Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Get A Shiny In Soulsilver

scratch away!

missing very little, that the minute you hear them run faster?

You are ready to welcome the new year with hope and trust that eventually things will change, and for the better?
I decided that I want to believe the old year and greet without rancor, giving it as luggage on his journey of no return, the bitterness, sadness and disappointments experienced during his long months.
not greet him with nostalgia that's for sure, but with relief and gratitude: after all he could do more damage!
I am so ready smile and the new year, because a smile is the best help to address everything that is good or bad or so-so, the new year will bring.

New Year
of Mother Teresa of Calcutta

What can I tell you to help you live better in this year?
one another;
smile at your wife, your husband
to your children,
the people with whom you work,
who commands you;
sorridetevi each other;
this will help you grow in 'love,
why the smile is the fruit of love. "

Happy New Year to all with affection and a great ..... smile!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Comical Wedding Invitations

Greetings Greetings Greetings!

Dopo giorni senza connessione internet e abbondanti nevicate,
tanto che la mia casa è ridotta ancora così:
riesco finalmente ad essere qui per ringraziare tutte le amiche che con le loro parole ed appoggio morale mi hanno rincuorato.
Sono sempre più convinta che siate tutte delle belle persone e felice di conoscerVi.
Spero davvero di riuscire a superare al più presto questo momento di incertezza.

Con l'occasione voglio fare a tutte, soprattutto a quelle di Voi che non ho potuto contattare direttamente per mancanza dell'indirizzo e-mail, un grande grandissimo augurio:
Buon Natale
pieno zeppo di tanta felicità, serenità, amore e la realizzazione di qualunque desiderio abbiate in fondo al cuore.... magari anche quello di un tempo più clemente!
Perchè è vero che la neve fà tanto Natale, ma quest'anno ha proprio esagerato!

E nell'attesa di Babbo Natale, Vi abbraccio con affetto

Monday, December 13, 2010

Guest Book Ideas For Birthday

Although it seems I'm still here!

Lo sò, me ne rendo conto: sono una pessima blogger!
Direi pessimissima se non fosse un errore di grammatica.
Negli Lately I'm away from my gardens and on the web and highly demotivated .. and a bit depressed and honestly with this state of mind I do not find it easy to stay here.
This site was created with the intent to share the lighter side of me and playful, my hopes, sometimes illusions, my work.
If ever I let myself go a little rash, I did it for me to know better, not to depress those who had the goodness to follow me.
For this and only this, a little step through your blog, I read the post and I admire the wonders that are often published but I can not even write a word of comment.
I am sorry tantissimo perchè io di solito non sono così!
Non sono la persona più espansiva di questo mondo, spesso passo le ore più a pensare che a parlare, ma nonostante i problemi e gli ostacoli affrontati finora, cerco sempre di vedere" il bicchiere mezzo pieno" e raramente mezzo vuoto.
Raramente, non mai!!
Ecco, il problema stà proprio quì: questo è uno di quei momenti, raro ma quantomai tangibile e pressante che da un pò di tempo mi stà opprimendo.
Da circa un mese ho saputo che la fabbrica dove lavoro da 11 anni è in fase di ristrutturazione e con l'inizio del nuovo anno circa la metà dei dipendenti sarà destinato a rimanere a casa, sostituiti dalle macchine.
Niente di nuovo, ogni giorno si sentono notizie di licenziamenti e perdite di posti di lavoro, ma quando tocca a te le cose cambiano!
Rendersi conto della precarietà del proprio futuro lavorativo e dover aspettare un'altrui decisione senza poter fare nulla ma consapevole che le probabilità di restare disoccupata sono davvero alte, mi ha mandata " nel pallone".
Inutile pensare al proverbio: -Quando si chiude una porta si apre un portone-, non sono più giovanissima e con i tempi che corrono trovare un altro lavoro non sarà semplice e mi sà tanto che l'unico portone che si aprirà d'ora in poi sarà to my house!
... which is something but not what I want.
The most absurd thing in this situation is that I never thought of this work as living at its best, I could surely do more, and now that things are going to change but I feel the need to maintain it.
Even the heel elevator in the middle of the night or the heat of summer afternoons seem to me more so unbearable!
I must have something wrong!
I hope to know soon what will happen to my job and especially to find the right peace of mind that allows me to still be here with joy.
In the meantime I thank you and embrace all still pass here because and for the greetings you left.
A kiss.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

How To Save Firered In Vba Emulator

Relay friendship

With great pleasure I received the baton from Baton friendship Sarabella and Tweety
The rules are simple:

1) publish the logo of the relay

2) post your questions below 8

3) answer questions

4) invite other bloggers

These are the questions and answers ...

