Friday, December 12, 2008

Starting An Adult Fiim Company

Nostalgia of a TV sound

Some months ago I wrote a post about TV trash . Even in this post I want to reiterate, as then, the condemnation of the mediocrity of television today. But this time I would prefer to talk about are the amazing pictures of these beautiful video. In these brief sketches of programs can be clearly seen as the base of the TV of the past were simplicity, reliability, culture, quality and moral equilibrium. The futility and ignorance, even in the simplest trasmioni, were absent.




Still, "art" and culture (Even in a simple range) :

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Dog Ate A Singulair Pill


that this majority has demonstrated its inability, bringing the verge of insolvency AGENCY BECAUSE OF CONDUCT CLEARLY inefficient, which led to the excess of STABILITY AND attached (SEE ACQUACAMPANIA)

Gricignano di Aversa, 07.12.2008

Towards The People of Freedom '
Gricignano di Aversa

Monday, November 3, 2008

What Stores Sell Snore Guards

The First World War: from Kubrick to "our" November 4

When I hear about World War I can think of two things generally. The first are the stories of some veterans who as a child told me their experiences in the trench and the second is Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece movie of " Paths of Glory."
Kubrick's film is probably the best attempt to describe the First World War. The American position at the center of his "work" the relationship between the general and soldiers and analyzes the war as such, without mincing words or conspiracy. Kubrick's historical realism is and describes in gruesome dark and cruel thing was that war. Without so much attention to scenes of war and without recourse to banal happy ending describes the war in a realistic and exemplary, I would say unique. The life stories of the soldiers living in trenches, the fear of death, the honor of belonging to the homeland to fight for, awareness of approaching death and the hope of returning home. Anything Kubrick describes it in an exemplary manner. There the vision board.

Having said this should be a must first of all say that the First World War was the last ancient war and the first modern war. In fact, we are faced with the first modern weapons on the one hand, on the other strategies of the generals of the various armies, the terrible battles and melee famous trenches where cadeveri mingled with the soldiers and mice and hunger ate soldiers who were preparing to bloody battles. It 'just in the dark trenches that human relationships are born and die, from life and hope that it goes immediately to the death and pain. And 'here among the soldiers left the memory of a love and a desire to find him fight their battles.
E 'in this tragic context that we must remember the famous battles of Verdun and the Marne (between German and French), the battle between the Carpathian (Austrians and Russians) and the same battle of Kobarid.

Yes, because even our country, lined up against the Austro-Hungarian army, took part in operations of war. Even our soldiers lived what he describes Kubrick's masterpiece. The testimony of Delfino Borroni (in the video) the last Great War veteran, died a few days ago, is one example. E 'testimony of how stray bullets could suddenly break the dreams of a young boy. Without
remember step by step the events of the war you just remember that our army was often humiliated by the Austrian. Noted was the defeat of Kobarid, so famous from entering the common language of our country every time you want to mention a serious defeat. But after so many humiliations
our army, under the leadership of General Armando Diaz , defeated the Austrians in the Battle of Vittorio Veneto . On 4 November 1918 produced the great national unity and was so painful that the sacrifice of so many heroes had happened. This was the last act of the Italian Risorgimento . This was the last act of the long-suffering unification of Italy.

But beyond the events closely historical military has an obligation to remember that November 4th is a national holiday. All, in my opinion, should be aware that Italy was born Nov. 4 on the sacrifice of our heroes. do not understand why this holiday should not be a national day like April 25 and June 2 . Because over the years the meaning of a party and became increasingly faded? The thousands of soldiers who gave their lives for the 'Unit and freedom of our country have died from the series "b". Nor should you be afraid to talk about home and say that those heroes who fought hand to hand against the Austrian enemy then they did just for the homeland.

Il ricordo di questi eventi storici è un "nostro" dovere morale, sta nella nostra identità e non dobbiamo rinnegare le cose più belle che restano di quest'Italia.

Il mio maestro delle scuole elementari, che ricordo sempre con grande affetto come un maestro di vita, ci ha sempre fatto rispettare e ricordare questo evento. Ricordo che venivano invitati alcuni reduci in classe a narrare la propria esperienza o si andava ai monumenti per ricordare i caduti.
Spero che anche oggi nelle scuole questa festa sia ricordata in maniera seria. Eventi del genere non si possono nè dimenticare nè metter in secondo piano se vogliamo che il 4 novembre nel nostro paese non si riduca only the day of the American elections.

In the video above the direct testimony of the last veteran of World War Delfino Borroni died at 110 years October 26, 2008. In the middle of the cover to the left of the success of Stanley Kubrick's "Paths of Glory." In the lower right images of a trench at the time.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hdmi And Set Top Box To Dvr Player


certainly did not expect a thank you for it by the majority and the Mayor of here but to be accused of inciting citizens to pay taxes, represents a real distortion of the truth on which we can not remain silent.
Non abbiamo mai detto, né tanto meno ci saremmo mai sognati di invitare i cittadini a non pagare le tasse a prescindere, ma abbiamo invece ritenuto e ritengo che la sentenza della Corte Costituzionale poteva e doveva far riflettere la maggioranza circa una eventuale opposizione al pignoramento da parte di Acqua Campania, relativo alle acque di depurazione, pari a 2 milioni e 657mila euro, per il periodo dal 1992 al 2005, a seguito di verifica, finalizzata all’accertamento del collegamento della rete fognaria al depuratore e soprattutto al corretto funzionamento negli anni dello stesso. Tutto ciò, per addivenire ad un eventuale scorporo totale o parziale del debito e magari far risparmiare soldi al Comune e nello stesso tempo allontanare l’ipotesi to sell the family jewels "(the territory). The intervention of the mayor, focused instead solely on the fact that "... the sewerage Gricignano regularly download the wastewater treatment plant through the Villa Literno .." but it helps to unravel the reasonable doubts about whether or not the activity the purifier and its proper function.
In this regard, can not be considered the statements of Vice President of the Campania Regional Council reported that on 4/11/2008, among others, to the Regional Walter Ganapini environment, the consequences of almost nothing of the treatment plant operation Villa Literno which is causing a real environmental disaster of the entire coast Domitiana (see
In turn, the Regional Minister in a note dated April 30 of us spoke on the concessionaire operator revenge sewage treatment plants incorrectly or not working (vedahttp: / / / 30.04.08.pdf)
reiterate Then again, everything in the light of the facts is or is not worthy of investigation to ascertain at least the functionality of the purifier in the previous period, ie, from 1992 to 2005?
Then, noting the appeal the Mayor, I want to emphasize, if any were need, that dall'alveo behavior outside the rules, I have never belonged to the undersigned that has made and is the flagship of the rules of their existence.

