Friday, June 19, 2009

How Long Does Brazilian Wax Last

IL CASO PISCINA: Cambio di guardia dell’area tecnica

Gricignano. Change of guard at the top of the Environment and Public Works of the City of Gricignano Pitocchi takes over where the engineer to engineer Domenico Gennaro Raimo. Already a leader Gricignano in the 90s at the time of administration Moretti, then passed to Aversa, Carinaro, Teversham and in several municipalities of Caserta and Naples, Pitocchi took office on Thursday morning after having been appointed by the mayor Acting Francescantonio Russo.
"We have avoided the suspension of the public works sector and the environment. After you dismiss the above technique, we have now charged the new engineer, "says Russo, whom the mayor Andrea Lettieri, for personal reasons, in this period has given the reins of the City.
But what happened with Raimi? To explain, albeit tersely, Russian is the same: "He had failed the trust between the coach and the municipal authority, therefore, after a long discussion we decided to withdraw the appointment and make a new appointment. We opted for a professional of recognized ability and experience, what is the engineer Pitocchi.
The first task for the new manager, almost certainly, will be to settle the question pool. For property located in the new sports complex street Falciano, near the citadel U.S. Navy, has already made two rounds: the first was annulled on procedural issues, the second saw assign management to a firm, the "Global Sport" , but in recent days has rejected the contract because there was no testing. The technical department at that point, he sought legal advice to determine whether to assign the contract to the company ranked second or repeat the entire procedure.

(Editing by TVNZ TV 19:06:09)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

1.6x Sensor Cleaning Kit W/sensorwand


internal disputes within the local section of the party. DEPORTATION REFERENCES ON THE HORIZON.

Gricignano. Storm in the Democratic Party of Gricignano. The issue that has divided the section is that relating to the municipal swimming pool. The intervention of the People of Freedom on the non-opening of the structure has created no small embarrassment among the party leaders, led by Secretary Attilio guide and his deputy Vincent Viglione. Many have rspresso considerations similar to those of the party "rival" and have expressed their impatience on the attitude of the municipal administration on the issue, considered the lax attitude and not very attentive to the needs and demands of citizens. The situation has become so hot that day are a succession of meetings, mostly informal, to decide the action to take against "dissidents". It is rumored in the village of measures to be taken seriously than someone who has exceeded the limits too explicitly criticizing the administration. An administration that is governed by a mayor, Andrea Lettieri, which is characteristic of PD. Rumors even speak of expulsions. Meanwhile, the tension is palpable in the country and the absence of the mayor (litter for health reasons has delegated his duties to the vice mayor) does nothing but exacerbate the problem. There is in fact who has taken advantage of his absence to raise the bar and allow behavior not in line with the local party.
(Stella Bruni, Corriere di Caserta of 17/06/2009)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Katesplay Ground Streaming


After years of delays and promises never kept, we are once again to record the 'yet another failure of this council majority center-left.
Last year the council decided that the City was not able to manage the property and has been issued a notice to transfer the management to individuals. Well, that game was canceled for reasons still not very clear.
But let's move on. They remade the game and this time he also won. Everything you say fixed? Macchèè ....!
few days ago, have expired i tempi tecnici per la presa di possesso della struttura da parte della società privata che si è aggiudicata l’appalto. In sintesi, la società, pensate un po’, avrebbe rinunciato alla gestione del complesso sportivo. Strano, sembra tutto troppo strano, per essere credibile.
Nel frattempo, l’unica certezza che si è venuta a creare in questa assurda vicenda, è la consapevolezza nei cittadini, di essere trattati da “sudditi”, ignari delle oscure manovre che si fanno nella “stanza dei bottoni”. Ma la pazienza ha un limite e quello dei nostri concittadini è stato superato da un pezzo.
A questo punto, è auspicabile un intervento delle Autorità competenti a rimarcare the boundaries of legality and shed light on what has happened and is happening around this dark affair that sees an important work, now completed for years, and that because of the carelessness of 'property of those who administer and "who knows what else yet, "is not given to the legitimate users, that is, the citizens of Gricignano.