1. When asked what you wanted from small to large do you reply?

- I always hated that question, also because I had no idea what I wanted to do .... and I know so much that I do not know yet!

2. What were your favorite cartoons?

- All Disney cartoons: from Cinderella to Red Pinocchio and Toby (remember them delicious baby fox and dog?), Lady and the Tramp, 101 Dalmatians .....

3. What were your favorite games?

- I liked to draw a lot: often design clothes for the dolls and then they crochet or knitting (my grandmother at the age of six years taught me to knit!), or the finger drew the design on the cardboard and cut out, as these :

remember drawers full of stickers of paper .....

4. What was your most beautiful birthday and why?

- I honestly do not remember a single one, I must say that my mother has never been a great organizzatrice di feste di compleanno e la cosa mi è sempre dispiaciuta.
Forse per compensare questa mancanza ho sempre organizzato per le mie figlie grandi feste con amici giochi e tanti dolci.

5. Quali sono le cose che volevate assolutamente fare e che non avete ancora fatto?

- Volevo imparare a suonare la chitarra ma mio padre non me lo ha permesso: roba da "capelloni" diceva!!!!
   Volevo andare a vivere da sola ma mi sono sposata troppo presto e da allora stare sola è quasi un'utopia.
   Volevo aprire un'attività mia ma con un marito absolutely not, I figured if I could .....
I could go on with the list, but as ideas and unfulfilled desires is far too long, maybe you should let it go!

6. What was your first sporting passion and do not?

- Sports I?! Nooooo!

7. What was your first musical idol?

- The big, legendary Lucio Battisti

8. What was the best thing sought (and eventually received) Santa Claus, Baby Jesus, Saint Lucia?

- Un cane. Dopo la morte del cagnolino col quale ho condiviso la mia infanzia, avrei tanto desiderato averne un altro, ma chissà, forse S.Lucia li aveva finiti perchè per averne finalmente uno dovetti aspettare un bel po' di anni !

E dopo le risposte, ecco l'elenco delle amiche alle quali giro il testimone:

Giovanna Giogio' Art
Daniela  I bijoux di MisSmilla
Francesca Kilara creation
Cristina L'albero di Amberle
Antonella La casetta di cioccolato
Carla Le idee di Carla66
Sabrina Mani di Farfalla
Adri Michi & stones and jewels around
UAPA Rainbow 500 Rainbow
Marina as unique as you
Create Stefy is pleased
Filomena Creating Filò
Federica I bibetti
Sonia of the workshop you
I've done it!
E 'was difficult to choose where to donate the prize, not her friends if they have not bad because all deserve an award for the friendship and the joy they give me with their presence.
And now the baton to you, consult know

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hamilton Beach Microwave Model P90d23al-dj

The dance of the witches

and witches dance the dance for magicians
Make the magic filter

To frighten the dragons

Gira turns
picks up the ladle Fire cover
fire night and day
Witches fans like that.

Three piping and a snake

Four bats and a spider without a tooth
And this is the magic filter

turns turns the ladle
Pull up the lid
Fire Fire night and day
Witches fans like that.
And the empty barrels

drinking like crazy when they get drunk

end up in the ditch

turns turns the ladle
Pull up the lid
Fire fire night and day

Witches fans so.

.......... with a few tricks and lots of sweets

Monday, September 27, 2010

How To Make A Moonstone In Maplestory

Something different: The paperottole

For once, even for Do not miss the hand with a needle and thread, I packed a tiny pair of Paperottole.
What are they?
Simple, my version of beautiful and tender felt baby booties.