Gricignano di Aversa, 27.10.2008 Sebastiano Della Gatta

Can Cats Jump Baby Gates

Lettieri: "Il Cdl istiga i cittadini a non pagare le tasse"

Gricignano. "That set out at the Circle of Freedom is pure disinformation and incitement to the public not to pay taxes."

Gricignano mayor and provincial councilor, Andrea Lettieri, refutes the contention of the national coordinator of the Circle of Freedom, Sebastiano Della Gatta, according to which the debt Campania boasted from Water on the water treatment plant may be canceled in light of recent decisions of the Constitutional Court. "The sentence to which it refers - the mayor Lettieri - encompasses the municipalities that do not benefit from treatment plants and sewerage Gricignano regularly download the wastewater treatment plant through the Villa Literno.

Therefore, as the first citizen, the decision number 335 of October 10 of the Constitutional Court does not apply to the City of Gricignano. The same sentence, in fact, declares that Article. 14, paragraph 1, Law of 5 January 1994, n. 36 (provisions relating to resources idriche) e dell’art. 155, comma 1, primo periodo, del decreto legislativo 3 aprile 2006, n.152 (Norme in materia ambientale), nella parte in cui prevedono che la quota di tariffa riferita al servizio di depurazione è dovuta dagli utenti “anche nel caso in cui manchino impianti di depurazione o questi siano temporaneamente inattivi”.

“A questo punto – incalza il sindaco – attendo dal coordinatore del Circolo della Libertà un’indicazione valida per risolvere il problema del debito dell’AcquaCampania. Intanto, rivolgo allo stesso coordinatore un appello: prima di fornire ai cittadini notizie false farebbe bene a verificarle. Anche perché se i cittadini interpretassero le sue dichiarazioni as an invitation to pay the fees for waste water may incur any crimes. "

(Taken from TVNZ)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Will My Kitchenaid Mixer Work In Australia


Rather than speak of crisis destructive obstinacy at all costs to find a painless way to swallow the bullet and make all the citizens the right to build in ownership in the PEEP, suggesting the alienation of the territory as the only therapy to deal with them now clear, bankruptcy and, hence, the budget deficit. Now do not think of anything else to the point of not noticing what was happening around. The Constitutional Court ruling No. 335, Oct. 10, said unlawful rules regarding charges for water purification when there is no sewage treatment plants or drinking water. The rule applies even when plants are dormant. And they do that? Nothing, you just need to sell!
has been declared, in fact, declares that Article. 14, paragraph 1, Law of 5 January 1994, n. 36 (provisions relating to water resources) and art. 155, first paragraph, first sentence, of Legislative Decree 3 April 2006, n.152 (Environmental Regulations), the extent to which they expect the share price related to the service of sewage is caused by users' even if lacking sewage treatment plants or they are dormant. " La Corte Costituzionale parte da un presupposto semplice: poiché il canone di depurazione è un corrispettivo ad un servizio reso (e non un tributo), se non vi è il servizio, non può essere chiesto il corrispettivo.
Le conseguenze di questa sentenza sono di enorme importanza: innanzitutto, tutti quei cittadini che non abbiano fognature allacciate a impianti di depurazione (ovvero questi impianti siano temporaneamente inattivi) non devono più pagare il canone di depurazione. Ma, ancor più importante, anche le somme versate negli anni passati dovrebbero essere restituite a chi le ha ingiustamente pagate e per chi a tratti non le ha pagate, come nel caso di Gricignano, non dovrebbe a questo punto più pagarle. Partendo dal presupposto that the City of Gricignano for many years was not related to any wastewater treatment plant and that when it was, the same cleaners were inactive, as now, for example, where to warn is the same as councilor to the branch, which holds that Ganapini purifiers dirty, then why do not you ask the cancellation of the order for recovery drawn up by the Water Campania? Who should protect the citizens? But this obviously does not affect the majority or perhaps never concerned, this is unfortunately the only thing that is clear.
Gricignano di Aversa, 26.10.2008 Sebastiano Della Gatta

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Meaning Of Intertwined Black Bracelet


“Dopo la fallimentare esperienza della società mista denominata Gmc, considerata da questa maggioranza una creatura nata per essere la panacea di tutti i mali, ma che si è rivelata solo l’inizio dei mali, anche per essere balzati agli onori nella cronaca nera; dopo il bilancio fallimentare in tutti i sensi, fino all’orlo del dissesto finanziario, per sanare il quale, hanno proposto di sacrificare il territorio rinunciando alla proprietà dei suoli della Us Navy e della zona Peep; dopo l’interminabile farsa relativa alla piscina comunale; dopo la inqualificabile conduzione dei lavori di metanizzazione che ha trasformato intere zone del paese in scenari da terzo mondo; dopo la riprovevole autorizzazione per the construction of a factory highly risky for the health of citizens after the disaster on the new Comprehensive School who has literally thrown in the middle of a road many students, it's time to make the final and, indeed, the only test to measure which will be remembered that majority: return the office and go home. "

to the PDL

Monday, October 13, 2008

How To Cook Boxed Pancake Mix

Wall Street Collapse: another '29?

