Saturday, November 6, 2010

How To Save Firered In Vba Emulator

Relay friendship

With great pleasure I received the baton from Baton friendship Sarabella and Tweety
The rules are simple:

1) publish the logo of the relay

2) post your questions below 8

3) answer questions

4) invite other bloggers

These are the questions and answers ...

1. When asked what you wanted from small to large do you reply?

- I always hated that question, also because I had no idea what I wanted to do .... and I know so much that I do not know yet!

2. What were your favorite cartoons?

- All Disney cartoons: from Cinderella to Red Pinocchio and Toby (remember them delicious baby fox and dog?), Lady and the Tramp, 101 Dalmatians .....

3. What were your favorite games?

- I liked to draw a lot: often design clothes for the dolls and then they crochet or knitting (my grandmother at the age of six years taught me to knit!), or the finger drew the design on the cardboard and cut out, as these :

remember drawers full of stickers of paper .....

4. What was your most beautiful birthday and why?

- I honestly do not remember a single one, I must say that my mother has never been a great organizzatrice di feste di compleanno e la cosa mi è sempre dispiaciuta.
Forse per compensare questa mancanza ho sempre organizzato per le mie figlie grandi feste con amici giochi e tanti dolci.

5. Quali sono le cose che volevate assolutamente fare e che non avete ancora fatto?

- Volevo imparare a suonare la chitarra ma mio padre non me lo ha permesso: roba da "capelloni" diceva!!!!
   Volevo andare a vivere da sola ma mi sono sposata troppo presto e da allora stare sola è quasi un'utopia.
   Volevo aprire un'attività mia ma con un marito absolutely not, I figured if I could .....
I could go on with the list, but as ideas and unfulfilled desires is far too long, maybe you should let it go!

6. What was your first sporting passion and do not?

- Sports I?! Nooooo!

7. What was your first musical idol?

- The big, legendary Lucio Battisti

8. What was the best thing sought (and eventually received) Santa Claus, Baby Jesus, Saint Lucia?

- Un cane. Dopo la morte del cagnolino col quale ho condiviso la mia infanzia, avrei tanto desiderato averne un altro, ma chissà, forse S.Lucia li aveva finiti perchè per averne finalmente uno dovetti aspettare un bel po' di anni !

E dopo le risposte, ecco l'elenco delle amiche alle quali giro il testimone:

Giovanna Giogio' Art
Daniela  I bijoux di MisSmilla
Francesca Kilara creation
Cristina L'albero di Amberle
Antonella La casetta di cioccolato
Carla Le idee di Carla66
Sabrina Mani di Farfalla
Adri Michi & stones and jewels around
UAPA Rainbow 500 Rainbow
Marina as unique as you
Create Stefy is pleased
Filomena Creating Filò
Federica I bibetti
Sonia of the workshop you
I've done it!
E 'was difficult to choose where to donate the prize, not her friends if they have not bad because all deserve an award for the friendship and the joy they give me with their presence.
And now the baton to you, consult know