Friday, February 29, 2008

Calculatorpossible Combinations

PDL: THE CIRCLE OF FREEDOM 'Gricignano IN PIAZZA. What does it matter

Anche il Circolo della Libertà di Gricignano di Aversa si mobilita per le primarie sul programma del Popolo della Libertà. Ad annunciarlo è il presidente del CdL, Sebastiano Della Gatta which states - Sunday, March 2, in fact, in Piazza Municipio in Gricignano, as in all the squares in Italy, will set up a gazebo where people can say what are the priorities that the People of Liberty will face in the event of victory upcoming elections. The primaries will then dealt three cards: one at work, family and the last one on security. On each will be given five points for each of these our fellow citizens will be able to say whether they think more or less urgent, giving it a rating from 1 to 5. Below each of the three cards, then there will be a space for comments, proposals and suggestions. By participating in the primaries, then the public will have the opportunity to give their personal contribution to the definition of the program of the People of Liberty, which will be presented soon.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bilateral Renal Parenchymal Disease

the Comprehensive School with the Education Office in Gricignano?

and asked them what the executive is headed by Andrea Lettieri Giuseppe Iuliano, councilor of the opposition and a founding member of the Circle of Freedom, which states: I believe that the transformation of school G. Pasture in Comprehensive School, by combining the first two classes of primary school (elementary) and two sections of kindergarten (nursery), it was a choice out of place and totally without foundation.
It is true that the DPR 233/98 (Rules for the design of educational institutions) allows school autonomy, at the time in which it has, among other things, a school population of 500 students but, instead, the problem of school underused, involves several municipalities in the province, such as the Middle School Cesa consisting of about 320 students, many clearly less than 380 kids who attend our school, well away from the 500 students required by law, and yet the common Cesa has deliberately complicated matters, as was done for example in Gricignano, where the junta has asked Lettieri, inter alia, the Comprehensive School with the characteristics above (with resolution splicing nr. 148, 10 October 2007) as they say putting "the cart before the horse".
The result of this brilliant operation - adds IULIANO - in terms of numbers was that the school population of the school already has increased from 380 to about 440, (which I still remember the number of sub-standard imposed by law), while under the human aspect, which is what interests us most is that there are about 60 families forced to enroll their children three to five years in middle school, and among these, there are mothers who have to share, for example between a child at school F. Santagata and one at school G. Pastures while attending, badate bene, entrambi la scuola primaria. Inoltre, non vanno sottovalutati gli evidenti problemi di socializzazione a cui sarebbero esposti i bambini.
Tirando le somme - conclude il consigliere IULIANO - da questa strana vicenda a farne le spese sono sempre i cittadini che ormai, in tanti, hanno già annunciato di ritirare i propri figli dalla scuola pubblica per ovviare al disservizio subito. Altro che successo, preferirei parlare di fallimento che chiama in causa ancora una volta l’amministrazione Lettieri ed in particolare il delegato all’Istruzione al quale chiedo di prendere provvedimenti per salvare il salvabile e riqualificare la questione alla luce dei disservizi arrecati.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Herpes From Tanning Bed

cult of the new millennium: the new heresy? Happy Birthday

few years ago, for the sake of research, I imbattutto starordinario in reading a text, written by one of the greatest anthropologists of Italy, Cecilia Gatto Trocchi , entitled Spiritual Nomads.
The text speaks in broad and long in the religions of the new millennium, that flourish like mushrooms in many parts of the North America and many parts of Europe, even in Italy.
I must say that I was quite impressed with what I had learned from the book and now a new interpretation will remain more stunned and shocked.
These new forms of religion have spread since the 70s in most industrialized countries in particular in large cities. We distingurle in various groups.
The first group is of Christian origin. They refer to a fringe of Christianity. The largest group is the Jehovah's Witnesses .
The second group is the religious movements of Eastern origin that are alternatives to 'Hinduism In Buddhism in Tantrism and Japanese religions . These new religions revolve around a charismatic leader who aims to export the goods in the Western spiritual and religious values \u200b\u200bof their homeland.
The third group is the matrix of psycho-spiritualist movements that occur as having potential mental and physical development of the individual. These groups openly flaunt characteristics and miraculous healing. Finally
groups that rely on magic as the new magic occult background in esoteric movements, neo-pagans and Gnostics . Among the most important are the satanic sects.