With this long-short post ecomomica not want to do an analysis of the great financial crisis that is spreading in the West but rather historical and economic analysis of the phenomenon in an attempt to understand whether this crisis October 2008 is comparable to that of October 1929.
Similarities and certainly there is much fear and despite fortunately, none of us, if not some of our grandparents, lived directly the crisis. But why
the crisis of '29? Why after almost eighty years the phenomenon is repeated in its severity?

The crisis of 1929

The crisis in '29 appeared in its first stage with the resounding collapse of Wall Street . For all the values \u200b\u200bof securities twenties were incredibly high and the U.S. economy was still know what someone calls "the golden age."
But in 1928 after the overflowing harvest drop the prices of agricultural products, agricultural classes are less well provided for the purchase of industrial products, which are not sold.
In the short term there is a sharp contraction of output, causing a fall of prices of the securities until then so incredibly high. Thus the large number of speculators and unprepared improvised are forced to sell before you even pay 90% of the value of the title. First, banks are trying to remedy by implementing strong buy but later are forced to liquidate their packages even weaker.
More or less this was the plot of a financial collapse that quickly made its weight felt on the economy reale di tutto il mondo.
Suicidi, fallimenti a catena. Le merci restano invendute, le banche restringono il credito e molte di esse chiudono e con esse anche tante imprese di produzione industriale. La produzione subisce una brusca contrazione; i commerci interni ed esterni si riducono; le attività edilizie si arrestano; i salari diminuiscono; crollano i prezzi dei prodotti agricoli; la disoccupazione è dilagante; in tre anni falliscono più di 5000 istituti bancari. In questa grave situazione economica campagne e città rivedono lo spettro della miseria.

Anche in Europa e in Italia la situazione precipitò abbastanza velocemente. Anche in Europa si susseguirono i crack bancari. Si iniziò nel maggio del 1931 con la viennese Creditans talt seguita, nel luglio dello stesso anno, d alla tedesca Darmstädter und Nationalbank che trascinò con sè il fallimento di altre banche e il dimezzamento della produzione nazionale e la disoccupazione di circa sei milioni di tedeschi.
Una catastrofe in piena regola che, dagli Stati Uniti ,in pochi mesi si diffuse a macchia d'olio nel resto del mondo senza esclusione di colpi, ed è il caso di dire, senza risparmiare nessuno.

Crisi 2008

L'attuale crisi finanziaria ci riporta senza dubbio alla memoria la crisi del '29 sopra descritta.
Il crollo di wall street e il fallimento di Lehman Brothers , la difficile situazione di Morgan Stanley hanno sicuramente dimostrato che la situazione è drammatica. La causa della crisi va ricondotta allo sgonfiamento della bolla immobiliare e alla crisi dei mutui subprime . Il mancato pagamento di un gran numero di rate ha fatto si che le banche si trovino di fronte ad una grossa crisi di liquidità. Tutto ciò ha già avuto effetti in tutto il mondo occidentale. In Germania traballa il colosso Hypo Real Estate. In Italia Unicredit ha dovuto, per il momento ricapitalizzare.
Naturalmente anche in questa crisi la situazione non è facile e ciò lo dimostra la rincorsa ai vari vertici mondiali che gli stati leader del mondo stanno tenendo in questi giorni. Le politiche di breve periodo devono evitare che le banche falliscono trascinando con sè i propri risparmiatori.
Se ancora non possiamo azzardare dei paragoni con la grande depressione economica degli anni trenta alcune riflessioni sono d'obbligo.
Certamente oggi viviamo in un contesto storico-politico diverso di quello dell'epoca,. Oggi regna una relativa pace tra le potenze. Va poi aggiunto che grazie anche al nuovo soggetto Europa non verranno seguite politice di tipo isolazionista come fu nel '29. Inoltre, a quanto pare, i governi si sono resi conto immediatamente della gravità della crisi intervenendo subito,senza sottovalutare nulla, come per certi versi capitò nel 1929.
Ma, detto ciò, non va dimenticato che la crisi del '29 spazzò via anche quelle deboli democraziae dando il via a totalitarismi e a regimi in gran parte d'Europa.

Dunque alcuni dubbi son o leciti: le nostre democrazie sono mature a tal punto da evitare eventi politici di quel genere in seguito ad una grande crisi economica come questa? Come reagirà questo capitalismo al crollo della finanza ritenuta un suo punto cardine? Il nostro paese come affronterà questa grave crisi? Le carenze strutturali, che in Italia sono più accentuate che altrove, As weigh? The consequences will be the same as '29?
We will see that it will be. For the time being unable to predict certain auguraci we just have a strong and common economic policy focuses on production and industry.
doing so we really do deal with the real wealth, by returning a means of transferring the financial asset, not an end. Only then, in my opinion, you can give new life to capitalism and a new ethic lest more economic disasters of the kind that can seriously affect the balance of our planet increasingly precarious.

Above the emblematic title of a British newspaper that announces the collapse of Wall Street, in the middle, a well-known image of the film "Modern Times" by Charlie Chaplin that fully embodies the crisis of '29. Below the Austrian dictator, a political consequences of the crisis of 1929.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sticky Cervical Mucus At Implanation


