for help.
The operation to trap the woman is taken on the afternoon of yesterday, Thursday, March 10, personnel from the Police Station of Papigno has apprehended for extortion continued, the forty Tunisia, LW, and nubile-nothing found. The operation started when the investigations have established that the report dated Three years earlier, and must act to stop the continuous pressing needs of women of large sums of money. The incessant demands
The woman in fact, once you stop the relationship, had begun to ask the operator money by threatening that if he had not done the usual monthly payment of money, would have revealed the extramarital relationship with his wife, and in doing so had increased gradually until the amount required to claim several thousand Euros, and even to ask, what sort of severance pay, a sum of 100,000 €.
History The trader therefore, after satisfying the demands of women in past years, coming to donate € 50,000 circa in totale, esasperato ed esausto, ormai pienamente assoggettato nella sua volontà, ha trovato la forza di denunciare l’accaduto ai carabinieri di Papigno, nella speranza di trovare un aiuto. Infatti, nel primo pomeriggio di ieri, all’ennesimo appuntamento con la donna, nel corso del quale avrebbe dovuto consegnarle 3000 euro, all’incontro in un capannone industriale abbandonato, erano presenti anche i carabinieri, che appostatisi nelle vicinanze per poter osservare quanto accadesse, hanno atteso che l’uomo consegnasse alla donna la busta contenente il denaro per poi fermarla e dichiararla in stato d’arresto. Il denaro sarà presto restituito alla vittima di questo reato mentre la donna è stata condotta presso the home district of words Sabbione.
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