Milan, Marinella Colombo in jail the woman who concealed their children to the father .
E 'ended up in jail on charges of child abduction, kidnapping and abuse Marinella Colombo, a Milanese woman that time is conducting a long personal battle to stay in Italy with her children, entrusted by the Court of Monaco to the former German husband. In February of last year the woman who will be questioned tomorrow by the investigating magistrate in Milan Luigi Varanelli in San Vittore prison, had gone to pick up his two sons, 8 and 12 years in Germany and then keeps them hidden in a secret location , abroad. From here the allegations of kidnapping and child abduction, to which was added to psychological abuse, in relation to the fact that for over a year, his children are not attending school and living away from father and mother.
The firm, which was signed by deputy prosecutor Pietro Forno and Luke pm Gaglio, it was necessary because the investigators, after having placed bugs in the house, they discovered that the woman was about to flee to Lebanon with her children. "A few days ago - said his lawyer, the lawyer Laura Cossar - his house was searched in Milan and on this occasion probably have placed the bug. The Columbus would probably go to Lebanon because it is one of the few countries have not signed the Hague Convention and therefore could not be extradited from there. " The problem now, added the lawyer, "is for children, because only you know where I am."
Last week, added the lawyer, had already received a notification for questioning before the gip Varanelli, fissato per domani, per una misura di divieto d'espatrio a carico della donna. I pm non hanno ancora mandato al gip la richiesta di convalida del fermo e l'interrogatorio di domani probabilmente sarà relativo anche alla convalida del fermo. Inoltre l'8 marzo prossimo per la donna proseguirà il processo in cui è accusata di sottrazione di minori e inottemperanza di un provvedimento del tribunale dei minorenni. Quel giorno dovrebbe testimoniare anche il padre dei piccoli.
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