Once again we were right though, to be frank, we would rather be wrong in this case. The Comprehensive School celebrated both by this majority has proved a failure. We reported several times that the Institute Including about to be born in Gricignano not even remotely resembled that extended reality that includes more than 40% of Italian schools. This majority, as it turned, it acted like the worst sort of bureaucrats, just adding numbers to other numbers, forgetting that behind the figures were and are our children.
The result of this "brilliant" marketing operation was the humiliation of both the pupils of the teaching staff, doing LESSON IN DINING ROOM, in the classroom teachers and even in the wings for the lack of classrooms.
Yet seems like yesterday when the managing director of education set up a "symposium" to illustrate the adjustments that would be of interest to the former middle school, presenting the beginning of the school as an epochal event. Indeed, something extraordinary has happened and is not a deja vu, but the stark reality that is one of the worst pages in the history of our community and starring the school, as no one wanted and could imagine, catapulted to 'suddenly back in time, where they arrange to study in makeshift classrooms and premises. Luckily, from the point we find a teaching faculty at the role and moral leadership from the undisputed quality, professional and managerial, not otherwise ci restava altro da fare che chiudere la scuola per fallimento.
A questo punto, essendo esaurito ormai il tempo delle chiacchiere, invitiamo i genitori a far valere i propri diritti, costituzionalmente sanciti, con ogni mezzo consentito dalla legge e, richiamiamo L’ESECUTIVO LETTIERI ai propri doveri, per rimediare a questo triste, impresentabile monumento all’incapacità. Per esempio: mettendo a disposizione un padiglione delle ex scuole elementari (già pronto per l’uso). Per quanto ci riguarda continueremo ad essere una spina nel fianco, incalzando e sollecitando questa maggioranza, affinché tutto ciò si realizzi nel minor tempo possibile.

The People of Freedom '
Gricignano di Aversa

Thursday, September 25, 2008

British Men American Men Relationships


ball in the center and co n autumn ready, steady way, he started a TV.
Fourteen September 2008: start "Those that football" . I must say that I do not mind the drive. Sometimes funny sometimes banal, but all in all acceptable. While I am going to follow the second day of the football league I notice something disconcerting. "Those that football becomes a real promotion of the other broadcast live from Ventura" The Island of the Famous, "a hodgepodge of characters that failed and recycled superficiality of appearance and make it an art. And they are two. Ventura to both broadcasts. To her, that for all its faults has the ability to appear more capable than anyone else or other.

All full-scale, looking forward to "Men and Women," "Friends" and "Big Brother".
The extreme ignorance, perversion sentimental, but the ssacro the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof society. Stages in which the more one is more ignorant we become famous. The massacre of the total culture. Wailing easy and false sentimentality. In summary, the collapse of a system of values \u200b\u200bthat everyone credevam or indestructible. Courses are harmful to all children and adolescents. Lessons in mediocrity and decadence that attach themselves to the consciences and minds of young people as a serious disease and do not leave them more. The total destruction of the conscience. Models who teach young people the result without sacrifice.
So call these programs and their pseudo-wire.

I would not appear no matter what I would like to jump from one topic to another.
In recent days I follow with great attention and no wonder italiote the controversy about the school. Master single , pedagogical models, teachers angry with the government. I dare not make judgments here, but only express my doubts. How important is composed as if the school then the children are back home intoxicated from a tv increasingly focused on models Beautiful? Again: that the future will have a child if, once home to confrontorsi and follow the "Friends" De Filippi or "You've Got Mail"?
These programs tend to break down the good things in our society has been spreading like the plague, abstract and superficial values \u200b\u200band raping the normal daily and social welfare.
L'Italia è, in teoria, un paese libero e la censura non è possibile, almeno per questo tipo di trasmissioni. Visto che purtroppo questo tipo di tv non è censurabile allora vietatela ai bambini.!!!
Non abbiate paura di vietare loro qualcosa. Vietate loro questa pornografia lecita che produce ad essi danni irreparabili.
Investire s ul futuro dei giovani non significa solo regalare e permettere. Significa anche negare, vietare, dialogare e insegnare. Un genitore può fare più di qualsiasi bravo maestro e a mio parere ha l'obbligo di insegnare ai figli che queste trasmissioni sono dannose e non hanno senso di esistere proprio perchè sono un insulto alla cultura.
us be alert and prepared to boycott this type of television if we want our society is a bit better and have no basis to their appearance and superficiality. A healthy society is built starting from these little things and as a small gesture to change the channel in the presence of these destructions public would be a great lesson for young people.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hallee Hirsh Wallpaper


The City of Gricignano in recent days has authorized the construction of a factory for the treatment of industrial waste and by-products derived from animal slaughter (bones, intestines etc.). .
If this were to result in a new nightmare as what the people already living Atella agro (and also gricignanesi cycle), because due to the stifling air fetid fumes, released by the company that operates in Orta Atella , coincidentally the same specific area, it would result in irreparable harm, namely:

One wonders, but the community leaders where they live?
It is possible that most of them, albeit informally, said he knew nothing about it?
It is possible that the municipality has no control over their territory?
Well, who decides on behalf of the citizens, if they are not administrators do?
is invited the Mayor and Councillor for the environment and in particular to report on the issue, providing the first details and possible risks to the public.
AN – CDL - F.I.)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Beautiful Agony Female

Italy and Libya finally friends on holiday

Everything has an end. A love ends, it ends a war, a peace ends, it ends a friendship. Also ends what we have never thought would end the long and troubled enmity between Italy and Libya.
It ends with an agreement that provides for a refund of $ 5 billion to be paid in twenty years and with the apt and symbolic return of the Venus of Cyrene found in Libya in 1913 and taken to Italy in those years. Italy apologizes for colonial age and the massacres carried out by the figure cited above tries to compensate for the ravages of the colonial period to end a dispute that seemed infinite.
A bit of history

In 1911 during the war against Turkey, Italy occupies the Tripolitania and Cyrenaica . It was one of the first actions of colonialism pursued by the then Prime Minister Giolitti. Since then Libya will remain under Italian occupation until 1943 and during this period will be numerous deportations, killings and devastation made by Italy. In 1951 the
to Libya became independent in 1969 and took power in a coup of Colonel or Ghe DDAF . The feeling of hatred towards Italy, the colonel moved to the subjects, it is immediate and to assist you in '70 'of 20,000 Italians expelled from Libya in which they also seized all the goods. Colonel alternative behavior to behavior that Italian anti reaching out to our country but will never cease to repeat that Italy has a compensation to Libya for the horrors committed during the colonial period. Were very good relations with Giulio A ndreotti and under his government there were good trade agreements with Libya's Colonel. The total
frost arrives April 15, 1986 when Colonel launches two Scud missiles at Lampedusa. At first you think of a direct attack on our country but then later become clear that the attack was aimed at an American base.
Since then, more low than high until the terrible day that followed the famous T-shirt presented by Calderoli, in 2002, which caused even the Italian embassy assault causing 11 deaths.

