August 13, 2010
tragic story of family decline in Gioia del Colle, vicino Bari. Un bimbo di 7 mesi è ricoverato da mercoledì all'ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII del capoluogo in condizioni gravissime, a causa delle violenze e dei maltrattamenti causati dalla madre. Lei, casalinga di 28 anni, brasiliana, ma in Italia fin da piccola, è in carcere con l'accusa di maltrattamenti aggravati da lesioni gravissime: avrebbe morso, menato, sbattuto sul fasciatoio e scosso con violenza diverse volte il figlio, causandogli ecchimosi su tutto il corpo, escoriazioni e decine di fratture tra cranio, omero, femore, costole e dita rotte. Il bimbo è stato portato mercoledì sera in ospedale dai genitori (il padre, 35 anni, è un piccolo artigiano di marmi del posto). Ai medici hanno raccontato che era caduto ma the health care services given the critical condition of the child, alerted the police. Some appeared healed fractures, indicating that the abuse went on for some time. Parents were thus subjected to several interrogations by the flying squad and by the magistrate on duty. While they were in office agents have also noticed that his father had bite marks on his arms. It was evident then that the alleged violence was responsible for the woman, who admitted it all, telling you download to your son's anger at the continued bickering with her boyfriend. The child is now recovering in a desperate situation and these days has also suffered two cardiac arrests. The Prosecutor of the Child has taken away the rights of custody to family members, relying on health hospital. The police investigation continues to clarify any responsibility of his father (who is now under investigation), who said he had never noticed the violence, because the whole day out for work and why she dressed the little we saw that without the wounds on the body. To verify the role of the paternal grandparents.
tragic story of family decline in Gioia del Colle, vicino Bari. Un bimbo di 7 mesi è ricoverato da mercoledì all'ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII del capoluogo in condizioni gravissime, a causa delle violenze e dei maltrattamenti causati dalla madre. Lei, casalinga di 28 anni, brasiliana, ma in Italia fin da piccola, è in carcere con l'accusa di maltrattamenti aggravati da lesioni gravissime: avrebbe morso, menato, sbattuto sul fasciatoio e scosso con violenza diverse volte il figlio, causandogli ecchimosi su tutto il corpo, escoriazioni e decine di fratture tra cranio, omero, femore, costole e dita rotte. Il bimbo è stato portato mercoledì sera in ospedale dai genitori (il padre, 35 anni, è un piccolo artigiano di marmi del posto). Ai medici hanno raccontato che era caduto ma the health care services given the critical condition of the child, alerted the police. Some appeared healed fractures, indicating that the abuse went on for some time. Parents were thus subjected to several interrogations by the flying squad and by the magistrate on duty. While they were in office agents have also noticed that his father had bite marks on his arms. It was evident then that the alleged violence was responsible for the woman, who admitted it all, telling you download to your son's anger at the continued bickering with her boyfriend. The child is now recovering in a desperate situation and these days has also suffered two cardiac arrests. The Prosecutor of the Child has taken away the rights of custody to family members, relying on health hospital. The police investigation continues to clarify any responsibility of his father (who is now under investigation), who said he had never noticed the violence, because the whole day out for work and why she dressed the little we saw that without the wounds on the body. To verify the role of the paternal grandparents.
BARI March 8, 2011 - The Prosecutor of Bari has asked the court immediately to the parents of Grace, the baby of Gioia del Colle (Bari) reduced dying mother and hospitalized in a coma last August when he was only seven months. The mother of a 28 year old Brazilian-born and her husband are charged with aggravated harassment and grievous bodily harm.
pm The owner of the file, Angela Maria Morea, denies the same for both offenses, despite beating the child was merely a woman. The father is liable under Article 40 of the Criminal Code, which states "not to prevent an event, which has a legal duty to prevent, is tantamount to cause." The small
Graziano, who will probably remain blind and deaf and that risks irreversible brain damage, was admitted to the 'August 11, 2010 with fractures to his ribs, fingers, femur and humerus, abrasions to various parts of the body, head trauma, nail pull , injury from bites and burns. His young mother is in jail since that day, while her husband is suspect on the loose. According to the prosecutor's investigation and the evidence gathered, the woman struck the child to punish the father. Small rash on the anger and desire for revenge for the constant quarrels with her boyfriend. She was the one to confess to the terrible torture that time covered by the child.
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