If the first two groups mentioned above can arguably be considered normal, the latter two are of an extremely dangerous and represent a real cancer on society.
Particular attention is given to satanic cults in the past have had a huge media response. Today he speaks little but the phenomenon is quite vivid in its danger and absurdity.
The Satanic cults have as the main feature to reverse the principles of Christianity and implement practices that are exactly the opposite of the Christian masses. Thus, in the dark months, the prayers become curses and crosses are upside down.
But beyond the overthrow of Christian practices is also a sexual element extreme and perverse that aims to challenge the principles of life. The author
to which you refer is the satanic sects Geoge Bataille. Council
reading two of his works Story of the Eye and The headless to realize such perverse and horrific practices are held at these clandestine groups. addition to satanic sects must also be underlined that these movements have at their base magic as a means of knowledge alternative to rationality. One of the most popular is the nation Damanhur. This movement is based in the province of Turin and is presented as a real nation with its own chief, its own currency, a its own flag and even seven departments.
For members of the Nation, the magic is seen as science or the total sum of all knowledge. The magic should be put into practice, should be a guide to action. Take precedence, paganism and Egyptian tradition is constantly being proposed.
The striking thing is the vast economic around this in this community. It strikes the perfect marriage between magic practices and the market.

We cite dozens of other such movements but it would be too lengthy.
What matters is to understand the movements briefly mentioned have a common characteristic. They present an alternative to urban sprawl, isolation, confusion valori fondanti, alla crisi della famiglia e delle istituzioni.
Il crollo di una gerarchia organica di valori fa si che le religioni alternative offrono una reale ed affascinante via di salvezza.
Gli adepti di queste nuove forme di religione sono di varia estrazione sociale e di tutte le età. Giovani della media borghesia in primis ma anche operai e casalinghe.
Nelle grandi metropoli hanno grande trionfo la cartomanzia, l'occultismo, la medicina alternativa magico-energetico, lo spiritismo, la mania degli oroscopi. Ciò dimostra che queste nuove religioni possono tranquillamente seminare su un terreno molto fertile.
Comunque ci si muova il tema del sacro e delle religioni rappresenta tutt'oggi un tema delicatissimo e complesso.
No doubt we must reflect on the fragile foundations on which these new cults are based on the values \u200b\u200band in particular, often volatile and superficial, trying to disseminate. If this is associated with the fact that they revolve around € million then, probably, we can conclude that it is not that of empty containers that have nothing to do with religion. Their structure, their beliefs and their goals give the impression of a new heresy that increasingly threatens the foundations of traditional religions.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Community Service Hours Sheets


Gricignano is the last town in the province of Caserta, with a collection of 0%. This is the verdict of the Legambiente ranking for the year 2007.
certainly did not expect great results, but even learn to be the negative example par excellence of the whole province, leaves us amazed to say the least, especially given the fact that you created a storage site (cost about 600 000 €) that would allow the long periods of emergency, inter alia, to proceed uninterruptedly with the collection.
In truth, the storage site is served, but to the common Sant'Arpino, Cesa, and Carinaro Aversa who have spilled during the previous emergency, so much so that some of these have been ranked among the top of the list of Legambiente. One above all: Carinaro which stood at 32.9% of the collection. Yet
waste emergency has affected and still affects all municipalities in the province and only then because we were not able to activate a serious policy of waste separation?
"We were not made to live like brutes but to follow virtue and knowledge."
In other words, the citizens of Gricignano hell of waste they were bound, they are well aware that they are facing bankruptcy called the nth into question the Town Council (see the case of center-left) and especially the environment which calls for the commissioner resign, for helping to give the coup de grace to a situation waste, already perceived as shameful, repulsive and sometimes even catastrophic, never known in living memory.