The agreement

The agreement these days that Berlusconi made an agreement with Libya by old flavors that reminds us of some of those signed with the country governments Colonel Andreotti. It is baptized as an agreement of friendship and Libya are also committed to eliminating anti Italian day, replacing it with the day of friendship with Italy.
But what gets our country in return for the Venus of Cyrene to Libya and 5 billion dollars to be paid in twenty years?
The fact that the agreement is made on the eve of the Brussels summit on Georgia says it all and catapult our country into a front-line role in international relations.
There are several fronts on which our Prime Minister has decided in signing this agreement.

  • First of all the energy issue. The agreement, in fact, also provides, for the next twenty years, contracts for the supply of oil and gas from Libya to Italy. Not to mention that 5 billion will be paid mainly for construction of a highway that would connect the Pharaonic Egyptian and Tunisian borders as well as the construction of hundreds of homes. In such a context, the Italian companies will surely prevail. The second point
  • rigurda illegal immigration. Do not forget that most illegal immigrants come from the sea Libya. A joint patrol of Libyan coast could be a large bank with the fleets of immigrants each day they venture into the hands of slave traders.
  • Thirdly, the short visit to Tripoli by Mr Berlusconi has served to meet Putin also Ivanov's deputy. The tense situation between the U.S. and Russia is a big problem for Berlusconi, who has always based its foreign policy Putin-Bush axis. The meeting in Libya with the Prime Minister Ivanov will appear in a Bruxelless with a clearer view on the Russian position. Italy will certainly not anti-Russian positions will not take as anti-American positions. Situation is not easy but it puts our country at the heart of the crisis in relations US-Russia-Europe.
So a deal that will go down in history and that can only bring benefits to our country from all points of view. Our delicate energy situation and the difficult and uncertain situation in the Caucasus is necessary to establish relations with countries that are full of energy.
A final consideration is a must do. We must not forget all those Italians who were expelled from Libya in the '70s and to which all goods were confiscated by the Libyan state. We hope that for them sooner or later there is a fair compensation. Top

the handshake that sealed the agreement between Colonel Gaddafi and Berlusconi left
Amidst the beautiful Venus Cyrene

Saturday, August 2, 2008

How To Unlock Last Two Headphones In Dj Hero


I wish happy holidays to all and have fun.

See you soon.

In the photo site in the splendid Castello Aragonese village Le Castella - Crotone

Monday, July 28, 2008

Rent Freightliner Sprinter Van


Lo scorso 26 giugno 2008 la maggioranza guidata dal Sindaco Andrea Lettieri, con una delibera di giunta, ha approvato l’indirizzo politico circa la trasformazione del diritto di superficie in diritto di proprietà nella zona P.E.E.P., con il precipuo scopo di ripianare i debiti del comune corrispondenti a circa 730mila euro.
Ad intervenire sulla questione è il presidente del Circolo della Libertà Sebastiano Della Gatta che dichiara: per capire la portata dell’intervento, non si può non considerare l’annosa issue that led to the decision to expropriate some 800 thousand square meters of agricultural land to produce, inter alia, U.S. NAVY citadel through the system of public housing, how that still leaves us puzzled as to its legitimacy.
Part of that land expropriated by the notorious Gricignano consortium was awarded later with the formula for the transfer of surface rights, to cooperate in the construction of 1200 houses under the affordable housing and popular.
It is true that the areas are born with PEEP in order to satisfy a demand for housing and in particular, to encourage poor families, young couples and at the same time moderation in sales prices and rentals, but the fact is that an operation of this magnitude can not find any justification in a situation where the relationship which our house / family and about 2 to 1 and where a settlement of its kind to be upset not only the urban structure but also the social fabric, creating a city within a city at a glance.

therefore clear that the sacrifice of our owners / farmers, who have been expropriated their property taken in exchange for alms, it did not help to meet the needs of first home of their fellow citizens, with the transformation of the surface rights in property law , is once again the specter of speculation that would make il piano PEEP una farsa e soprattutto una ulteriore possibilità di arricchimento per pochi.

Ritornando all’aspetto puramente economico dell’operazione, mi sento di dire all’Amministrazione Comunale che mi sembra abbastanza avventata e soprattutto sproporzionata la scelta di ripianare un debito di bilancio di circa 730 mila euro, svendendo un pezzo di città che vale almeno quaranta volte tanto, soprattutto in assenza di un vero e proprio scopo amministrativo.
È scontato che tali scelte, giuste o sbagliate che siano, rientrano a pieno titolo nell’azione di governo della maggioranza, ma ritengo, essendo la questione di rilevante importanza, auspicabile un momento di confronto con il coinvolgimento dei cittadini and parties and local associations.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Zoofiliazoofilia Zoofilia