The daughter of a dear friend of mine is pregnant with a daughter, Anita, to surprise her so I searched the web a tutorial to help me with the measures here, then with the help of a graphics program I made labels for the box and for the composition

free and taking inspiration from the legendary Ila a true magician of shoes for children, I felt armed, felt, scissors, needle, thread and inevitable pearls and here's what came out:

The shoes, wrapped and decorated with bows
have already arrived to the future mother. I wonder if will be liked?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

When Is It Least Likely To Get Pregnant

Magia d'autunno: mistero risolto

As promised here I am to unveil the mystery of the mysterious previous post.

Magic Autumn is the start: already packed in its box is ready to reach Chiara the owner of the blog Chiara recommended that the lead in Forlì in its booth in the fair
the event that it is possible for all visitors to receive lots of useful tips and updates about their favorite hobbies and become one of the prizes giveway organized in cooperation with the agency fair.
When some time ago I contacted Clare to get clarification on how to collaborate with his blog, I was asked if I wanted to participate as a sponsor dell'inziativa and were willing to send my own creation.
I liked the idea immediately and I gladly accepted them working to propose a specially designed jewelry for the occasion: it was born Autumn Magic I hope that really bring a touch of magic to the lucky winner.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What Do I Need To Make A Moonstone In Maplestory

Magie d'autunno

We, autumn has officially arrived with its thinly veiled mornings of haze, the air bracing that with the progress of the day gets warmer until it almost becomes hot and then cool in the evening.
It 's the season of harvest and the grape juice and the smell of ....
and it is this atmosphere that I was inspired by when designing these two new series that could be called nothing but that:

Magic Fall

Necklace hard silver plated wire and beads. The leaves are in bunches of grapes and Aventurine beads Bohemia.
.... and:
Magic autumn Trilogy
In this series the colors are reversed: the beads used for the clusters are mostly clear and rely on a black wire with silver windings: the leaves are always in Aventurine.
view of the fact that nobody has ever thought to give me a Trilogy (the real one and all sbriluccicoso), I keep this Trilogy and gift me do it alone.
Magic Fall instead will start soon.
This is a surprise that given the time (they are 0.40) and that tomorrow, anzi oggi, devo alzarmi prestissimo, svelerò nel prossimo post.
Felice notte.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Phrases For A Birthday Party

Ancora uno scrigno portafedi

Un nuovo scrigno è partito alla volta della Sicilia, dove Miry, titolare di un negozio di oreficeria provvederà a consegnarlo ad una sposa d'autunno che fra qualche giorno dirà il fatidico si.
Questo nuovo scrigno, pur seguendo lo schema dei precedenti, è stato realizzato con perle più grandi, risultando così di dimensioni maggiori e quindi di maggior effetto scenico, confermandosi come valida alternativa al classico cuscino portafedi.
Lo scrigno aperto.
hooks to hang faiths. Hooks-rings when viewed from behind, make two hearts side by side.

(The pictures do not do justice to my work, these are the best I could do both and I assure you that I have done shots!)
am truly satisfied with the cooperation established between me and Miry and not hide it also proud of the fact that my articles have come to Sicily.

Miry Thanks!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Polyp In Right Nostril

Le ferie sono finite: si riparte!


Igiardinidimarzo reopen after the summer break between the passed sun and sea and given that the summer rush is giving way to autumn, I hung a life jacket on a nail ...... but nooo know how to swim, it was a joke!
... although in fact the idea of \u200b\u200ban autumn and a long winter outside does not make me laugh at all.
Patience means not to think too much I'll be done rearranging the house, developing and implementing the many projects that crowd in my head and on the sheets scattered around the house.
rispreso Yesterday I work here and nothing to laugh, in fact, been durissssssima, but a little time to get organized and be able to pick up the pace and just find the time to a small restyling of my garden e. ..... Well one thing at a time, for now I just want to tell you
thanks for continuing to walk among the flower beds and bushes of words of my thoughts, for letting me your comments and your affection that parts with joy and gratitude.
For now, hug everyone, but everyone all in early.