Monday, January 28, 2008

Sasusaku Fanfic High School

book "Heart": 120 years of values \u200b\u200b

aftermath Italian unification, of all the problems in the new kingdom, overlooking the famous scene book "Heart" of Edmondo De Amicis , published in 1888. The book, belonging to the category of educational-historical novel, has since its publication a great success. His style is very simple and basic and the same De Amicis speak a few years after Manzoni watered down, he criticized his work.

But beyond the strictly stylistic considerations, the book "Heart" has remained a work of education for generations and models proposed in it are strong and clear sometimes exaggerated for elementary school children.

The book tells of the experiences made during the school year by Henry and his classmates. The middle-class boy, he attended a primary school of post units. Life lessons are included in the work of his father and boy's mother to her son and ten extraordinary and moving stories. In
prevail throughout the whole work clear and strong values \u200b\u200bsuch as homeland the brotherhood, family and respect for parents , respect for authority, the value of school and culture, the spirit of sacrifice , obedience, charity , heroism, the dignity of the worker .

The monthly moving stories mix love of country life to the examples given by the teacher ch and love their children as real children.
or teacher-father, who is ill and suffers for their students and children, in the book "Heart", no longer in fashion.
The figure of the adult as a teacher of life that must be observed only perc
hé largest is now a memory for the children of the iPod and Play station.

Heart is a tea 'm Risorgimento in which they mentioned were national heroes unit and special historical events such as the wars of independence.
know cial classes are all present. The need for culture of the people is a prerogative that no longer exists.

actually will ebbe bene che certi argomenti presenti nel libro sarebbero i ntelligentemente ripresi in chiave moderna.
L’amor di patria presente nel libro è ormai scono
sciuto a noi tutti italiani che lo diamo per scontato, questo Stato!
Il valore del rispetto per le autorità e per ogni indivi
duo, presenti nel libro “Cuore”, sono alla base di ogni società che si vuole ritenere libera e sana.

Oggi “Cuore” più che un’opera educativa per bambini potrebbe essere una vera e propria opera educativa per gli adulti. Infatti più che i bambini, certi valori presenti in the text, no longer in fashion, adults should review them and send them to children.
I do not mean that the values \u200b\u200band examples of the book "Heart" to be applied to the letter, times have changed. But certain values \u200b\u200bshould be transmitted in a decisive way to smaller, perhaps a modern twist. And this should happen in families, but also in ' construction where the texts as the book "Heart" should be mandatory, as they once were.

Heart is a wealth of values \u200b\u200bthat gave us one hundred and twenty years ago and no well the need to treasure it without buried or squandered.

We can say that the luck of the book "Heart" has stopped with 1968.
With Rivol uzio it student, some intellectuals regarded the book "C uore" as dead and believed pa ss ed and out of place. The idea of \u200b\u200ba world without dogma supported do in those years meant that gradually the book "Heart" was banned from at school and with it those great values \u200b\u200bin the book.
after some time and looking under the microscope the Italian company
today, a question arises to me: there was just need?

In pictures: Top original cover of the book "Heart";
In the middle, left, and Percy the operaRichard Gracy
of Louisa Grace Bartolini ;
Below, right, politicians of the Italian Unification;

Friday, January 18, 2008

High Definition Pokemon Images

Italy: the roots of chaos

This is the grim scenario of our dear country today. This is the image people have of us abroad. El Pais, the 'influential English newspaper, is about the failure of a State. Title was never più azzeccato.
Si tratta del fallimento totale di uno Stato che è letteralmente paralizzato di fronte alle tante, tragiche e quotidiane emergenze del paese e dei cittadini.

A qualcuno, alla maggioranza di noi, sfugge che i nostri antenati l'hanno sudata la costruzione e l'Unità di questo paese. Cavour , Mazzini , Garibaldi come commenterebbero questa catastrofe morale e sociale che stiamo vivendo ogni giorno?
Abbiamo distrutto, tutti insieme, nessuno escluso, i valori del Risorgimento italiano e in nome di quei falsi valori del '68 abbiamo massacrato la patria di Dante e Machiavelli .

Yet the great master Indro Montanelli the predicted long ago that the terminus was near and inevitable. He had fully identified the roots.
invite the reader to read these two beautiful passages with which I find myself totally. Each face a little closer to home and draw their own conclusions.

"Now I have come to the conclusion that corruption is not the result of this or that regime, by these rules or those , in fighting in vain, each production. It comes from some of our nested virus in our blood and in we never found the vaccine. Everything in Italy it is regularly contaminated "

" To be sincere to the end, I stopped believing in Italy. In an Italy where even a skit like this may be enough to cause decomposition. Blood there will not be: Italy has refused to dram but no one is more prepared for it to die. Gently in a state of anesthesia, we will return to being that "land of the dead inhabited by a human PULVO drain" that Montaigne had described three centuries ago. Or maybe not, we will remain what we are, a conglomerate engaged in discussions with big words, big reforms covering small games of power and interest. Italy is over. Or perhaps, born on the joke like the plebiscites 1860-61 , non è mai esistita che nella fantasia di pochi sognatori, ai quali abbiamo avuto la sventura di appartenere. Per me non è più la Patria. E' solo rimpianto di una Patria."

Indro Montanelli

In alto un immagine morente del grande personaggio del risorgimento italiano Giuseppe Mazzini
A sinistra la bandiera del primo regno unito d'Italia
In basso, a destra,il grande Indro Montanelli