Old Town and the island is not there. But it is so difficult to implement the pedestrian Gricignano?
This solution has been for some time to almost all the historic centers of cities small, medium or large. The main advantage is the fact that the air is less polluted and the noise floor is lower because of the lack of traffic.
For these reasons more and more cities have adopted policies aimed exclusively to the increase in pedestrian areas, making it quiet and comfortable walking. A Gricignano however, although there are all conditions (alternate routes, car parks, etc..) in order to implement the pedestrian zone, the majority, in sharp contrast with what is happening now everywhere, proves indifferent and, above all, idle since the issue falls between the 'Another, in its administrative program.
Just listen to the common feeling, to realize that there is a need, at least on holidays, to take a stroll to the city center, maybe with their children, on foot or by bike without having to make a gymkhana, including the carousel of cars and motorbikes or attend the tangle of sheets, represented by parked vehicles that provide the framework for a city center, already arid and cemented itself that has erected an emblem, a square that looks like a great exhibition of porphyry, rather than the place has always been considered the epicenter of social life in a community without a green and worthy of any ornament of the name.
addition, the establishment of the pedestrian, to encourage more children who would, if nothing else, a touch of color and possibly heat, a square has always been considered the exclusive domain of the "elite" of the policy ( Lords of Piantelle) that could at least for a day, present symbolically, "the keys to the city."
Therefore, "cara" municipal administration, come on and try to make better the degree of livability of our town.


to The People of Freedom '

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Canon Hf10 Battery Wont Charge

INCROCIO Or Russian Roulette?

Urge immediate action to protect the safety of motorists and put an end to what looks more like a "Russian roulette" that an intersection.
We are talking about the intersection that leads up to Piazza Municipio Corso Umberto I.
Well, it will be for the lack of visibility or perhaps because of the stop sign placed evil rather than for any other reason but the fact is that not a day goes by without having to register, purtroppo, un sinistro o per i più fortunati una scampata collisione.
Riteniamo che un numero così alto di incidenti, fanno pensare ad una oggettiva pericolosità di quell’incrocio, dove parte delle responsabilità sono da ricondurre, evidentemente, alla segnaletica stradale e/o ai sensi di marcia.
Difatti, nel caso di specie, l’automobilista proveniente da via Aversa che transita da piazza Municipio, per immettersi in Umberto I°, a causa della poca visibilità, dovuta alla presenza della casa comunale, deve sporgersi quel tanto in più, quanto basta, per trovarsi di colpo, al centro dell’incrocio ed essere attinto, inevitabilmente, da chi proviene da via S. Antonio Abate.
It happened really anyone to be in that situation, including any administrator, and then expects you to act?
You could, for example, make a one-way stretch that goes from the church towards Via S. Antonio Abate and the same force coming down in that way, to make sense of rotation of the square. This may be a solution, but the fact remains that any device and / or modification should be made as soon as possible because at stake is the safety of road users, ie, of all citizens.
Therefore, we believe that further delay would pose a particularly serious breach and therefore, invite the Town Council to address and solve the problem as fast as it deserves.


to The People of Freedom '

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Imagenes Lorena Herrera

TAXATION: THE "IAP" continues to amaze

After the heavy tax of 5.88 € imposed on remittance advice (Tarsu and Aqueduct), in the form of notification of rights, for which, in recent days, we delivered alderman to the branch, legal advice and extensive case law regarding its illegality, the concessionaire "IPA Srl" was responsible for tax collection in the town of Gricignano di Aversa, continues to amaze us.
In these days, in fact, a large number of our fellow citizens, have seen a notification letter when it alleged, the complaint regarding the failure the fee for municipal solid waste, with an attached model for the detection of buildings in the form of certified report.
While understanding the subject of the request, however just and legitimate, with the institution failed to comply with the public, it is not clear, however, the function of the attached document that instead of representing a form questionnaire (in which the city provides the required data unilaterally endorsing it) is a true statement, complete with a "signature of the investigation," the "date of assessment" and signed by the city "for acceptance."
We believe that the institution is well aware della procedura relativa all’istituto giuridico dell’ accertamento, così come non disconosce il fatto che per la redazione del “verbale” è prevista la figura del Pubblico Ufficiale che presso l’abitazione del cittadino, in contraddittorio tra le parti, effettua la rilevazione. Sembrerebbe che non ci troviamo di fronte a quest’ultima fattispecie e quindi, riteniamo che trattasi di un vero e proprio errore formale che non solleva però, la “I.A.P.” e quindi l’amministrazione comunale, dagli obblighi circa la chiarezza e la trasparenza degli atti prodotti dalla pubblica amministrazione, così come peraltro, contemplato nello statuto dei diritti del contribuente.
Pertanto, invitiamo the Tax Office and for it the "IPA" to correct the request, even if legitimate, and clarify the position of concerned citizens who are confused about to what happened.


to The People of Freedom '

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jelly Bracelets Love Meanings


Still disruptions related to the work being performed in a methane in Gricignano. This time the protest is to raise residents via Casolla, echoing to residents in areas previously affected by the works of methane.
On this occasion, to convey the discontent of citizens is Joseph Colella, resident via Casolla, now retired but for years, used in its construction industry, said: honestly not even in the 60's I attended a performance of works, most outrageous of this, pursue the goals of the guidelines are not followed by both the point of view of safety of its citizens than that of proper performance by art. The company carrying out, has every incentive to speed up the work, but this is no license regardless of the rules, however strict in terms of security and not legitimate to treat nationals of Gricignano as inhabitants of the Third World.
Is it possible - adds COLELLA - we are forced to tighten the tax to avoid di essere invasi letteralmente dalla polvere, senza calcolare l’insopportabile rumore presente in tutte le ore. Uscire di casa poi, è diventata un’impresa ardua, se ti va bene e non caschi o inciampi nello scavo ricavato per l’innesto della tubazione, aperto o coperto di solo terreno, (ovviamente non isolato da transenne) non riesci di certo a scampare al pietrisco lasciato sul fondo stradale piuttosto che all’impervia coltre di polvere che in particolar modo nelle persone anziane, determina un ulteriore problema per la respirazione che si associa al già insopportabile caldo torrido di questi giorni.
C’è da dire che il sottoscritto ha interessato immediatamente l’amministrazione comunale, ricevendo rassicurazioni circa un intervento immediato che ponesse rimedio alla problematica. Ma come al solito si sono rivelate “promesse da marinaio”. D’altra parte la questione - chiosa COLELLA - è stata reiteratamente evidenziata anche dal Circolo della Libertà e dalle altre forze politiche del PDL, ma purtroppo per noi, l’amministrazione comunale e l’assessore ai lavori pubblici hanno fatto “orecchie da mercanti”, disinteressandosi completamente delle istanze dei cittadini e soprassedendo colpevolmente ad uno squallore che non fa onore a nessuno, iniziando proprio dal primo cittadino.

