Friday, March 11, 2011

Famous Stars And Straps Birthday Cake

Gorizia - wanted to give a lecture and he did kill her husband, wife sentenced

His wife hired a pair Italo-Albanian, but the dispute degenerated
Inpdap and the director was killed with six stab wounds

October 18, 2008

GORIZIA March 11, 2011 - The Court of Cassation upheld the sentences handed down today in the second degree with two of the protagonists of the murder of Eriberto Lorenzetti, Director of INPDAP Gorizia, 63 years at the time, killed on October 15, 2008 with six strokes of the knife at her home in Turriff (Gorizia). Giuliana De Nigris, 63, wife of Lorenzetti, and Rosa Rambetti, Fati Rexepi Albanian partner, author of the crime, were arrested by the mobile teams of Gorizia and Trieste for the crime of murder in the competition for which must now serve in prison the sentences provided in, respectively, to four years, 11 months and 9 days in jail and five years, four months and nine days in jail.
Lorenzetti was found dead in his home in Turriff by his wife on his return home. After the first indagini, il quadro nel quale era maturato l'omicidio divenne chiaro e le due donne e l'albanese Rexepi (da allora in carcere) vennero arrestati. La donna - pittrice e insegnante alle scuole medie di Pieris (Gorizia) - esasperata dai comportamenti burberi del marito aveva ingaggiato la coppia Rexepi-Rambetti «per dare una lezione al coniuge». L'irruzione nell'abitazione si trasformò subito in dramma per la reazione violenta e decisa di Lorenzetti. La zuffa degenerò e il direttore dell'Inpdap cadde colpito da sei coltellate.
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