Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Edinburgh: Woman kills her three children by stabbing

Donna uccide i suoi tre figli a coltellate

Roma - Un’altra vicenda legata a motivi di separazione. Una donna nata in California Theresa Riggi, 47 anni, ha ucciso i suoi tre figli, due gemellini di otto anni e la sorellina più piccola di cinque. E’ successo ad Edimburgo. Dopo un’esplosione di gas in un appartamento found the bodies of children with several stab wounds in various parts of the body. What seemed an accident caused by gas leak, it reveals a gruesome murder. The origin of what is the history of separation of spouses. The woman was terrified that the children were removed because, in a last phone call with her husband, who had revealed its intention to take the children, the woman's reply was cold and stark: "In their farewell ". One warning, the woman then put in place with the deaths of three children. The woman will be processed in the next 26 April.

link to the news
http://www.quotidianoitalia.it/index.php/component/content/article/1-prima-pagina/14041-donna-uccide-i-suoi-tre-figli-a- stabbing


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