Giuseppe COLELLA
Via casolla - Gricignano di Aversa (CE)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What's New For The Alpha Black

The honesty of a sample called Marco Van Basten

few years ago, the great Marco Van Basten we had used a unique feats. One of the most powerful strikers of all time, three times Golden Ball, with a career cut short by an ankle injury, had always gladdened our hearts with the football prowess in leading the class.
Ma stasera il grande Marco e la sua Olanda hanno dato una lezione di onestà all'Europa intera. Battendo per dua a zero la Roman ia hanno permesso alla nostra nazionale di passare ai quarti di finali degli europei. Infatti, mentre l'Olanda di Van Basten, già qualificata, si imponeva sulla Romania , la nazionale di Mr Donadoni batteva la Francia con lo stesso risultato. Complimenti Olanda, complimenti Italia ma soprattutto complimenti a te, grande Marco Van Basten. La tua eleganza e la tua serietà hanno fatto ancora una volta la differenza.
Comunque vada, grazie.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I Want To Play Some Gay Games

Gricignano: THE ZONE

They have grown in recent years the phenomena associated with crime, particularly theft and robbery.
There is a shortage in the control of the territory of non-EU and the activities they manage.
There is a process of normalization of the crime phenomenon that has produced a dual effect: less reliance on such information and resignation.

E 'now known that the upsurge in petty crime phenomenon is also due in part to the growing number of non-irregular in Gricignano in recent times, they seem to have found a real "free zone", like a small republic banana "where you can make each other's cabbage own.
If the mayor feels he can not do anything to stem the problem, proving tacit consent, but we think it is its duty, within its competence, to take on the demands of the citizens in terms of safety, for example:

-implementing the database broken down by ethnic groups, as promised during the election campaign;
-requiring an 'intensification of territorial control, with the strengthening of staff of the new police station;
-establishing, in consultation with his colleagues, shifts between the various commands associated with supervision of the municipal police of the Union of Municipalities "ATELLA", as provided, inter alia, Regulation of the local police;
-checking the businesses operated by immigrants, starting with the verification of the premises and the intended commercial use.
-raising public awareness as to the Bossi-Fini law and the changes that have introduced the confiscation of property for those who favor the persistence of non-illegal in the State, for example, by making the houses for rent;
With these tools, if implemented You can start creating the conditions for reaching a security pact in which everyone: institutions, law enforcement, local authorities, economic groups and citizens, can find an atmosphere of cooperation and trust.

(F.I. – A.N. – CDL)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Pinewood Block Dimensions


L’arroganza sciorinata dal consigliere comunale Luigi Diretto, delegato alla pubblica istruzione, durante l’ultima seduta consiliare, in ordine alla questione Istituto Comprensivo, gli ha prodotto un unico risultato: una laurea in fiction, per aver saputo stravolgere la realtà e non solo………………….
We believe that certain positions, such as public education, should be filled by politicians who have an adequate cultural background and are able to reconcile at the same time, efficiency and effectiveness to achieve the objectives in this case, correspond to regional planning in virtues of educational needs. Those same requirements, neglected by direct delegation, which was seen as "visionary" to literally not care of the obvious problems of socialization in which they were exposed to 60 children, on secondment to what might be called, pseudo Comprehensive School.
In other words, our school can not afford representation policy, which shall presume to be able to do "school and after school to other government" (The words spoken by direct delegation, during the City Council of 16.04.2008) and at the same time, in a burst of affected solemnity, associate Supreme Poet (Dante Alighieri) the phrase "to posterity will judge," by turning in their graves, and horrified by Alessandro Manzoni present.
therefore humbly suggest, the education director Louis Directed by profession who sells books, since he Gricignano monopolist in the provision of text to the user of the primary and secondary schools, (this issue that will deepen in the future to better characterize its position dominant in the field) to browse someone from time to time.
Regarding the other hand, the Comprehensive School, we are of one mind and that is that about a third of secondary schools in the province, have undersized and situations none, warned the "catastrophe" as the forward-looking, smart, Board of Directors who has set up, with 60 sacrificial lambs, a medley that has the courage to define Comprehensive School.
For these reasons, from now on, we will have education as the only reference to the mayor, pending withdrawals that the delegation, unwisely, to Luigi Direct Adviser to assign it to an assessor that is equal to del ruolo.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

How Long Does A Charley Horse Last

For brevity called Artist

Poor policy, little love, so much life and art center. Strange but true. We are far from the most recent G De Regoria always close to politics and always elegant and perfect in sound and lyrics. This is far from a perfect album.
Born during its theatrical tour the record reflects both the context in which it was born. Musically, the pieces seem almost improvised, without a thread, messy yet beautiful.
Bizarre round but the sounds in the lyrics. The singer says that he feels the same now that they are more pieces to be played in small clubs in stadiums or arenas. Spare musicalmenti living, sparkling and at the same time light. Outstanding work if you think that the entire project was completed in a month and while the " Prince" was around the theaters in Italy with his band.
As for poetry texts once again copyright, true poetry. But the tone is different. Less controversial than usual, less specifically political themes near De Gregori is a poetry that is more rational, because it is poetry. As always deep and sharp to the right point. Almost
returns De Gregori sealed, to Rimmel to speak.
But there is one thing in common with all previous work: the courage.
The courage to call upon God to " Every day of rain Dio manda in terra ", una canzone che parla di vita vera dove si nota l'immancabile stile dylaniano in cui l'armanica decora straordinariamente l'intero pezzo.
Il coraggio di dichiarare che il '68 è un fallimento nelle sue radici fino a rinnegarlo. "Ci sono posti dove sono stato, posti dove non tornare.....certe stanche stanze...dove discutono di architettura e democrazia.....Dove il Piave Mormorava...E la sinistra era paralizzata e la destra lavorava". Queste strofe sono di " Celebrazione " una vera e propria perla di saggezza, di poesia e di musica leggera. Un testo che in quanto a coraggio ricorda senz'altro il suo " Cuoco di Salo " in cui il cantautore senza mezzi termini ricordava che anche i morti della Republic of Salò, are remembered and respected. "The wrong people die ....... olds eaten in the spring."

But it is a De Gregori always very careful to describe the beautiful as social Broken windows or the equally beautiful " human flesh for breakfast " "there's a light in the sky Gurd you're right where there was once a world but now no longer exists, but there really is over and somehow, it is almost nothing left except the echo of a radiation.
In the text written by his brother Luigi Grechi , " L'angelo di Lyon ," fa capolino anche l'amore mentre il De Gregori classico c'è nei pezzi " L'imperfetto " e " L'infinito ".

Questo è un disco che lui definisce una sorta di autobiografia fantastica. Strano sentire un De Gregori ironico sulla sua persona fino a paragonarsi ad "un ubriaco sulle scale che quando cade sa cadere o non si fa vedere". Strano sentirlo ricordare che è lui l'autore che dava la buonanotte ai fiori e calcolava i cani. Strano il titolo " Per brevità chiamato artista ", come recitava il suo primo contratto discografico.
Ma nell volontà dell'autore c'è in realtà il desiderio di mettere al centro art. The art as true art. De Gregori in this work that screams songwriters are artists, to save the national heritage and should be treated as such and not as mere pieces of waste selvage on the market. De Gregori

short time and does not disappoint even his poetry shines even stronger on this record. Even this work is successful because it was already at first listen it clearly shows the entire contents sound, practical and poetic.
The sign that this is an album successful is the lack of consideration that are having the first radio single "For brevity called Artist", as stated by the singer in Rome. But in radio today are to govern the idiocies and poetry is taken into account.
would be too much to ask on the radio today to convey a little more musical culture, which would probably be poorly understood even by very young people increasingly shackled by appearances and less attentive to the great authors that "For the sake of brevity are called artists."

Top cover of the disc De Gregori "Artist For brevity called"
In the video, the wonderful "Celebration" and "Pieces" eponymous CD (2005)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Eczema Itching At Night

Federalism in Italy, why not? Germany and Austria to follow examples

In short stays during the year that I do in Germany and Austria I found myself in front of in situations that border on perfection, in which the citizens of these were distinguished by the rules to the letter touching sometimes the exaggeration.
I think a careful look is given to the form of federal state that, after the Nazi dictatorship , these people have found a remedy to the old centralized state.
A true federalism, which in my view could work well in our country that has often fought the centrality of the state only with slogans and proclamations, but in reality still maintains generating cronyism and corruption.

I Lander Germans have their own autonomy and enhance its full local traditions. They daily living in a fair and positive competition resulting in a federal system that fully respects national unity.
A bit like individual streams that make their own path but eventually flow into the sea every unit. All self-employed but when he plays the German national anthem all attention, North and South Lander

I have a real local parliaments, a chairman of the board and real ministers.
Nationally, the states are represented in the Bundesrat , a House of German Parliament consists of 69 members directly elected by the people. They are the representatives of the Lander.
The Constitution regional and regional laws can not be absolutely contrary to the Constitution center.
The central state remains firmly Foreign Affairs, part of the tax law, currency and monetary sector, air traffic, customs and the military.
While the regions have full autonomy to universities, culture and schools, police, municipal law, the tax law, almost all internal administration.

The German constitution gives wide-ranging in all traditions and all regions.
also expressly provides that the rich regions should help those poorest.
This is based on the periodic systems of redistribution of resources and control procedures "serious" to regions that have received aid.
fact, the end of the German Constitution is to make a consistent living conditions of individual territories.
Even from the standpoint of tax in Germany is full autonomy as the most taxes end up in the coffers of the Lander. Each region pays taxes for himself and especially keep yourself up everything that belongs to it.

In Italy we discuss so much about federalism and last election, which saw a great success of the Lega Nord brought the issue to the fore.
What is urgent is to say that a system similar to Germany could also be applied in our country.
It 'just that each region has more autonomy.
analyzing the situation well, with the birth of the regions, our country had already embarked on the federal road but too soon the local governments were such only on paper.
I believe that a federal system in Italy is mainly not to disperse RESPONSIBILITY and that, as often happens, not comprende bene se siano di Comuni, Province, Regione o Stato.
Un primo passo deve essere l'abolizione delle province a favore di comuni più forti e regioni più autonome.

Federalismo non significa secessione , come troppo spesso i mezzi di comunicazione vogliono fare apparire chissà per quale motivo. Federalismo significa che ogni regione abbia le proprie responsabilità politiche e fiscali nella salvaguardia dell'unità nazionale.

Non condivido la paura di alcuni che pensano alla catastrofe meridionale nel caso di federalismo.
Sono convinto anzi che ciò potrebbe rappresentare una grossa oppurtinità per the extraordinary land of South Italy.
Because of greater autonomy it would only benefit the North? I do not see a single reason to justify such a thesis.

conclude with an episode that made me think so.
Some time ago at the referendum on devolution, I witnessed a rather curious fact.
In Calabria, politicians from all sides, which until recently were first challenged in every way just to take power, suddenly found themselves with a common view of support: the anti-federalism.
I wonder why corrupt politicians and collusion, some of which are now in prison, supported the common slogan dell'antifederalismo?
Certainly not to defend the ideal of national unity.